Closed Give me a chance

Atlas James-Cade

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
18 (08/2042)
Atlas' exam results from the previous year had been less than ideal, she had been so focused on Quidditch that she had barely prepared for the end-of-year exams and while some had gone reasonably okay, Transfiguration had been a disaster. Luckily for her, the professor who had taught her was no longer around so she decided to take a shot at the new professor and convince him to let her take his class in her final year. She made her way to the professor's office and firmly knocked on his door. She knew nothing about the man but she was hoping she'd be able to get her way, after all, who would say no to her?
Bertie was rather enjoying having his own office space. Of course, he had his own office at the back of the shop, but over the years it had become more of a storage room for all the trinkets he couldn't fit out front, and these days it was difficult to reach the writing desk without breaking half a dozen jars and being bitten by a particularly feisty book. He was just about to see what his new cushions would look like in navy blue when there was a knock at the door. Of course, there was always a downside. Bertie opened it, looking warily at his visitor. "Yes?"
Atlas looked up at Professor Brigham as he opened the door and she smiled at the older man. "Professor, I wanted to welcome you to Hogwarts, may I?" She nodded to indicate a desire to step inside the office. Ultimately she could ask the question at the door but it would be easier to convince him if he couldn't just shut the door in her face.
"Really?" said Bertie. Was this customary? "Is it just you? Where's the rest of the welcome committee?"
Atlas laughed and walked into the professor's office. "Well, there was something else I wanted to talk to you about while I'm here, I just needed an excuse to get myself in the door,"
Bertie didn't recall inviting the girl in, but he supposed he couldn't turn her away without good reason. "There's a surprise," he said, returning to the bookshelf he'd been organising before he got distracted with the cushions. "Go on then, out with it. Quickly. As you can see, I am in the middle of unpacking."
The new Transfiguration professor seemed a little weird, Atlas couldn't put her finger on why she thought that there was just something off about him. "I'll cut to the chase, flunked last year's exam but I was hoping you'd still let me take the class this year, I know it won't be easy given my grade, but I'm willing to put in the work,"
The first person to actually welcome Bertie to Hogwarts was going to wonder why he didn't trust them. "I see," he said, slotting a book into its rightful place. Then he frowned; removed the book; opened it; read the entire first paragraph; remembered he was talking to the girl; snapped it shut and put it down on his desk. "And you think you'll do better this year, do you? Think you'll suddenly get the hang of it because you read a few books? Can't say you've convinced me. Still, determination beats talent any day. Why not? See you on Monday. Don't be late."

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