Glitter of Knowledge

Adalyn Jez

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Adalyn walked the long halls of Durmstrang Institute for magic alone. She didn't have many friends, and neither did she want alot. Her bandmates seemed to be enough for her at the moment, though she did have a strange flash of a boy, older then her but not by much, flash in her mind everyonce in awhile she ignored it. He intrigued her but obviously didn't want her company and so she didn't want his. He had similar blue eyes to her, but was tough guy all closed off. And while at first she had liked him for that trait she knew being closed off herself that they'd never go very far. Between them neither would talk and so no conversation could really flow, she had already tried to talk with him once before but his books seemed more important to him. No, Adalyn wouldn't care about the boy anylonger, she would just push him from her mind instead.

Heading down the hall she realized how crowded it was, she was used to taken the lesser used passages. It meant having to go farther but being alone was something she enjoyed. Looking up from the floor she got a flash of blue which made her heart jump, though she wouldn't mention it to anyone. She already has dealt with unrequited lust this year and didn't want to go down that track again. Focusing on the blue she found it was a younger boy simiar in hair color and eye color to the guy that was on her mind but it wasn't him and she was glad for it.
The long hallways of Durmstrang, were generally a fairly busy place. Despite his height, and build the durmstrang boy always managed to be able to walk the corridors, without many issues. He would be able to avoid bumping into people and was fairly good at just avoid things in general. He kept his eyes up but didn't make eye contact with the people around him. However it wasn't exactly like he wasn't looking for someone. It was odd for him, since meeting the girl, Adalyn. She'd been somewhat on his mind. Not really as someone he would want to meet again, but more as someone who he'd want to at least see. He was sure the whole meeting had not been a part of his imagination, but the school work was driving his stress levels sky high and he didn't think it past his mind to pull something of that sort. He in his mind, knew she'd been there and that it had happened. The situation had just been completely odd. They'd sat in relative silence, and she'd seemingly gotten annoyed at him, when he'd not answered her. When, he'd just gone back to doing his work. he could hardly blame her, if he was honest with himself. He was well aware that he was not the easiest person to get along with and someone who just intentionally didn't speak, wasn't someone whom it was easy to get along with. It was hard, and the durmstrang boy knew that. He made it that way, so that people would stop trying to speak to him, trying to get all the information out of him. Become his friends, because no matter how hard they tried he just would not talk. The girl however, unlike most had actually stayed in his mind. He thought that maybe he had done the wrong thing, that causing to just leave had in fact been the wrong decision. He didn't see how she would be different from the others in his life. He didn't see how he would be able to tell if she would leave or not. Everything, was just weird. All that had completely made sense did not quite make sense any more. Usually, the conversation would've happened, or lack of, and the girl or boy would leave and forever be out of his mind. He just did not bother with the people, but with her he'd almost felt bad. He felt that he maybe should not have pushed her away so much and not thanked her for trying to help him. His ways were so inbuilt he hardly bothered to try to figure out if they were actually right. If they were the way things were meant to be. Grae, noticed the blonde girl looking at some younger boy. She looked relieved while looking at the younger boy, and Grae was curious about this. However this was not what he was looking for on that day. "Adalyn." The german accent of the boy sounded as he called to her. He hoped she wouldn't just walk away, or ignore him. But, he wasn't sure what else to say after her name. If she walked away he would not have to worry about that. If she didn't, well, he was coming up with something to say there and then.​
Adalyn decided to move on from the younger boy, she couldn't just stand there all day and except something to happen. Nothing good comes from waiting for something and now Adalyn needed to do something to get her mind off of certain things. Prehaps work out her newest song maybe for once write it in English, after all her knowledge of it has been getting better of the past few weeks. Though prehaps it was because there was a certain blue eyed boy she refused herself to think about, and his speaking of a language she could barely understand with an accent which just made it even worse. But she wanted to understand him, she wanted to know why he was so dark and deep like herself. Her reasoning most likely would turn out to be worse then his in the end but she wouldn't ever be able to tell anyone. She's already griefed her lost all last year, now it was onto acceptance. The loss of her squib brother, who happened to be her twin was hard. She seemed to be the only one who actually cared but deep down Maxxie cared but he was trying to had his feminie side and stay strong but tear stains on pillow cases were hard to hide, especially if one was like Adalyn and wore so much makeup.

As she began to continue her journry down the hallway a voice cried out her name. She froze the accent undeniably familar. Half turning Adalyn looked up from the ground and saw the one guy she couldn't get from her mind him and his stupid accent. Her eyes traced over him quicly a few times to make sense of it and see if he really was there. Adalyn wasn't sure if she could bring herself to say his name, afterall the last time they spoke he had made it clear work came first and friends were no where. Facing the older boy her arms crossed over her front and she looked up into his eyes her body lanugage asking him 'What?'. Her mind was already coming up with lyrics for her song, things like this always seem to inspire her and she suddenly wished she had her notebook and a muggle writing utensil they took less time to worry about then quills and ink did. One of her hands dropped her her side and slipped into her bag for her minture notebook.

"You don't want me, no,
you don't need me.
Like I want you, oh,
Like I need you.

And I.."
Adalyn's hand froze suddenly remembering she was in the hall, and the person who inspired her words was directly infront of her. She hadn't said a word out loud it was all down on paper but the young girl felt vulnerable then. As if he could enter her world and figure her out right then if wanted too. Alois would have taken the chance, but Adalyn already pushed him so far away not wanting it.

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