Gabrielle Moncrieffe

Professor Gabrielle Moncrieffe

Alleged Adult | Exists on Stress | HoM 1-4
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking)
Straight 15" Ash Wand, Essence of Mermaid Scale
The Basics

Character's Name: Gabrielle Serena Moncrieffe

Character's Birthdate: 27 August 2019

Hometown: Hamilton, Bermuda

Blood Status: Mixed blood

Wand: Straight 15" Ash Wand, Essence of Mermaid Scale. "Ash is stubborn", it is said, perhaps rather suitably for Gabrielle. Stubborn but not without respect for her wand. Mermaid scale is useful in Care of Magical Creatures and water-based spells. Given willingly by the mermaids of the Caribbean (sure, she didn't grow up in the Caribbean, specifically, but still).

Educated At: Hogwarts (Scotland). Ilvermony was perhaps closer, but historical ties with Bermuda's position as part of the Commonwealth meant that she was accepted in to Hogwarts and travelled to the UK as her father had before her. (Her mother, from the Bahamas, attended Ilvermony).

House: Ravenclaw - her natural interest in research and learning about the way the world works meant the sorting hat did not have too difficult a decision to put her in Ravenclaw - although it did debate between Hufflepuff, Slytherin and Ravenclaw for a moment before quickly settling on the latter.

Occupation: 'Eternal student', tutor and counsellor. Now History of Magic professor at Hogwarts New Zealand. It only took her 20 years to get it together.


Hair: Black, alternating between wavy and curly (depending on the humidity on a given day).

Eyes: Dark brown.

Height: Stands at about 5'6" - not short, but not exceptionally tall, either.

Style: Partially due to her time spent in muggle further education, partially due to her island home, Gabrielle does have a nice collection of muggle clothes, usually especially loose and summery and easy to move in. She pays little attention to fashion, liking bright and simple clothes that are comfortable to sit reading in. Her robes are far less interesting to her, but she does have a small collection of robes in a few different darker shades for wearing around wizard communities.

A Little Deeper

Personality: Gabrielle is nothing if not stubborn. She is patient and caring, and will listen to people's problems without rushing them, but she is not inclined to let things go until she is satisfied. It is part of the reason she was sorted in to Ravenclaw - a desire for understanding and knowledge that does not accept unsatisfactory explanation. She can put this aside in a professional situation and respect the wishes of people she's counselling or tutoring, but it is something that in her private life can both help and hinder in equal measure. (Perhaps it is why she is in her late thirties and unmarried, as her relatives like to pointedly remind her). She can be a bit of a perfectionist and has high expectations of herself and of people around her in her private life at times. Perhaps an adequate description could be 'high maintenance', as one unfortunate ex boyfriend called her, bitterly!

Gabrielle is excellent at putting on a work façade and separating work personality and private life personality. Do not approach her early in the morning if you do not want your head bitten off. Do not approach her after 8pm for much the same reason. When she's in work mode she's perfectly lovely and encouraging and exercises patience and care and does honestly want to do her job well and help where she can. But if she's off hours it's probably in your best interests to stay well away!

History: Born in Bermuda to wizarding parents, Gabrielle had an early childhood mixing both magical and muggle education. With muggle relatives, and with the island's population being comparatively small, it was seen as important for her to properly learn reading and writing, basic mathematics and science, and a love of learning was cultivated fairly early on. She always enjoyed reading, devouring books voraciously as she had a hard time putting novels and stories down until the conflict within them was resolved. But she liked non-fiction a lot too, learning as much as she possibly could about what could be explained by science and logic. This did give her some difficulty in understanding the workings of magic early on at Hogwarts, much to her dismay. She did understand more over time, but the initial disconnect caused her some difficulty in spellcasting. Her magical grades weren't quite as good as she would have liked, but she excelled in History and Astronomy. History was a personal favourite subject of hers, going on to study both magical and muggle history further after graduating Hogwarts (where she had been a prefect, somehow).

Gabrielle also undertook further studies in psychology, spurred on by her own feeling of helplessness after graduation and drifting apart from friends. The human psyche, she reasoned, may not always work on pure logic, but there was usually a clear explanation for why people felt the way they did at times, and she was determined to both understand and be able to help others as much as she could. Especially since an arts degree couldn't really pay the bills (so she naturally racked up more debt with further study). In the meantime, she worked wherever she could, studying both in the United Kingdom and the United States, mostly finding work waitressing or in retail, despite her further study. With an interest in learning more about the growing role New Zealand is playing in the global magical community, and the history of a country she had never learned much about but is keen to, Gabrielle eventually came to live in New Zealand in her mid-thirties, mostly pleased to get away from her parents nagging about when she'll finally get married.

Family: (to be added)
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