Giving Away Characters

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Dannii Merrythought

Falmouth Falcons Coach | Lion Animagus | In Love
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Pure Blood
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Seeing Somebody
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Straight 13.5" Sturdy Mahogany Wand with Boomslang Venom Core
38 (11/11/2011)
Well I have a few characters that I had really awesome ideas for but never really got around to them. I always feel bad when I neglect my characters so I'm giving a few away.

Arial Molotov: Basically this girls life has been complete crap. From the moment she stepped foot in school she was bullied for really no reason and this has caused her to have an eating disorder and severe depression.

Ashton Rook: Well this kid is your average Ravenclaw, not much else really. His family does have a history of insanity down the male line so if you want to role with that that would be awesome.

Emmett Martin: Emmett is a complete sports nut. He loves all sports, muggle and wizard. He has currently dropped out of HNZ though because his baby sister has cancer. There are no plots for him.

Klaus Dove: Klaus is a part veela boy with a muggle politician for a father. He has been raised to act perfectly in public and not do anything to upset his fathers reputation. He can play piano and harp. His family is currently in hiding because of a scandal his father was part of.(What it is is up to you)

If you're interested in any of these guys PM and I'll give you the password ^_^
I want the Klaus d00d.

Like nao tanks. :wub:
Thank-you :hug:
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