Getting some fresh air

"I wasn't able to take the exams. I was a-asi- I mean yeah sick. " Maddiie studder trying to hide her curse. She looked away as Link and Pez left.
"Aww.. that sucks. Well are you feeling better now?" Blake asked Maddiie, wondering if her stammering was just coincindental.
"Well actually not really I will have to be home a bit early, I'll have a bit time to go to the ball, but not for long."
"Aw? Why?" Blake asked Maddiie wondering why she would be leaving so soon. "I'm not looking forward to going home. Aparently, my mother wants to introduce me to an old friend. The sad thing is, I had no idea she even had friends."
"Well my mother tends to get a bit worried, It wont be so bad going home, she seems like she wants you there."
"Yeah, now she does," Blake replied, choosing not to go into detail. "So do you live here in New Zealand?"
"No London, a far away from home but I love it."
"Yes I know, Are you okay Blake you seem a bit distracted." Maddiie made it obvious.
"Is it that Pez thingy or?"
"Pez? Nah..." Blake replied, pausing a little to regain his stamina. "I'm just nervous about going home with Lily. Not sure how my mother will take me having a girlfriend."

((oopps typo))
"What do you mean, you think she wont accept her. Lily great don't worry about that."
"Of course Lily is great. I just mean that my mother might not take me having a girlfriend, in general, as a good thing. She's old fashioned you see," Blake explained.
"Oh I see, well I cant tell you much, my mom the same way but she a bit less strict than that, that why I love her so much." Maddiie smiled all warm an inside.
"Yeah, oh well," Blake said, fumbling with his fingers.
"Good luck with the visit hope you have fun." Maddiie started walking towards the Lake.
"Alright, bye..." Blake watched as Maddiie headed off towards the lake. Standing on the snow covered lawn, Blake let his thoughts settle over him again.
"Bye Blake" Maddiie called back.

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