Ginormous Family, ne?

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Artemis Tuuri

Well-Known Member
Hullo everyone!​
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The Blackmoore-Yearlings are a large enough family indeed, but they are alone in the world! ^^ What I'm looking for is for them to be connected to existing characters (or perhaps even an existing family) by way of uncle's, aunt's, cousins etc. etc.
Anyone interested?
You can create charries if you so choose, having no-one suitable (I'm not fussed). It would be perfectly awesome for someone to be their Artemis' great grandmother (the pureblood goblin relative).

Anyway, if your character needs relatives of their own (or simply want to be connected to the Blackmoore-Yearlings) please do post here. I'd be ever so much obliged ^^
Hadan Blake and his little sister Savana [play by someone else] could be cousins to Art? Though I don't use him much, he's one of my minor character, but if your interested let me know >)
Aubrey and her family could be related, though I'm not entirely sure how? Maybe One of her Uncles is married to one of your Aunts? Or we could figure something else out, like their grandmothers were sisters or something like that. If you follow the link in my siggy you can read all about her family.
I have the Cameron family, they can be related to you if you want. Kevin could be her dad's cousin?

It's Kevin, his son Teddy and his new wife Stacy. Plus his daughter that no-one knows is his yet.
All of these are quite welcome, and any family can choose to be relatives however they please.

Take a look at Art's bio and see her parents and siblings and decide how you want to be related.
(E.g. "I want so-and-so-'s mother to be sisters with Artemis' mother, therefore making them cousins). Then drop me a pm with the suggestions and I'll fit everyone into the family tree ^^

How does that sound?
I offer you any of my characters (except my muggle-borns, because somehow I don't think that would work) and am rather tempted to create the great-grandmother for you. :shifty:
:woot: :hug:

As I said, choose anyone you like, have a squizzy at the bio and choose a relation. I'm not fussy and I'd like their tree to be massive ^^

(Dude, the great-grandmother would be SO awesome if you did! :frantics: )
Yes! We should totally do that, Kelsey! Like.. Yeah! :D
First off, I believe that this might need admin approval because it is a serious family change for other characters (example: Patricia Rogers had to be approved by the admins about Styx being her father, and Cassandra Nott for Arnost being her father).
Second, if it doesn't need admin approval, then you will have to worry about those members related to those with Part-Goblin blood, and characters will have to apply to be part-goblin in the first place. Might want to specify which relatives that those can be related to, and how so, and they would have to be fully human.

Just a heads up.
Arty, me dear!
Have any uncles?
Want one? A crazy insane one with one daughter who has just started at hogwarts.
And I mean Paternal uncle otherwise as Kaitlyn stated I would need to apply for goblin blood.
I don't see why it would need admin approval for anything else o_O
hmm, Well, Aubrey's mother, Cosette, could be Gregory Yearling Sr.'s older half sister. They would have the same father, making Aubrey and her sisters Arts cousins.
Kaitlyn (and Beth): Aye, the details about part-goblin blood won't be too hard for me to work out. Artemis is specifically a throw-back from three generations ago, so anyone else on her father's side will have even less of a chance of goblin blood. Anyone on her mother's side would have about the same chance as Artemis (which, considering she has five other siblings without it, is a fair indication of how sparse it it through the extended family). It should be fine. Everything else I'll managed, too.

Aubrey: That's a good idea. Half cousins all around! =)) If you have a Baptiste family tree of suchlike, that would be awesome. I'd love to slot everyone in. However if that were so, their kids names ought to be Yearling, too. :erm: Unless they took on their mother's name?

Beth (again): Uncles? Fabulous xD Crazy uncles? Meep... :erm: Sure! -giggle-

Just throwing it out there, the Blackmoore-Yearling's need Grand-Parents! All these kiddies gotta come from somewhere! At least, if they're going to be having all these kiddies then there's gotta be a source! I'll deal with the great-grandparents xD
Shotgun Fathers side. :r
You talking to me? Cause I could make one. .-. All depends on how I need to do it.
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