Getting Ahead of the Game

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Moko Craven

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Walnut Wand 14 1/2" Essence of Vampire Blood
With task 1 well under way and task 2 nearly upon the champions, the Yule Ball is therefore only around the corner. I have no idea what BB characters are old enough if any to escort Moko to the Yule Ball or if even one of the other schools charries might like to escort her.

But she needs someone preferably 16 - 18 no younger please and definitely not shorter than her.
We can set up a thread between now and then of them meeting and then another where she'll ask the lucky guy xD
so roll up, roll up and whisk this champion off her feet :p
aww and I am sure he is very sweet too but unfortunately he isn't at Beauxbatons Academy at the moment :(
He's still in Durmstrang ;)

Only three possible champs from Durmie went to BB academy, the rest stayed behind.

So any possible escort would have to be taking classes at BB this year ;)
I could offer up Gaston. He's a BB 7th year (I know he doesn't look it yet but he is xD )

He is a very nice person, glad to help people out and always open to meeting new people. I'm going to be quite frank now, he's nothing special. He comes from a normal home with his normal family and when he finishes BB he wants a normal life. He's not a Prefect or he's not on the Quidditch Team. He is a pretty average teenager, loves animals and swimming. He's not a book worm but does well in his classes and is a hard worker.

He's tall too ;)

Let me know and we'll work something out if you want :)
Right now normal to Moko would sound brilliant
especially after the bombardment of Veela's from task 1

can we rp them?
see how they get on?
Can Gaston rp in around BB yet or would you rather we rp in Europe for now (saying France of course) ;)
Can't RP in BB as of now so Europe sounds great :D Do you want to start or shall I?
either way is fine
tell you want - will let you start this one and Moko can start the one at the school when he's ok to rp there ;)
Sounds like a fair deal. One RP coming right up ^_^
*shakes head* not good enough I'm afraid *tsk tsk* xD keeding of course
will get right on it ;)
is it ok if I say it's before the first task - will make it a bit easier to rp ;)
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