
Caiden Saenger

Active Member
Caiden Saenger was currently mumbling in the corridors of the dark and lonely Durmstrang Institute. His friends were nowhere near by, and he had his hands stuffed into his pockets. Ever since finding out about the whole relationship between Samouel and Alecto, Caiden went through a drastic change. His hair had grown out and curled a bit, and he was growing a beard. It was not too heavy, but it was enough to be seen from a distance. Caiden thought that he looked good with it, like he was some sort of badass but in truth, he was. He smirked a bit as he thought about maybe getting what he wanted. But then he remembered that Alecto was dating Samouel, the good guy that hated Durmstrang for all of its worth, the orphan. Of course she would fall for a basket case. Caiden groaned as he hated on the two of them, looking so cute and whatnot. He had to remind himself every time that he did not care, and he did not want to care. It was not like he had much choice in the matter. He had to be around them because they were all friends. It really sucked. Caiden just wanted to kick the ground and almost scream. There was so much anger pent up inside of him, there was no escape. People who got in his way suffered the most since he shoved and pushed them out of the way. No sympathy at all for those that crossed him. Boys and girls. It did not matter.

Coming across the one hallway that had multiple windows where one could look out and see everything for miles and miles, Caiden spotted the object of why he was so mad. It was not Samouel at all, but instead, it was Alecto. She looked as happy as ever, and all Caiden wanted to do was to punish her for making him so angry all of the time. He just could not help it. He walked over to her and with his arms outstretched, gave her a huge shove. He looked down at her from the bridge of his nose and he wrinkled it almost as if he were disgusted. But he could not be. He was a half-breed. He could never be disgusted with anyone or else he would be a huge hypocrite. So that was something he did not ever want to come to. He narrowed his eyes and was betting that she was wondering why he would bother to do something like that to her. Why was he being so mean? Why was he so mean to begin with? Like he was going to reveal.
<COLOR color="#000">Alecto Grimm adjusted her shirt and smiled at the scene before. It was absolutely beautiful outside, the sun was shining and the autumn toned leaves danced in the wind before a couple of weaker ones finally let go of their source of life and fell to the ground. Autumn was the perfect season! Alecto did prefer Spring more than anything, but Autumn was just as lovely at times. Alecto was debating on going back inside and getting something to eat, or finding Sam. He was the best boyfriend a girl could ask for, but sometimes she worried that he had his eyes on someone else. He treated her right and he was always there for her like she had always wanted. However, Alecto wasn't exactly stupid, and she could sense that there was some part of him that wasn't as into her as she was into him. Alecto might have been naive, but she did a pretty good job at reading body language from others. Or so she thought. Alecto picked herself from the bench she had been sitting on and decided to go inside for a little bit. Maybe it would help her clear her mind for a little bit. There was a lot that Alecto needed to think about. Her mom and her dad wanted to pull her our of Durmstrang to try and home school her back in London. They thought she might get better grades if they taught her themselves. Alecto didn't want to go though, she didn't want to leave her friends. What would she say to them? Sorry that she had to leave them but she was stupid?

The moment Alecto came inside of the building she was roughly shoved to the ground. Her butt fell flat against the stone hard floor, and Alecto lifted her blue eyes to look at the culprit. It was Caiden? Now Alecto knew that Caiden didn't really liked her, but why did he pushed her down just now? Alecto was pretty sure that she hand't done anything to him. "What was that for?" Alecto questioned as she got back up and brushed the dirt off of her hands. She did happen to scrape her hands up a little bit, but it was nothing that a little hand washing and a couple of days of being easy with them couldn't fix. What's wrong? I didn't do anything this time so I don't get why you're being so mean to me." Normally he only got mad when Alecto said or did something to get on his nerves, but she hadn't been around him all day. Or yesterday for that fact. So there wasn't even time for her to have done anything. Maybe someone else upset him and she was the only one he could take it out on right now. Well if that was the case, he was being completely rude right now and Alecto wanted no part of his little attitude problem. Where was Sam when she needed him?​
1. Caiden did not know why he just did not want to have Alecto have so much fun and stuff. She was dating one of the guys in the group and that was just not tolerable. He would not have minded if Samouel and Alessine were together, but he did mind if it was Alecto dating Samouel, or even if Elijah was straight, if she dated him. Anyone else, really. She was not allowed to date anyone at all. That would work for Caiden. He was just possessive of her. Her being happy by someone else was not allowed around him. Caiden hated it. As soon as she got up and questioned what that was for, Caiden laughed rudely. As if he needed a reason to shove her arse onto the floor! He did it because he wanted to! Caiden did not need a reason. "Really think I need a reason to push your stupid self onto the floor? Think again, twerp." Twerp was his favorite nickname for her because she was that small and tiny. It was cute, but he was not going to admit that. He would never admit anything and he planned on keeping it that way. Why would he want to admit anything toward Alecto? She was dating that goody-two-shoes fellow anyway. Even if he might have had a thing for Alessine.

His blue eyes looked down to see that her hands were scraped but just a sliver of him felt bad for doing that. Before it was masked by anger of what she had done. Why she put up with him, he did not know. How she managed to turn everything happy, he did not know. But then she asked what was wrong, and how she did not do anything this time and why he was being so mean to her. Caiden looked down for a moment before wondering, where did that come from? Caiden asked, "Since when do you ever question what I do? Normally you just play it off like I have given you cookies or some sh*t like that. I think there is something wrong with you instead." Caiden folded his arms across his chest and raised an eyebrow. Was it because she was having boyfriend issues? If so, he would leap for joy, in his mind. He loved it when Alecto suffered. He did not know why, but he just did. Shrugging, he decided to guess at what is wrong with her, "Boyfriend issues? Sam giving Alessine all of his time instead? I always thought that they had a thing for each other." It would not surprise him since she was, well, smart. Alecto was not. She was all looks.
<COLOR color="#000">Alecto had a million and one things floating through her mind right now, and more than half of them all had to do with things that she wanted to say to Caiden right now. Sometimes she wondered why she even considered him to be her friend. "You know, one of these days you're going to push someone down who's going to get right back up and knock you out. So yeah, you should have a reason." That was probably why he didn't push Alessine around like that. Alessine could be awful vicious if she felt like she needed to. Alecto paused when Caiden accused her of having other things on her mind. He was pretty perceptive wasn't he? Alecto swallowed hard and looked around, was she that easy to read? Alecto was about to ask Caiden if he thought she was stupid, but then he began going on about some episode having to do with Alessine and Samouel having a thing. Alecto bit her lip. They had been hanging out a lot, but Alecto was pretty sure it wasn't because of them having a thing for one another. "I have noticed that they seemed awful close lately. But I thought it was because of Sam needing a place to live! Plus Alessine is in that arranged marriage! There's no way that they could....." Alecto reassured herself, onto to find some more doubt settling it's way within her once again. It put a cold feeling within her chest. What would she do if Sam suddenly decided that he honestly didn't like Alecto as much as she liked him? Alecto shook her head and let her blue eyes rest onto Caiden once more.

"That's not even what's wrong though!" Alecto wasn't sure why she was telling Caiden this, since he most likely wouldn't care if she left Durmstrang and wasn't able to see her friends anymore. He hated her didn't he? But it would be nice to get this off of her chest while she still could. "I'm upset because my parents are upset that I'm having difficulties in school, and they want to pull me out of Durmstrang to be taught back in London. If I have to leave Durmstrang I won't be allowed to ever see you guys again." Alecto honestly wanted to cry. She couldn't help it that she wasn't good when it came to school, maybe if they would give her more of a chance instead of calling her stupid, she might be more confident when it came to learning. Alecto glanced at Caiden and waited to see if he was going to insult her or not. He was probably working up something really mean and cruel to say. Soon he wouldn't have to deal with her at all, and then he could find someone else to pick on all of the time. Even if he was a real butthead, Alecto knew that some part of her would really miss being around Caiden. What if this was the last time she was ever going to be able to see him?​
Caiden snorted at Alecto's response. She could be so dense; it was great. He retorted, "But that won't be you so what do I have to worry about?" That smirk on his face grew even more, feeling rather refreshed now that he could actually teach her a lesson. That was why he picked on her and not someone like Elijah or even Samouel. Samouel had some fight in him, and it was something to be afraid of. So, he kept his distance. Caiden did wonder what made her fight back. Normally, she just smiled and walked away with something happy and stupid to say. That was not the Alecto he knew. He wanted the old one back, but he could not see where she was. He would have to deal with this one, but there was something going on. He was no idiot. He knew when there were things bothering people. Whether or not he cared, that was another story. Maybe it was a girl problem. Well, all girls had problems, right? He was not aware that Samouel and Alessine were living together, but well, he did know of Samouel's situation. Alessine was in an arranged marriage. He shrugged those shoulders, "Who are you trying to convince, me, or yourself?" After all, Samouel and Alessine just seemed right. Not Samouel and Alecto. No, those two were just bad. Something bad would happen to them if they did not separate now. And he could bet on it. But, that was where all of his anger was coming from. The item that the two were. Now, he could have damaged it and it brought him pleasure.

And, that issue wasn't even the wrong thing. Caiden raised an eyebrow, and his hardened expression softened slightly. What if there was something really wrong? He might feel bad if one of her parents passed or something. Turns out, she was upset because her parents were upset about her having difficulties with school. They wanted to pull her out and be taught in London. If she left, no one would ever see her again. This changed his expression from a cocky jerk, to somewhat shocked and someone who could look like they would actually care. After a few moments of silence, Caiden managed to pull back the shocked face before replacing it with his cold one once more. He said simply, "No. You can't leave." Caiden wanted to make this clear, and he wanted her to stay. There was no leaving. Even if her and Samouel would end because of it. "You aren't leaving." It was almost like he was ordering her to stay, like she had no choice. His word could overpower the parents, right? Probably not, but it would be worth a try. What could he do to help her stay though? Something that wouldn't kill him?
<COLOR color="#000">Alecto cocked her head to the side slightly before sighing and turning her head so that she could look at Caiden. Personally, Alecto found him to be incredibly attractive looking, but his attitude ruined just about any sort of attraction she might have had to him. "People can change. That's what you need to look for." Alecto commented softly. For all he knew, she could become just as mean as he could someday. It was unlikely, but people changing like that wasn't unheard of either. With the thought of Alessine and Samouel having a thing now floating in her head, Alecto felt herself begin to fill to the brim with sadness. Why was it that these things never worked out in her favor? The harder she tried the more she seemed to fail. It wasn't like she didn't work hard, or treat people badly, because she was a hard worker and she tried her best to treat everyone with respect and kindness. "I guess I'm trying to convince the both of us." Alecto bit her lip and looked down at her lap. This sucked. Her first real boyfriend and one of her best friends was stealing him away from her! Alecto was beginning to wonder what she was doing wrong. There had to be a reason that he was running off to Alessine for comfort instead of coming to her. Did Alessine know things about him that she didn't? Were they really that close?

Alecto was actually surprised to hear him state that she couldn't leave. He actually sounded sincere too. Some part of him, whether he wanted to admit it or not, wanted her to stay at Durmstrang and be with the group. "I wish I could say I wasn't. But my parents have already started to get into contact with the Headmaster about me leaving. I don't want to go.....but they won't budge. They said I could always make new friends in London." Alecto tried to tell them about her friends, and that was all they told her. That she would make new friends once she was back home. Out of pure sadness and wanting comfort, Alecto wrapped her arms around Caiden in a forceful hug. Usually he was the last person she would go to, but right now she just needed someone. "I figure that by the end of the month, I'll be gone. But hey, at least you guys won't have to worry about me bothering you all of the time now, huh?" The hug only lasted mere seconds out of fear that she might get hit, but the statement she uttered was followed by a sad smile. Surely her leaving could be partially considered as good news to Caiden. After all, he would get some peace and quiet now.​
Caiden did agree that people could change. He slowly nodded and he said, "Huh, you are certainly right about that." But he hoped that she wouldn't change and ruin all of his fun. She was just fine as she was right now. Perhaps even perfect. 'Wait, what the f**k are you thinking, Caiden? Remember those siblings of yours?' thought Caiden with a mental slap to his face. He couldn't think like that. It would cause him to be like his siblings, and he could not risk that at all. Caiden almost felt bad when she said that she was trying to convince both of them. Well, Caiden thought that Samouel and Alessine seemed like the better couple since they have been through a lot together, so what could he do? All he guessed was that he could try to make her happier to some extent. Why did he care though? "Well, maybe they have a sibling relationship. They may live together, but isn't Alessine like, engaged or something cause of her strict father? Then again, I wouldn't know a thing about them." Samouel was very secretive about his past, and his family. Mention brothers and sisters around him, and he changed the subject really fast, and he did something similar with his parents. Caiden didn't have anything like that. He had a normal childhood.

Her parents already got in contact about her leaving, and how they wouldn't budge. He just didn't want that though. She had to stay. He had to do something. "But, you won't be here anymore. We are in our final years, what difference could it really make? I mean, shouldn't they have done that last year or something? They are just stupid!" She shouldn't make new friends. Surely they would stay friends or something. He shook his head when she said that she would be gone by the end of the month, and how the gang wouldn't have to be bothered by her anymore. They were never bothered. "You never bothered us, Alecto. If you are really gone, we will come and visit. I know that for certain." However, he was a little shocked by the hug, and he looked down at Alecto. He thought about pulling her into a longer, and tighter hug, but he restrained himself. He couldn't do that. This was not goodbye. He would make sure of it. Either he was going to follow suit, or do something to make sure that he would see Alecto. A lot.
<COLOR color="#000">Alecto shrugged her shoulders, entirely defeated by the entire situation. Not only was she going to lose her boyfriend, but she was also going to lose the one place she had been able to call home these days. "Why does it matter what is really going on? I won't even be here to stop them. Besides, if Alessine really wanted Sam, nothing would stop her. Not any of us, and definitely not her dad." Alecto didn't mean to speak badly about her friend, but Alessine was very good at taking what she wanted. The sad part was that unlike most people that did such a thing, she actually thought of the conssequences and always seemed to have a plan around them. Alecto had always admired Alessine for the way she was able to take control like that. No matter how much she denied it, that girl was a natural born leader. After a moment Alecto sighed deeply and brought a couple of hands up to brush the hair away from her face. This was just so frustrating! It felt like the only life she's ever known was about to be robbed from her without little care about whether or not she cared for it to do so. At least Caiden was here to attempt to comfort her though. He was the last person she would have expected, but it was better than no one.

"Caiden, you call me a pain in the ass every day. Can you really say that I don't bother you?" Alecto cocked her to the side, clearly confused. Why would he say such mean things to her and then try to claim that she didn't bother the group. Did he not mean it when he called her a pain in the ass? Or was it that he just wasn't referring to himself when he spoke of the her bothering the group? It didn't really matter anyways though, because whether she bothered them or not, they wouldn't have to put up with her long anyways. "You guys don't even know where I live." Alecto would love the idea of them visiting, but they had no idea where she lived so they wouldn't know where to go! plus her parents were a little bit overbearing. They wouldn't even make it through the door before they decided it wasn't worth it see her and leave. If Alecto could find somewhere else to go instead of home every summer and winter vacation, she totally would.​
Caiden looked down, knowing for sure that it really does not matter what is really going on. Truth be told, he knew that Samouel was truly a good guy, anyone who knew him knew that Samouel would never cheat on his girlfriend. He would set things right with her first. That was the way he was. But that was true, what Alecto said about Alessine. Alessine could have anyone she wanted, and that included anyone she wanted. But she did not seem to want Samouel in that manner, so Alecto was safe from a heartbreak. Unfortunately. "I don't think that you have nothing to worry for the time being. They are our friends and we would know if there was something going on. You'd probably be the first to know." He shrugged, not revealing the true reason why he was thinking that. He was just jealous since he actually liked Alecto, but hated to admit it. But the more he admitted it to himself, he felt somewhat better about it. Now, voicing it out, that was a bit of an issue. He doubted that he would ever voice it out to someone that was not single. That was just him.

Alecto looked confused, and though he did say that just about every day, sometimes twice a day, it was just their way of bonding, he figured. "I'm sure. I don't really get violent with you and I don't cuss you out every day. I am actually talking to you now, so think it through for one in that little head. You. Don't. Bother. Me." Caiden did not want to see her go, and he did not want lose her. Ever. He would follow her home if he had to. She did mention something problematic. No one knew where she lived. He would get lost if he tried, especially if they moved. Caiden reached around and scratched his head, knowing it would be an issue. Now, he just had to think of a solution for it. "Well, that can be solved with, oh I don't know, blood tell us where you live!" Caiden waited for her to react to what he said, and hoped that she would just work with him for a little bit at the very least.
Alecto sighed, and looked at the large clock located on one of the towers. It was almost time to go. "Look Caiden, you say that I don't bother you, but you used to be really mean to me. So I'm confused with what to believe. Do you really mean what you say-or do you just feel bad because you think I'm leaving?" Alecto stood up and smoothed some hair out of her face before she started over towards Caiden and leaned down to give him a brief kiss on the cheek. He might have been a real butt head at times, but he had been a good friend to her and it meant a lot to have him be there to say goodbye. "If you're ever in London, stop by and say hi sometime? I can treat you to some awesome tea! Bye Caiden, try not to beat up on people so much, kay?" Alecto wished she didn't have to go, but if she didn't, her parents would attempt to drag her out by her ears. The brunette gave Caiden one last glance before she turned away and headed towards the castle to get her things together. Her parents would be here in the morning to come get her, and if she wasn't ready she'd be in for more trouble than she cared to be in.


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