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Shaylah Rouge

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Taneaka [main]
15" Ebony and Raven Feather
Hi guys
We need a guy to be in our group who is either in Slytherin or acts like one and we'd prefer to have his name beginning with 'S'. The group has four other girls in so they have to get along with girls well.
This sounds awesome, because I was looking for something like this for Sam.

It's great because first of all: perfect name. Secondly, Sam's a sweet, good-natured Hufflepuff who has a darker side to him that someone needs to bring out. He's a bit of a cutie, so I'm guessing the girls wouldn't mind having him around.
Because of his general charisma, he finds manipulating people a little too easy, and on the rare occasion when he has an ulterior motive, the consequences can be very destructive. Samuel convinces himself that whatever the outcome was, it was all in everybody's best intentions (even when it wasn't).
Good bait xD

Just drop me a line if you're interested.
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