Closed Getting Ahead

Akihiro Chen

Too Cool For You- Pretty- Learning
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Curly 17 1/2 Inch Sturdy Walnut Wand with Fairy Wing Core
11/18/2042 (18)
Akihiro had decided on his coursework for the year, so now he wanted to sit down and study a bit so he was prepared for his classes. He settled into the library, his books for the semester set on the table beside him. He was bent over his Astronomy text as it was, taking a few odd notes of things he thought might be important and things he didn't quite understand. He hummed softly as he worked, an old lullaby he would hum to Aika when she was feeling under the weather.
Rosie didn't like having to spend too much time in the library. The library was boring and she had other things to be doing, but she was intending to do all of the classes this year, so she perhaps had to put in a little more work to it, to get it. She had brought a number of books with her to the library and with her sister was looking for a spot they could sit. Despite it being early in the semester, it did seem like the library was very very busy. "What about there?" she whispered to her sister, pointing towards a table where a boy was sitting.
Aurora didn't know why ROsie was taking so many classes, but Aurora had carefully picked the ones she would need and would be the ones that would help her most with her goal. She wanted to be a healer and she needed certain things and grades for that. Aurora was making sure she had the books she needed as she followed Rosie through the busy library. It was a lot busier than they'd thought it would be. But Aurora glanced towards the table that Rosie was pointing at. With no other table seemingly free enough for both of them, Aurora approached, taking Rosie's hand as she walked over. "Hi, do you mind if we sit here?" she asked the boy.
Akihiro looked up when he heard someone speak, smiling automatically as he saw the Archer twins. They were a year below him, but he'd made it a point to be aware of any children of the staff that were around the castle. He nodded and stood, pulling out a chair for each of them. "Absolutely," He murmured to them before taking his seat again. "I am Akihiro," He introduced himself, bowing his head slightly out of respect.

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