Open Ghoulishly Good Time

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Felix Carnahan

circus performer🔥middle child🔥'61 grad
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Curly 9 Inch Swishy Oak Wand with Boomslang Venom Core
04/2043 (20)
Felix loved any excuse to wear a costume so of course he loved Halloween. He had heard how crazy some people's costumes could be and he nearly raced to the great hall for the feast and take it all in. And he was not disappointed as he watched an older girl float by as if she was some kind of ghost. He knew it had to be charmed or something but he couldn't help but be blown away. His next stop was the snack table but he only got two cupcakes in before he spotted the bobbing for apple's set up and headed over. Felix hadn't but too much effort into a costume this year and settled for a rubber mask his dad had packed in his trunk as an attempt to scare him. It had made jump when he found it but it was coming in handy now, even if it was currently bunched under his arm as he dunked his head into the water. Bobbing for apples was proving to be deceptively hard but he wasn't about to give up yet.
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Maisie loved Halloween. It was one of her favorite times of the year. She loved the costumes, the candy, the party. She skipped through the hall a while, loving the swooshing of her dress. Eventually, she ended up by the bobbing the apples, watching as a boy had his head in the water. She hoped it went well. She waited until he emerged again and clapped for him, smiling brightly.
Finn got dressed, a little begrudgingly, for the Halloween feast. He found dressing up a bit weird, and felt a bit uncomfortable in the creepy clown costume he'd unearthed from the bottom of his trunk. But hey, his mother had been adamant this was one of the best feasts of the year, and even though he wasn't crazy about costumes, Finn did enjoy food. Adjusting the ruff around his neck, he left the boys dormitory and headed down to the Great Hall. Other students were running around in a variety of costumes, which ranged from quite funny to downright terrifying. Finn wasn't looking forward to making conversation, but the smell of roast chicken pulled him into the hall "Woah" he muttered, much as he had wanted to the first time he'd walked into this hall. It was decked out in decorations, with games and activities all around the hall. He grabbed some chicken, bread and piece of pie and took a few quick bites, looking around for someone he knew.

A few splashes and giggles made him look around to close by, where a couple of people he recognised from classes were at the apple bobbing station. He moved over to them, swallowing a large bite of chicken "Who's winning, you or the apple?" he said to the boy, when he came up for air. Finn was a little surprised at his own boldness at making a joke with someone he hardly knew- it must be the costume, making him feel less like himself.
Felix was really starting to feel the burn in his lungs ad he tried to hold his breath for just a bit longer. But eventually some water went up his nose after a particularly vigorous dive and he came up for air and shook his head a few times to make sure all the water was gone. It took him a second more to realize he had found himself a small audience. "So far the apples, but I'm not giving up yet." he said with a laugh. It sounded like a joke his dad would make and he appreciated it. "Woah cool costumes." he said as he really looked at them. The girls dress seemed extra impressive compared to his mask. "Did you guys want to try?" he asked, suddenly feeling a little bad for hogging it.
Finn stepped back slightly as the other boy came up for air, spraying water all over him and the girl. Finn gave a small chuckle at the boy‘s reply and eyed the barrel of apples. He hadn’t worn full clown makeup, partly because he felt too embarrassed and half because he didn’t know how to put it on, but now realised it would serve him well for this game “Yeah sure” he replied, stepping up to the barrel. Finn held his breathe, and plunged his head into the barrel. Apples bobbed around him and he tried to take a bite of the nearest one but it bobbed out of his reach. Feeling another apple bump against his forehead he opened his mouth and tried to get hold of it but couldn’t get it. Coughing, he pulled his head out of the barrel, water dripping off the ends of his hair “I swear they’ve put a charm on those apples” he coughed out, wiping his eyes and looking at the other two. “Want to try?” he asked the girl who was also standing with them.
Maisie giggled as the first boy complimented her costume. "Thanks! It's so floofy," She twirled the dress a bit, enjoying it. She smiled as the other boy took a turn, shaking her head. "No thanks! I don't like apples," She told them, looking between them. "I'm Maisie, by the way," she introduced herself. "You're both in my class, too, right?" She asked, smiling at them.
Felix gave a mock salute before hopping out of the way to let the new boy have a go at the apples. He watched carefully as the boy went under and he even found himself holding his breath as he waited. He took a relieved breath when the boy finally came back up for air and laughed. “See! It’s harder than it looks!” Felix insisted and waited to see if the girl wanted to go and shrugged when she declined before moving back to the tub of apples, looking for another shot. “Felix. And yeah I think so.” he introduced and tried to remember if he had seen Maisie around before. He probably had but he didn't have the best memory for faces. “Nice to meet you.” he added quickly and gave her a quick bow, since it felt like it was the only thing to to do when she was wearing such a fancy dress. But a moment later he dunked his head back in the water, teeth first, hoping that would do it.
Finn shrugged when Maisie said she didn’t like apples “Fair enough“ he replied, and to be honest apples made him kinda gassy so was glad he hadn’t managed to get one. Finn nodded, he’d definitely seen both of them in classes “You’re in Gryffindor right?” he asked Maisie, sure he had seen her around wearing the same red and gold robes as him. He was starting to feel some pride when he talked about the house, the first sense of belonging he’d experienced since coming to the castle “Oh, I’m Finn” he managed to reply, right before Noah plunged his head back into the barrel. Finn smiled, the other boy was pretty funny, and saved him from having to make any further conversation.
Maisie watched the boys, smiling and laughing lightly. "Nice to meet you both!" She brushed her hair back, moving to stand on the other end of the barrel. She pushed apples towards Noah, hoping he would catch one. She smiled at Finn. "I am in Gryffindor!" She told him, pushing another apple towards Noah's head. "Do you think he'll catch one?"
Felix felt water go up his nose and came up for air just long enough before ducking back down. He was getting close now, he could just feel it. A moment later his teeth grabbed hold of one of the stems and he quickly righted himself. His face was still wet and he could feel the water dripping onto his shirt but he hardly cared. Felix raised his hands into the air and looked triumphantly towards Finn and Maisie. “I did it!” he tried to exclaim with his mouth still clamped shut to hold the apple in place. Finally he grabbed it with his hand and took a big bit of it without thinking. He looked around quickly, not sure if they were allowed to eat the apples they caught but he figured it was also a bit too late for that now.
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