Getting to know Hogwarts

Dorian Warwick

Active Member
OOC First Name
Myrtle Wand 15 1/2" Tail of Charmed Newt
The heavens were splitting the sky and the sun seemed to kiss every flower in sight with a beautiful gloss that reflected each and every colour of the rainbow perfectly. It really was magical. Having said that metaphorically before he could now say it literally, he was studying at Hogwarts and Hogwarts was literally magical in every sense of the word.

It was amazing but just, overwhelming to take in all at once. He was still so young and had so much to learn yet this wonderful new world was presenting itself to him in all its glory all at once and it was just too much to take in. He had to escape from it all, even if it was just for a little while before classes started up. He had to find his bearings and try to bring himself back down to earth.

Slytherin was his allocated house and it was great and all from what he could tell, many people from Slytherin grew up to be succsessful pioneers in their field of study but the common room was in a dungeon. No matter what fancy spin you put on that it is not that graceful. You cant take in the scenery or the landscape from a window-less dungeon. That was why he was at the great lawn.

shrugging his hoodie over his shoulders Dorian wrapped the arms in a knot around his waist and re-tied his shoe laces to smarten himself up. He did not care particularly for his apearence but he had barely met anyone yet and he didn't want to ruin his chances just because he was a mess when relaxing. He wished more than anything he could meet someone, god knows this was going to be a long year if he didn't. His farther always said he would and that he should not worry but thats easy to say when you have been there and done that. This was a whole new experience for a shy boy from Scotland. Smirking he walked down a little path and sat down on a bench that just tailed of from the path.

A young shy Scottish Boy, from Slytherin he thought. Seemed like a adequete discription. Leaning back he closed his eyes and took some deep long breaths and calmed his heart in the day heat. "Aaa-choo!" he sneezed violently knocking himself forward in the process and hurting his head. "Curse hay fever" he mumbled under his breath.
Spring was coming to New Zealand, it was still winter however the winter here was never as bad as it was back home. She did miss northern US summer, but she had enjoyed being in this new country for the summer with her two older siblings. Heading out to the grounds she decided she wanted to look around. She had on a longer shirt with a cropped jacket on top and a pair of skinny jeans. All were pieces that once belonged to her sister, though she didn't mind none of them had a stain on them from when her sister was her age and Indiana hoped to keep the clothes just as clean.

Walking around she over heard someone sneeze and looked around from where she stoood on the path to see who it came from. It seemed to have come from a boy, a Slytherin. Now Indiana did not have a problem with Slytherins in fact the one friend she made before school had been sorted into the house at the Sorting Ceremony. She had been watching the boy to see what house he would get into and was dissappointed when it was Slytherin. Later on in the ceremony she almost thought of asking to be in the same house but she knew that she'd rather be in the same house as her sister. "Are you alright? You're not sick are you?" She asked the boy standing back aways in case he was. She had overheard him saying someone about fever, it was the only word she had caught of what he said.
Dorian had just opened his eyes from sneezing and heard a voice speaking to him, blinking his eyes and giving them a quick rub he looked round and seen the girl. She looked like she was around his age however he had not seen her around the dungeons before so he could only assume she was not from Slytherin. He had been wrong about these things before though, sometimes. She seemed kind, not many people bother to ask if your okay after sneezing so he put a smile on his face and replied. "No, no, Im not." He stood up and walked over to her so he could say hello. "Thanks for asking anyway, its just hay fever. Allergic to pollen in the flowers you see." Dorian put out his hand in a gesture to shake hers. "Not seen you around here before, we must have not met. Im Dorian, nice to meet you."

It took him a bit more courage than normal to say hi, he wasn't good with strangers but she seemed nice and he had to start somewhere, he couldn't be a coward all his life. Just keep smiling, Oh and try not sneeze in her face you fool he thought.
Once she saw the boy's face she realized he was young like her. Most likely a first year too, maybe a second year. He stood up and got rid of her fears of him being sick and so far from the Hospital Wing. She had been worried about if he was sick how she'd get him up to the castle and then all the way to Hospital Wing by herself. "Well that's good," she answered him. She looked down at his hand as he introduced himself, wondering if he had sneezed into it earlier. Smiling she shook his hand back, still thinking abour how weird it was to actually shake people's hands. "Indiana," she replied back with her own name. In her mind she wodnered why it was that some people would tell you their full first and last name and others would just saw their first. The first boy she had met in town she had become more of friends with before she even thought to introduce herself, she had only used her first name. Then in the common room on the first morning she met Tybalt Archer, he introduced himself to her as that. It was strange how people presented themshelves to others. Though she did wonder when she'd see her first friend again. The book hunt in the store seemed like such a long time ago.
Dorian shook her hand and nodded when she spoke and told him her name. "Cool". Now where did he go from here? He never got this far with people, ehm. It was a bit awkward. He supposed it would be best just to start a conversation and see where it went. "So, what brings you to Hogwarts and all it's magical marvellousness?" he said as he gestured towards the castle in the background. " And perhaps more important than that, what house do you belong to?" he smirked a bit. There seemed to be quite a strong rivalry between Slytherin and Gryffindor, if she was a lion then perhaps he would have a friendly competitor when it came to the house cup. He may be shy, that doesn't mean he wasn't competitive.

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