Alastar walked down on to the lawn and strolled about for a bit. It wasn't too bad really the weather seemed to be clearing up nicely. He hummed a tune to himself and slowed down his pace. It wasn't like he had anywhere imparticular to walk to.
Andromeda sat by the large oak tree in the centre of the lawn. She loved this spot, it was both sheltered and yet afforded a good quantity of sunlight. She could see the castle from here and to the other side if she stretched her neck up a bit she could make out the lake. But most of all in the distance infront of this exact spot she could see the tops of the quidditch stands and the hoops and flags.
Andy smiled and nestled back down on the lawn to read her book. Her legs were crossed behind her as she lay on her tummy, her head propped up on her elbows.
Her book of choice today was her Magical Drafts and Potions by Arsenius Jigger, she wanted to be prepared for her class tomorrow.
Alastar had been staring straight ahead, it was only a movement to his right that made him look. He recognised Andromeda from his DADA and flying class. He walked over hoping he wasn't interrupting.
He noticed she was reading again, everytime he saw her she had her nose in a book.
"Watcha readin today?" he called to her.
Andy sighed every time she saw this guy except for that one time on the quidditch pitch he seemed to be interrupting her reading or reverie somehow.
"Just a book Al, for potions tomorrow", she put her arms down infront of her and turned her head in his direction, "What are you up to then?"
"I like the originality of your question", he laughed trying to be witty but not convinced he had pulled it off, "Just strolling around. Familiarising myself with the place".
He walked over and sat down by the base of the tree with his back leaning against it and his knees pulled up to his chest.
"Nice spot".
"Well I like it", she smiled not sure if she quite liked him making himself at home though, that meant she would have to close her book and make conversation.
She pushed herself up into a sitting position and brushed the grass off her hands.
"So do you want another original question then?" she said, "How are you finding the school so far?"
"It's alright I suppose. I feel totally out of my depth here. I know nothing. At least in my old school they did normal subjects you know, geography, history, maths, english , science. I don't understand any of these subjects." Al sighed and looked off into the distance, he was finding this place alot more difficult than he thought he would and it annoyed him greatly.
"Al for all of us it's the first time we've done these subjects. Ok my folks are magical but we lived with my grandparents who were very muggles. I've never done DADA before though ok my parents used to talk about certain things to me. I've never done spells before here and I certainly never did any potions." she smiled knowing everyone of the first years had felt out of their depth at some point.
"It'll get better. It'll get easier at least I keep telling myself it will", she said.
Alastar looked at her frowning, "Maybe so but everyone just seems to have it altogether. I think I'm just still trying to get my head around the fact that magic is real and not some hocus pocus".
"Al it is all hocus pocus" she laughed now, "at least I'm sure there'll be a spell that will sound like it. Have you heard about this fancy dress thing for Halloween?"
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