Getting Ever So Lost

Vader Hume

class of 2053; nervous; professional photographer
OOC First Name
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Relationship Status
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Curved 14" Flexible Spruce Wand with Vampire Blood Core
10/2034 (27)
Vader Hume had been doing odd things since he was about seven years old. Every so often when his emotions flared up, not always of course, but enough that the bully he had received at school had just gotten worse and worse. He was the odd ball, the weirdo, the boy who was an easy target because he rarely fought back. He didn’t know what was causing it, Vader had noted it happening in his sister Padme. No one else had noticed it but Vader had. He was the one person who would notice, he knew the signs no matter how she hid them. Vader had left school that day, his uniform a little ruffled up but happy with how the day had gone. His weirdness must have flared up again, the boys that had been chasing him, had seemingly been stopped by an invisible wall. They were nowhere close to him any more. They were just gone. Vader was sure he could vaguely hear them but what did that matter if they were not in fact there. He had been running through the streets of Wellington, away from them, trying his best to just get away and he’d turned down a street.

This was where he now was, and it was a part of wellington he didn’t recognised. The boy swung his bag round and took out his phone, surprised when it didn’t appear to be working in the slightest. Vader frowned at it, he shook it, pressed the home button several times, tried in vain to see if it would turn out, but it didn’t work. He shrugged, figuring that he had probably broken it during the day, or that it was just time for an upgrade. Vader put the phone back in his bag and began moving forward, nothing here appeared to be too different, he just didn’t know where he was. There weren’t very many familiar shops or buildings, everything just appeared to be different, not newer, just different. He scratched the top of his head in wonder, where was he? The boy glanced around, until he spotted someone, he rushed over, ”Excuse me?” he called out with his usual thick kiwi accent, ”I think I took a wrong turn,” he approached even closer hoping they would want to help him.

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