Closed Get Ready For Me

June Davenport

The best student and prefect, obviously ✨
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 16 Inch Swishy Ash Wand with Veela Hair Core
Walking through the castle June wanted to visit some places she hadn't been to. But one place seemed important, and she wanted to see it. See who were important in the history of this school or currently were. The quidditch cups didn't ment anything for her, so she passed them but did noticed two times in a row Slytherin were the best. Ofcourse they were. But that was the least important thing from the throphy's. So she tried to catch the names on the trophies and who were top point scores. Also the dueling trophies were interesting. June wondered how many trophies there would be with her name on it when she would leave Hogwarts. She noticed the name from Celia who was one of the elite sisterhood members and fellow Slytherin. Touching the throphy for an moment and smiling. June was only beginning her adventure. And things were gonna go her way, she felt it.
This Hogwarts wasn't nearly as good as the one Cornelius should have been at, but there were some advantages that came with that. He was the first Cornelius Seymour to tread these halls, after all. The Cornelius Seymour legacy in the UK was well and truly developed, and he was going to be the founder of the legacy on this side of the world. And while his main inspiration would always be his great-great-great grandfather Cornelius Seymour II, there were bound to be people worth knowing who had gone to this school, people who he could learn from to surpass them in greatness. So the trophy room seemed a natural place to spend his time, picking out a few repeat names he could look up, to see if any of them showed up in the history books. He was surprised not to be alone when he arrived in the room, spotting a girl he recognised from his classes. She was pretty, the exact kind of girl he knew he ought to marry one day. So, he might as well start working on that now, if for no other reason than to get some practice. "Magnificent, aren't they?" He said nonchalantly, hands in his pockets as he approached, trying to copy the casual swagger his father worked with. "I'm expecting to win a sizeable pile, naturally."
As June was admiring the trophies and the reflection of herself in it she heard someone speaking and turned in the direction but since she was the only one here he was speaking to her it seemed. She noticed an boy who she knew was in her class. He had glasses on and his hair seemed like he was just stepping out of bed and did nothing to it. But as the judgement went through her head she put on an smile. '' They are.'' June replied to him. And watched the boy as he just stood there. And June was suprised by the next reaction. It could be something she thought of herself. Which it actually was. She could tell him that it would already been full with trophies with her name, but she figured she would pretend to be nice at first. Since there was no competition for her. '' Really? Which ones than? Best costume? Quidditch or?'' June asked him really interested in what he had to say. To learn more information about one of her classmates. There were lots of categories, but most of them were ment for her obviously.
Cornelius scoffed at the girl's question, a confident smile slipping onto his face. Of course she was impressed. "Well, top points earner, obviously. Duelling champion too, once I'm old enough. My family are Aurors, you know? Going back generations. I've got plenty of advantage." He paused, thinking about it. "It would be nice to win the Quidditch cup too, actually. Raise my profile a bit." Cornelius hadn't considered playing Quidditch before, but it sounded like a good idea now that the girl had mentioned it. "I'm Cornelius, by the way. Cornelius Seymour."
June smirked as the boy was all ambitious for it all. But too bad for him she was all gonna take it. He could have the quidditch ones. It seemed like he wanted to impress her or anything so that was kind of positive she figured. She was someone people should impress they had to put effort in it. '' That's interesting. You want to follow in their footsteps I see?'' June than replied back. And than figured she was gonna let him know she was the ambitious one as well. '' Ambitious I see.. Slytherin right?'' June replied. '' I'm aiming on that too. Except the Quidditch than.. that is not my thing.'' June than said with an smile. There was no lie in that. She wanted to see his reaction before letting him know how confident she was about herself. He could watch her actions in class, and when they were old enough to duel. June saw no competition in him, not anyone. As he introduced himself she smiled shortly. '' I'm June. June Davenport.'' The blonde than introduced herself.
Cornelius smirked and nodded. "Naturally." He agreed, chest puffing slightly with pride. Slytherin was a house of champions, his ancestors included, and now that legacy was all his to carry on. He had seen the girl around the common room enough not to bother asking in return, though he laughed lightly at her assertion. "Good luck." He said, trying not to sound too condescending. It was cute that she had so much ambition, but he wasn't going to be beaten by a girl. He nodded when she introduced herself, pleased that he didn't recognise the name. Inferior stock to his, obviously.
This Cornelius boy, which the name already was way too long seemed to be confident about himself. He didn't looked like someone very talented. But perhaps that was his intention. He was in Slytherin, she now figured seeing him walking around before. As he wished her good luck June smirked. Wondering if he was thinking low of her or ment it. ''I don't need it.'' She figured to show some more of her confidence and smiled. Since he did as well. '' But thanks anyway.'' Confidence was something June never lacked. But she sometimes made an decision or how to show it or hide it. She wondered if Cornelius his was true was still and question for June. Or he was just trying to impress her. And put her arms over eachother.
'' What is your favorite class?''
June than asked him moving on. Also wondering how this boy would react. If he would be quickly irritated. If he was it said a lot about how confident he would actually be.
Cornelius raised an eyebrow at June's response, considering her quietly. Confidence was often misplaced, but there was a chance he was looking at his greatest future rival. Sure, she was a girl, but he needed to be careful not to underestimate people like this. He gave a small smirk at her question, pride swelling his heart again. "Defense Against the Dark Arts. I'm going to be the next great Auror in the Seymour line, naturally."
As June watched her classmate raising an eyebrow June figured she had made an good point. And smiled back at him sweetly. He seemed to be thinking a lot and June hoped in the future she would be able to do something with an talent she now already had but which some easier than others to read body language and facial expressions well of others to make an idea of how they were. She had been reading about something but she had to wait very long and had to have good grades to achieve it. But that would not be an problem. She was not suprised in a way about the subject he named. He seemed to be really aiming at Auror. June just didn't want to settle down on one path yet, she knew she wanted to be very powerfull at least. And had her idea's of what to do after Hogwarts, but kept that secret. '' Obviously.'' June than reacted going along with his way. '' It's an interesting subject for sure. Charms will be as well. I know a lot about it. '' June than reacted back. She had the privilege of having Misha, not that she needed him to be good. But it was smart to use him for getting all out of it.
Cornelius snorted lightly at her point, unable to hold back a small smirk. Of course a girl would like Charms. “Charms is a cute subject, I suppose. Useful for doing housework.” Cornelius knew his mum was good at Charms, and she almost entirely used them to keep the house clean and tidy. It was something he knew girls would get a good amount of use out of, but hardly necessary for someone like him. "I'm sure you'll find it useful."
June saw the boy and the way he reacted was something strange. At first she thought he said something else, but he really did say that. But June was not easily impressed by someones words, if he ment something with them. If he had something to say he had to say it directly not vague. So June just put up her shoulders. He didn't seemed to know anything of Charms since it was not only usefull in doing housework. She knew which spells she was gonna learn in the future, she had been speaking with Misha about it too. But she did not disagree with prefering defence against the dark arts. But than he made it personal and June watched him while raising her eyebrow. '' Oh really.. you do. Why?'' June than asked back, not backing down. '' I think it's very usefull to you as well.'' She than added towards it. And just wondered how he would react on this. And it would confirm if her feeling was right. It was again funny and in a way usefull that people underestimated her.

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