Closed Game Plan

Michael Watson

Local Sports Reporter | Amateur Umpire
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
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It's Complicated
Curved 11.5" Flexible Wenge Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
18 (29/09/2044)
Michael was still surprised to realize he was technically one of the senior players in the Quidditch team. Even though he was a fifth year, he still felt like he was new to the sport. He'd played team sports as long as he could have, though, so he was a bit of an old hand at that side of things - anything he could play through school (usually cricket, his mum didn't want him doing rugby when he was still small) before Hogwarts, and Quidditch since first year. He liked to think he'd picked up a bit about game plans, and he followed stats and analysis with a kind of fascination.

But Hamish was the one in charge, and Michael agreed that was a good choice. He might have been better placed to keep an eye on the game, especially now he'd volunteered to change positions, but Hamish had better people skills. Which, Michael didn't necessarily think he was bad with people or anything, he just sometimes got a bit carried away with logic over emotion. He'd been really impressed when Hamish had helped Rion out with her confidence last year, even if she didn't come back to play this year he'd made a huge difference it had seemed. Hamish had asked Michael for some help on the tactics side of thing, something on which Michael was happy to oblige, but the fifth year boy knew he had a lot he could learn from the captain, too. He fidgeted with the scrap paper on which he'd scribbled a few things, hoping he'd be able to be helpful.
Hamish still wasn't sure how he felt about the captains position, but he was relieved that at least Michael had agreed to help him out. Hamish had noticed forever ago how Michael seemed to enjoy the stats and facts behind the game. He knew that he wouldn't be much of a captain without Michaels support. He jogged down to the pitch, hoping to find Michael and smiling when he spotted him. "Hey, Michael!" He called, waving as he hurried over. "You busy?"
Michael finished making a few notes, knowing he'd have to see if he could check out some of the other teams practices. Though, he knew Celia had been one to do that and he wasn't sure he wanted to be as divisive a figure. It wasn't out of any malice on his part, strictly sport. There wasn't any rule saying he couldn't do a bit of snooping - the way Quidditch was run was a bit haphazard, really. No coaches and all. "Nah, I'm free right now," he replied to Hamish with a small wave, shuffling a little on the spot. "Good pick ups with those first and second years," he said, earnestly. "The two Lucys are gonna go far, I think."
Hamish smiled and sat with Michael. "Thanks," He offered. "I thought they would do well," He rubbed the back of his neck. "I have no idea how I managed to snag the captain position, honestly," He admitted, looking over to Michael with a shy smile. "Thanks, by the way, for being so okay about switching to Keeper." He started, trying to put it together in his head with how he wanted to go about this.

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