Open Glittery Love and Fun

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Molly Burke

irish ☘️ | bubbly 🫧 | 61' grad 🎓
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Straight 14 Inch Sturdy Alder Wand with Fairy Wing Core
20 (04/2043)
Molly was excited about the Valentine's Dance. Even though she hadn't had a partner to go with, she thought that this was an opportunity she couldn't miss. When the Hufflepuff entered the Great Hall, she gasped in amazement as well as clapped and giggled a little. She thought that the decorations were so pretty! However, Molly wasn't sure what she should do for the event while she was there for the night. So she decided to make her way to the food table, as she may or may not have grabbed a handful of baked goods...
Felix was a little shocked as he arrived at the great hall and saw that it was packed with flowers and decorations. He hadn't dressed up much for the dance and was regretting it a bit now that he saw how nice everything was set up. But he was quickly distracted by the food. Felix tried to keep any eye out for his brother or Leo but didn't stop now that his heart was set on checking out the sweets. He spotted a girl from his year who he was pretty sure was named Molly and stood beside her. "Do you think we can sneak some of this to our rooms for later?" he whispered conspiratorially and started to fill up a plate.
Molly looked up when she saw that someone stood beside her. Her mouth filled with cupcakes, her eyes wide and some frosting and crumbs around her mouth. She noticed that it was someone from her year and house. "I think so," Molly says, her mouth muffled with the food inside her mouth, which had made it unclear on what she had said. She quickly chewed her food up. "Sorry about that" Molly says sheepishly. Her mum had always told her it was a bit rude of her to talk with her mouth full. "I think so if you can go full ninja stealth mode and take them without being noticed," Molly says, as she moved her hands and body like a ninja. Once she composed herself, she grabbed another baked good from the table. "Your Felix right? You have the pet frog. Your frog's cute. Where is your partner in crime tonight?" Molly says with a small smile and giggle, as she referred to the frog. She had seen her classmate have his pet frog with him almost everywhere.
Felix started to think of all the ways he might try and sneak food into their door with Molly's encouragement. He laughed at her ninja moves and shook his head. "No I think ninja moves are more like this." he said and put his plate down to wave his arms around and stand one one leg. He smiled again when she remembered his name. "Yep!" he said brightly. "I do. His name is Clive and I thought about bringing him." he admitted. He had also considered bringing him to the ball but he didn't think dances or parties were good places for frogs. It wasn't like frogs knew what they were celebrating. But if people wanted to see him maybe he would have to bring him around more.
Molly giggled a little at Felix's movements of a ninja. "I think you're right. Those look more like ninja moves" Molly says with a smile, as she then gives a go on trying to copy his ninja moves, but fails miserably. The Hufflepuff smiled gently as the boy spoke about his frog. "Clive's a good name. Oh, I'm sure he would've had an amazing time. What's Clive like? I would love to meet him one day. Could you imagine if people brought their own pets to these events? That would be fun" Molly says with a giggle. She didn't have a pet of her own, though she had noticed that people at school had one, and she thought maybe it wouldn't hurt to get one. Molly looked around her, making sure no one was around. "Now, how exactly would we sneak these treats back to the dorms," Molly says with a mischievous smile and a small giggle.
Felix eyes widened as Molly tried to copy his moves but couldn't quite do it. He reached out to try and keep her from falling but she seemed to be fine. "Clive is funny. He's got a lot of personality, you know considering he's a frog." Felix said seriously. But he was immediately fascinated by the idea of a "bring your pets dance". "That would be so fun!" he said excitedly. "I'd love to see a cat try and dance, or even an owl!" he said with a laugh as he tried to figure out how you would dance with a bird. He considered her question and shrugged when he really couldn't think of anything good. "I guess pockets? But that seems too obvious and it might all get smushed when you walk up the stairs."
Molly smiled as Felix had spoken about his pet frog. "He seems like a great friend to have. I wish I had a pet" Molly says with a nod and a smile. She had begged her parents for her to have a pet, but they had thought she wasn't responsible enough yet to have one, whatever that means. "Right?! Or like rats playing musical instruments like a band or something," Molly says with a small giggle, as she was trying to think of different animals and pets at a school event. She thought that would be fun. It should be something that Hogwarts should do one day. Molly agreed with Felix's statement about putting the food in their pockets. "Yeah, I was thinking that. I don't think the good would be great after it's been all over the place in the pockets. Surely there's a spell of some kind where you can make it invisible or transport it back to the dorms without being noticed" Molly says, thinking of all the possible possibilities of how to take some of all this yummy food back.
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