Open Getting an Early Start

Anisha Khatri

Competitive | Snarky | Bookworm | 7th year
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Curly 11 Inch Unyielding Reed Wand with Veela Hair Core
4/2046 (17)
Anisha had already read her fourth-year charms book practically cover to cover. She had marked all the spells she wanted to practice as soon as possible with a little post-it note and had now brought her book with her outside. She knew she would likely learn these spells in class, but Anisha was impatient. The first interesting spell she had marked in her book was diffindo, a spell that cut things open. Anisha had found a tree stump near the edge of the forest and placed an apple on it. She had taken it from breakfast and it seemed like the perfect target for some spell practice. She looked at the book again, trying to make sure she got the wand movement and incantation right. She took a deep breath. "Diffindo!" She said, slashing her wand down. Unfortunately, nothing happened to the apple.
Savannah was looking forward to getting started on her classes again. She was feeling a little impatient to get to doing the spells. She just wanted to get back to learning, get back to practicing magic and maybe getting ready eventually for duelling when it came in the following semester. Savannah was exploring outside, having just come from the pitch where she could spot Anisha practicing her magic, or trying to do some new spell. Savannah watched her for a moment, staying where she was and then took out her own wand, and summoned the apple into her hand.
Anisha raised her wand to try it again, but just as she made the same slashing motion down and said the incantation again. The apple disappeared. There was a very slight cut in the tree stump, but Anisha didn't notice it yet. She looked at where the apple had gone, frowning when she saw someone had summoned it. "Very funny Savannah. But maybe you should get your own apple to practice spells on." Anisha said, holding out her hand for the Ravenclaw to give it back.
Savannah was smirking a little, just looking towards Anisha with a small smirk as the girl noticed the apple was now in Savannah's hand. "But, now I have this one," she replied, holding the apple in her hand and trying to decide what she was going to do with it. "You're not going to manage diffindo," she told her, she was pretty sure that was the spell that Savannah had been hearing her try. "So, I might as well keep it,"
Anisha stared at Savannah and rolled her eyes. She really didn't get what her problem was. "Yes. You have it. Good job." She said sarcastically. "You've shown me, once again, that you're a miserable person." Anisha hadn't let Savannah get to her last time, but it wasn't as easy this time. Not when she was questioning Anisha's skills. She scowled. "Why not? I'm better at spells than you are." She told the Ravenclaw. "Ohhh showing off your accio skills like it's not a first year spell." She said mockingly.
Savannah almost smiled at Anisha's tone, especially when she called her miserable. It was truly nice to see her get mad about things, given that last time Savannah had been trying to provoke it. It had taken so little this time by comparison to start getting a rise. "Wow, that's bold of you," She replied with a shrug. "You might think yourself smarter than me, but you can't do spells without first being taught them," Savannah replied, trying to put an emphasis on the fact she couldn't do them.
Anisha knew she shouldn't let Savannah get to her, but it was frustrating. She had just found a cool thing to do, a cool way to practice a spell she didn't know yet, and she just had to ruin it for no reason. Anisha frowned at the Ravenclaw. "I am smarter than you. And yes I can." She said hotly. "I have before, in duels. I've used spells we hadn't been taught yet. So you're wrong." She paused. "Which proves I'm smarter than you, by the way." She added.
Savannah appreciated that she could rile Anisha up in this manner. Appreciated annoying her so. Savannah knew that Anisha wasn't smarter than her, she was just more openly driven, and worked harder. Those were not the same. "I don't believe that," she replied with a fake smile, not addressing anything she'd said in particular, more the overall statement of it. "After all, you can claim you managed it in duelling, but you didn't manage it here, in nice, calm, normal conditions," Savannah said. "So, I don't believe it,"
A small voice in the back of Anisha's head warned her she was being riled up too easily, and she tried to calm down and take a deep breath. It sounded remarkably like Dorian, which was weird. She shook her head. "Whatever I don't care what you believe." She told Savannah, turning away from her. "I'll practice the spell on something else. Just leave me alone." She snapped, picking up a stick and placing it on the stump.
Savannah gave a little scoff. "Somehow I don't believe that either," she said, almost sure that Anisha was the type of girl who needed to be seen doing things, needed to be believed, needed to be the best. It made a little smile grace her features, knowing the last time, when Savannah had wanted to be left alone, and this girl had dragged it out. "Funny that," she replied, but didn't move, didn't hand back the apple, just watched as Anisha took a stick. "I don't think that's big enough," she commented lightly.

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