Getting outside

Kiera Kaster

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
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12" Ash wand with tail of unicorn hair core
Kiera walked through Brightstone with a smile on her face. All in all she was a lucky girl. She had a semi-great family unless she believed the runes, then she had a great family. Kiera had a wonderful boyfriend that she was crazy about. She even was feeling good about her upcoming gymnastics competition.

Kiera saw a nice shady tree that looked perfect for sitting. Kiera made her way over and sank down on the ground. It was nice to sit casually under the tree and watch the people going about their business.
Aaliyah made her way out the quidditch store. Marhi would just have to get her own wax. She wasn't risking another life.

She put her hand over her eyes as the sun shone down on her. She had no idea what to think of Yakov. Sure he was her best friend,, Elenzar had made sure to her he couldn't be anymore.

She saw another girl around her own age sitting under a tree. Sighing she wandered over. "Um hi. Look i know i;m interupted and stuff like that" she said, remembering what Danho had said about manners, "Can i sit here?" she asked, suprizing herself. She wasn't normally the sociable type.
Kiera nodded her head at girl about her age. "Yeah of course. You're not interrupting anything." she replied honestly. She gave the girl a friendly smile. Kiera liked meeting new people. "Hi, I'm Kiera." she said, extending her hand. "I don't think we have met before. Do you go to Hogwarts New Zealand?" Kiera asked. She figured the girl didn't. Kiera knew most of the people her age at school.
Aaliyah nodded, she didn't want to be rude to this girl, she seemed nice, but she wasn't used to the manners. "I'm Aaliyah. And no, i'm not from around here. I go to durmstrang. Fifth year" she said, waiting for the usual comment, which she had already backed up with a comment if she tried anything.
Kiera grinned as the girl said she was from Durmstrang. "Oh really? My older brother graduated from there last year. He was the Durmstrang champion in the Triwizard tournament. How do you like it there?" Kiera asked with a bright smile.
Aaliyah nodded when she recognised who she was on about. "Yeah," she replied quietly. "It's alright i suppose. I wouldn't go to school at all if i had the choice, but it's kind of fun anyway. You're from Hogwarts yeah?" she asked.
Kiera wondered why the girl didn't want to go to school. Kiera had been home schooled until she came to Hogwarts. She loved actually getting to be at school with people. Kiera nodded her head. "Yeah I go to Hogwarts New Zealand. I'm in Gryffindor there." she replied.
Aaliyah nodded. She didn't know or care what Griffindor was, a house probably, but she went along with it. "I have another friend, back home, and i mean i live with my friends.." she began, realizing how complicated her life actually was, "anyway, my friend and i are the only two magical, so if i could id stay at home with the rest of my friends."
"What? I mean i live with them in the holidays. I go to durmstrang in school time in bulgaria. But at the moment me and my friends are over here, because for us its the holidays, living with the muggle who live in new zealand." she said, hinking she had told herself it was complicated..
Kiera shook her head. "Oh I must have misunderstood. I thought you said you wished you could just stay at home with your friends. I thought you meant instead of school. My bad." she apologized after trying to correct her mistake.

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