Gideon Dawning

Gideon Dawning

None Yet
Full Name:
Gideon Harrison Dawning
Birth Date:
May 10th, 2010
Current Age:
Just turned 11.
Basic Appearance:
Long, curly, black hair that spirals down past his neck. He has a thin face, and a thin body as well. Not overly tall for his age and not too overly muscular, he is just an average boy. He hair green eyes, the color of pure jade, thin lines under his eyes from staying up reading to late.

Father: He doesn't know. His father left his mother when he was born, and she never told him his father's identity.
Mother: Ariel Margaret Dawning
Siblings, if any: One older brother, who he has not spoken to, or seen for that matter, in years.

Pets, if any:
An Australian Sheperd named Niko, and a French Brittany named Lainey.
Area of Residence: Sunshine Coast, Australia.

Blood status:
Mixed blood. Possibly pure if he could identify his father.

What would their Patronus be?
His would be the form of his dog, only slightly larger.
What would their Boggart be?
His boggart would be to see his mother's face, when his brother left them, again.
What would their Animagus form be? (If they ever were to become one)
His animagus would most likely be the same as his Patronus, since it is his favorite animal.
What would your character see if he/she looked in the Mirror of Erised?
He would see his mother, his father, his brother, and himself, all united together as one family.
What memory could they use to create a Patronus?
The day his mother told him that he was a Wizard, because it made a rush of feelings flow in, and it was the most joyous moment of his young life.

Imagine that your character keeps a diary or journal. Write a page that could possibly be found in it:
Dear Journal,

Well I have gotten my letter of acceptance. Mother said I should have expected it. She said I was of mixed blood, possibly pure, and I would be a great Wizard. I didn't really believe her. I never cause so much as to charm anything. But I really want to go. I want to learn magic and how to make things appear and disappear and all that. But I want to use magic, to find my brother, and make him pay, for leaving us, and then father too. Well no, that's not really what I want. I just want us to be together again.
Welcome to the site, Gideon! It's always awesome to see new students. :) I hope you enjoy your stay here.

I have a few questions:

Is Gideon's mother a pure blood? (Just to remind purebloods need approval.)

Why did his brother leave the family? How old was he when he left?

Do Gideon and his brother have the same father?

What house would Gideon like to get into? (Or, if he doesn't know about the houses, which house do you think he is best suited for?)

Would Gideon have reason to believe that he wasn't a wizard? Did he fear he was going to be a squib? If so, why?
Ok to answer those:

1. She says she is, BUT he thinks she may be a half blood. Most likely she is and most likely his father was too.

2. His brother left after getting into an argument with his mother, he just stormed out. Gideon was 5 1/2, and his big brother was his hero, and that's why he basically hates him now because he betrayed them like his dad.

3. Yes they do, but his father left after Gideon was born. Neither his mom or brother told him who his father was, just that they had the same father.

4. He believes he wants to be in Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff.

5. He just didn't think he should have been, because he's kind of small and not overly intelligent, just an average kid.

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