Girl talk prehaps?

Liberty Kaelen

history tutor; grandmother; class of 2028
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Holly Wand 11" Essence of Phoenix Feather
8/2010 (52)
Libby had moved school yet again. She'd only been back at Hogwarts for three months after leaving Durmstrang, but this time it was her own decision. In her position, she new this would be the more responsible choice, and she would be able to spend more time with her family, even if it did mean her career was being jepodized.
She didn't know anyone else at Beauxbatons, although had a clue that when one of her old friends left Hogwarts, he had come here. Libby had been suprized at Beauxbatons. She'd heard about it from Leah, a family friend, who was in exactly the same position as she is just a couple of years ago. She'd also heard about the students here from the Triwizard tornament. Looking round the school, it reminded her of something out of a fairytale book. She felt just as she did at the start of joining Durmstrang. So out of place and wanting to find the people she knew.
Alana sighed. Being back at Beauxbatons was good, she didn't deny it, but being in sixth year, in school, whilst her boyfriend was in secenth year and NOT in Beauxbatons. Infact he wasn't even in Durmstrang, he was at Hogwarts in New Zealand. Sure she visits him there alot, but only on his school beaks. Other then that all she could do was write him letters. So here she was in Beauxbatons, with all her friends having left as they were older then her. One of them died, one left to have a baby, adn the other, she didn't even know where Amore' had gone. She sighed again. She seriously did need to get her mind off of things and get out more.

Alana stopped suddenly as she saw a girl she had never seen before. She looked almost lost. Like she had just transferred or something, which Alana supposed could be correct, though not necessarily, as this was a big school, it could simply be that she just hadn't noticed her before. Seeing as she was usually in a classroom or in her dorm. She shrugged and walked up to her slowly. "Hey, are...are you ok?" She asked softly, trying not to frighten her by suddenly just appearing.

OOCOut of Character:
Sorry for the late reply :doh:

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