Girly Friend

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Robert Kain

father 🎉 live for the experiences
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
It's Complicated
Sexual Orientation
Curly 9 Inch Sturdy Cedar Wand with Mermaid Scale Core
9/2009 (52)
Ok, lets get straight to the point... Phoebe gave me this account, and told me he was flirty. Sooo.. I am now having him look for a girlfriend. I am not particularily good at RP'ing boys, be warned, you may have to bear with me :)

A younger girl would be nice xD (even a first year. -Wink wink!-)
Well i have Alexia smith if you want to try with her. She is a fourth year Gryffindor so they may know each other. Alexia is very pretty and very bubbly. She loves to make friends and loves to be around people to talk to. She isnt much into her work at the moment and is having a bit of family problems so may seem a little down but she tries to hide it.

If thats not cool with you then i have a 17 year old Laura Sherwood who he can date. She is very girly and loves nothing more than to spend her time with boys. She is very loyal although her actions may suggest otherwise. As i dont know her character too well thats all i can say on her really.

Just say if you want to try it with one :)
I have Kenzington here, who may work well for you. She wouldnt be a final or anything, but she could give you practice with the whole dating/flirting thing lol. She's somewhat of a tomboy, and she's fun, but she's a trouble maker. I've wanted her to get involved with an older guy too, so it would work out perfect for me.
She gave you robert?! xD You lucky thing.
I have...
Helene Vanetta - Slytherin - Second Year
Sakura Hiroto - Ravenclaw - Second Year
Rosemary Wilburn - Home-schooled

I might have another, not sure.

I can tell you a little about them, if you like, but I always think it fun to find that out through RP. :)

I almost offered up Sophie Kain! xD =))

Oh, key fact; Robert and Larissa once dated but she broke up with him. In fact, I think they dated twice and they kissed in their fourth year while he had a girlfriend. (*le gasp*)
Laura - Hmm... I was looking for the younger type, but thank you for offering :D

Amy - Sure, if you start a RP and PM it to me I'll join :)

Beth - What's Helena like? Sum her up in one word ^_^
Larissa Sedgwick said:
Oh, key fact; Robert and Larissa once dated but she broke up with him. In fact, I think they dated twice and they kissed in their fourth year while he had a girlfriend. (*le gasp*)

We a thread in the common room.BTW,Robert and Rhi dated in their third year and shortly in their fourth year..Rhi is the girlfriend Larissa meant..

Pheeb set up this thread..You might want to continue..Let say it took place in their fifth year..
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