Getting some fresh air

Blake Zepline

Well-Known Member
Bloodwood Wand 15 1/4" Essence of Phoenix Ash
Blake stumbled onto the lawn, basking in cold but comforting fresh air. Slipping the hood of his cloak over his head, he kicked around the mounds of snow as he trampled over the white lawn.
Pez walked to the lawn and saw Blake.
"Hey!"Pez said. she walked over to him. she decided that she should go ahead and tell him about Link.
Maddiie had saw Pez and Blake by the lawn. Still a bit limpited by her accident she decided to see how Pez doing.

"Hey you guys, hey Pez are you doing okay.?"
"That good to hear well I'll be around and about."
"Hey guys," Blake said to the both of them. He was glad to see his friends. "Exams were crazy huh?"
"Oh..." Blake said, taken fully by surprise. "Well, that's great! I'm happy for you. When are you going to intoduce me to him?"
Link was told to meet Pez at the Lawn. As soon as he saw her, he gave her a big kiss on her nice lips, not noticing friends over standing by. "Oh sorry, didn't see you there."
"Name Link".
"What's that supposed to mean?" Blake said, feeling rather insulted by Pez's comment.
Just then a boy walked over and kissed Pez, feeing rather embarrased for being around to see the two kissing, Blake shrunk and averted his gaze from Pez.
"So you must be Pez's boyfriend? Nice to meet you too. Name's Blake," he said extending his hand for the boy to shake.

((gah i'm sooo slow with threads. sorry, i'm doing random stuff for my mum so please excuse the posts where i miss out some stuff :p
i'll catch up when i realise where i missed out))
"Ha I know you would like that one." Ignoring her friends comment.
(( =)) no!! i was refering to her first comment! when Pez said she was affraid to intro the two in case Blake blew off at Link!! lol ))
"Ugh, I don't care if he kisses you. He's your boyfriend, you two can do what you like. I was simply asking what you meant by you were affraid to introduce me to your boyfriend in case I blew off at him," Blake replied, rubbing the side of his head as a perplexed look spread across his face.

((i edited my other post :D ))
Maddiie had notice Link from the night before. Muggle hater was all he was.
"So how you been Blake." Ignoring the couples.
Blake chuckled to himself, "Well it's great meeting you Link."
"I've been good. Just glad that exams are over!" Blake said excitedly. "You?"

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