Open Getting Into The Study Groove (Fourth Years Study Session)

Marley Owens-Lee

5th 🦡 puff co-captain 🧹 artistic 🎨 energetic 💫
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Knotted 14 Inch Sturdy Maple Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
15 (05/2048)
It had been a few weeks into the second semester of the school year, and Marley knew that these classes were getting more and more serious as the lessons went on. But she knew she would have to work harder during her OWLs next year, and knew that maybe it would be a good idea to get a head of things. Marley placed a few posters around the school about a fourth year study session in the Student Lounge. The lounge seemed like it was a quieter place and it had seemed that there weren't many people around the room, which Marley thought would be great. The Hufflepuff came a little early to prepare, she made sure to bring some materials she thought would be useful for the studying like extra textbooks just incase people need them as well as some snacks that would hopefully get them by. Marley hoped that a few fourth years would show up but she didn't mind if they didn't. She began opening one of her textbooks and started to study as she waited for people to arrive.

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A couple of weeks into the term and Teddy felt the weight of his homework piling up at an alarming rate. Balancing all the classes, Quidditch practices, and running the Brotherhood kept the Gryffindor as busy as he had been last semester, if not more so. He knew he needed to carve out some dedicated time for homework, so he headed to the Student Lounge, motivated by Marley's fourth year study posters. Marley had organised these sessions before, and Teddy always tried to attend whenever he could. “Hey, Marley! I saw your study session poster,” he said as he entered, walking over to where she was and rested his bag on the table before pulling out a chair for himself. “What are you working on?” He asked as he got himself settled to study with her.
Audrey didn't see the point in studying with others - really, it would only just be distracting, and likely a pain to deal with those who just didn't get things that were obvious - but she did have a certain curiosity as to what the rest of her year level was doing. For some unknown and ungodly reason, though, she thought she'd be subtle about it. Audrey was, of course, as subtle as a brick. Wrapping her scarf around her neck and mouth, with a pair of sunglasses on, she shuffled into the student lounge and peered over at Marley and Teddy. She opened her copy of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them to a random page and started reading. Which, she found, was quite difficult to do with sunglasses on, but she was committed to this bit at this point and had to stick with it.
Callie was always eager to study with others, and to make time for her friends as she studied. She reached the library where the session was being held, with her various books under her arm, ready to just get started. When she arrived she spotted Marley, Teddy and Audrey, all the exact people she did expect to find at this. "hey," she greeted them all warmly before sitting down and taking her books, laying them out in front of her.
Vanity didn't like studying, nor did she really care about her grades. But she still thought it was smart to go to the study session, mostly so she could see if there was any interesting gossip and more importantly, to see if she could copy anyone's notes. She headed into the student lounge and saw the group there. Excellent, a bunch of htem were nerds she could try to copy off. She smiled at Callie as she arrived, as a Hufflepuff Vanity figured she was swayed most easily But as she sat down, she glanced over at Audrey. She blinked. "Why do you look like that?" She asked her loudly.

@Audrey Beauchamp
Marley was about to get started on reading one of her textbooks, she looked up when she noticed someone had walked into the student lounge. Marley smiled happily as she realised it was Teddy. "Hiya Teddy!" Marley says happily with a smile and wave. She was glad someone had joined her, she was a bit nervous that maybe no one would turn up, but she was happy. Marley looked around at her different textbooks for all the subjects she was taking. "Honestly? I'm not really sure where to start, there is a lot" Marley says sheepishly to her friend and a shrug. She was taking most of the subjects this year so she honestly had no idea. "What do you reckon we should start with? Also, feel free to take some snacks and drinks if you'd like" Marley happily offers to her friend as she gestures to the snacks and whatnot that were in the middle of the table.

Marley looked up when she noticed someone had also come into the common room, but she seemed to have her face covered and to be honest Marley couldn't really tell who it had been, so Marley just shrugged it off, probably someone who wanted to spend their time in the student lounge. The Hufflepuff smiled and waved as Callie had also joined them. Marley was always happy to have more people join. It then wasn't long before Vanity joined the rest of the group. She didn't know the girl all that well but she seemed alright from what Marley could tell. She whipped towards where Vanity had called out someone, the person who had been covering themselves with a scarf and a book which Marley thought was a bit suspicious now that Vanity had pointed it out, Marley's face scrunched in confusion and her clueless as ever.
Audrey swiveled her head to face Vanity so fast she thought she might crack something in her neck. Truthfully, it was equal parts her trying to be sneaky and that her face looked a real mess from a combination of a bad swing in Quidditch and an acne breakout. But the others didn't need to know that. "Like what?" she asked, innocently, raising her book a little further over her face. Her voice was a little more high pitched than usual, as she had made the inexplicable decision to try and disguise her voice somewhat. "Fashionable?" She shrank a little, pulling her scarf further over her mouth. "It's winter chic." Ignoring the fact that it was, in fact, late summer.

@Vanity Mettlestone
Vanity couldn't help a slight laugh when Audrey tried to act like she wasn't wearing anything weird. She didn't even dislike Audrey, but she couldn't let this opportunity pass to be cruel, it was too easy. "You look like a lost-and-found box exploded on you." She told her. "I don't know where what you're wearing would be fashionable, but I wouldn't want to go there." She added with a small smile. Then she turned to the group. "What are we studying?" She asked, still hoping to copy someone's notes.
Teddy had his back to the door and didn't notice Audrey until Vanity pointed her out. He glanced over his shoulder, his expression turning to one of curiosity. It was obvious to him that she’d been battered during Quidditch, and he felt a protective instinct creep up. Not that she needed his protection, Audrey could handle herself just fine. He cast a quick look at Vanity and smirked at her assessment, to give her due, she was pretty spot on. Teddy looked back to Audrey, "Winter chic? Did you run out of bruise paste again?" @Audrey Beauchamp

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