Closed Future Plans

Lysander Summers

Expelled • Legilimens • The One To Blame
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 11 ½ Inch Sturdy Maple Wand with Ashwinder Dust Core
June 20 2038 (24)
It had been a long semester, and Lysander had been looking forward to hanging out with his cousins for what felt like ever. It sucked that Leonidas went to an entirely different school, a totally special school for people who were good at Quidditch and flying and stuff, but it always gave him a lot to talk about whenever he was home for the holidays. Leonidas was a lot older, so Sander didn't know if he'd get to hang out with him much if he went to Hogwarts anyway. The boy lazily hovered about the park while he waited, the tips of his shoes barely skimming the blades of grass beneath him, while he tried to bounce a soft ball with his beaters bat in a solo game of keepsie upsies. It had started as a way to idly pass his time when he got bored of keeping an eye out for his cousin, but by now, he was totally invested in his score.​
Leonidas decided it was a good time to get away from the mountain, all the high altitude was getting to his head, it was good to be at a normal altitude surrounded by people he could also ignore. He walked on over to the park to meet his little cousin Lysander, he often enjoyed catching up with him, he was obsessed with Quidditch he had no doubt he would one day transition to the academy and follow in the families foot steps and become a Quidditch Professional.

Moving through the park he enjoyed hearing the bustle of people talking and less brooms flying. Although he did hear one broom and noticed his cousin hovering around, Leonidas snuck up on his cousin and grabbed the brush of the broom and pushed it down causing the shaft of the broom to stick upright and knock his cousin off
'Uncle is letting you out by yourself at 13 huh' he said with a smile offering out his hand to help his cousin up 'Some dark wizard might try snatch you up if you're not careful'
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Lysander felt his broom dip, completely ruining his streak of keeping the ball in the air. It rocketed away with a stray whack, and the boy flailed his hands about to catch himself plummeting face-first into the grass. He stumbled to his hands and knees, shooting whoever the offender had been a glare, until he realised it was Leonidas. "I'm a teenager now, I can look after myself." He responded hotly, though he took his cousins hand for support all the same and got to his feet to dust off the flecks of grass he'd accumulated on his knees. "They can try! I'm a dueling champion, the best in my whole year." He boasted proudly. He looked forward to the day a dark wizard tried to cross his path. He'd totally show them who was boss. "If anyones got to watch out, it's them. I know like, tons of spells."
'Oh yeah big Teenager bud guy here, who just got toppled off his broom' He gave his cousin a side hug as he listened to Lysander get all in a rut for being called young 'Mhm Dueling champion who was just knocked on his butt' he laughed again knowing his cousin would probably have something else to say about it, 'I believe you, Mum told me you've been kicking butt at dueling, You'd like this new class I started at the Academy it's Aerial Dueling, I think you'd be great at it'
Leonidas reached out and grabbed Lysanders broom and studied it momentarily
'How long have you been using this broom for Ly?' he asked running his hand over it
Lysander gave his cousin a playful nudge in the ribs as he felt himself be pulled into a hug. "I wasn't ready." He defended. If there were going to be dark wizards in the park, he totally would have been more prepared, but he didn't think that's where they'd hang out. He was happy to hear that even his aunt knew he was doing well, well enough to tell other people about it. He wanted to object when Leonidas grabbed his broom, but instead folded his arms across his chest. He went to flying school, so he had to know not to accidentally break it. "Uh, like a year and a half? It's my dads old one." He shrugged. It was old, but he was happy with it. It was a firebolt, so it was way better than any of the brooms the school had, and he'd hated being stuck with them during his first year. "What's aerial dueling?" He asked, bringing it back to the class he'd never even heard about. It sounded way cooler than normal dueling, and he had to wonder what else they did at the academy.​
'Dark Wizards don't wait for you to be ready Ly' he said almost not really in the conversation but more focused on the Broom 'Your Dad's old one, a year and a half' he repeated back to Lysander as he checked over his broom 'Why haven't you asked for a custom broom? Mum would be able to whip one up quick for you' he said holding the Broom out for Lysander to take back. Leonidas spun his bag around reached into his backpack which was slung lazily over his shoulder and pulled out his broom, it was his travel broom but still custom and very quick, he dropped it and let it hover before leaning back on it while he fastened his bag back up 'Aerial Dueling is exactly as it sounds, you fly around trying to knock the other off their broom or score enough points to win, It's pretty fun the new Professor has given me a few private lessons, It's all about evasion over aggression on the broom' he gave Lysander a sly smile 'so you'd need a newer broom' he joked
Lysander shrugged his shoulders. He didn't know how to ask, and he didn't want to offend his dad by saying his broom could have been better. "I dunno." He admitted, kicking at a loose rock in a clump of grass. He watched his cousin pull out his own broom, far more impressive in comparison. He set his own broom back to hover and joined Leonidas in sitting down, kicking his feet over the blades of grass once again. "That sounds wicked. Way more fun than normal dueling. Some people just stand there and don't even move much." He said. He'd enjoyed his duels, and he'd moved around the platform a lot, but some hadn't been as much fun to watch. Brooms would have made it way more entertaining. "I bet I could still beat you!" He grinned. He had felt pretty confident in himself after doing so well in the last tournament, and he was sure he'd be good at aerial dueling, too. He flew enough during Quidditch to be good on a broom, so he'd thought he'd probably do great.​
'Easy, come up to the Academy sometime in the holidays and we'll pick out the wood and everything' he noticed his cousin's head hang when he mentioned it so instead of waiting for him to ask he decided he would just make it happen over trying to convince him it was a good idea.
Lysander seemed interested in Aerial dueling and he nodded
'Oh it's great, Once I got a spell cast at my head and I didn't even bother using my wand I just dropped off my broom' he beamed at the thought, he was getting better even though dueling wasn't really his strong suit, he never saw the point as most wizards these day's didn't duel if a wizard was going to come at you there were no rules 'Spells maybe, Broom skill doubt it' he joked with his cousin 'Shame magic can't be done outside of school or else we could have some fun, If you attended the academy though and if the class is still running you should do it though' knowing his cousin would be great
Lysander couldn't help but laugh at Leonidas' comments. It was hilarious to picture him simply dropping from his broom during a duel. "Is it high?" He asked. He'd been picturing it close to the ground, and now had to wonder how far Leonidas had to fall. "Yeah, well. It's only if you get caught." Sander continued with a small, mischievous smile. Not being able to use magic was a dumb rule if there weren't any muggles around to see it, and they weren't allowed in Brightstone. He wasn't about to start flying around and blasting spells then and there, but the temptation was present. "That would be awesome. Do you think your mum would let me? I'm a good flyer." He asked. "Did I tell you the captain of my Quidditch team asked me to replace him? Because I'm that good." He said enthusiastically, in case it helped his chances. "It's not until next year, he hasn't graduated yet, and I will have to share it with someone, but I'll still be captain. It's going to be so cool." It was still hard for him to believe it himself, and no amount of saying it out loud made it feel more real. He would have thought for sure it would be Sully, or Noel, and somehow he'd been picked, even after getting in trouble with the head of house. It was awesome.​
'I don't think there is a limit on where you can fly aside from in the pitch it's hosted on, but it's spelled so you can't hurt yourself if you fall so I guess theres a limit on how low you can go' He hadn't really got into much detail about competing just learning the basics. Leonidas enjoyed seeing Sanders enthusiasm about Quidditch, it reminded him of how he was when he was younger before he outcast himself from people and preferred to be more alone. 'I mean, I don't see why not' Lysander told him about how he was going to be Captain and he forgot that it was a thing, his school didn't have houses or matches like that, they were more on a professional level but there was going to be a teachers vs students match soon which he was excited for 'That's awesome Ly' he said 'I mean if you keep up a good record in Quidditch, You'd easily be considered into the Academy regardless of family connections and just on skill alone'
'Speaking of skill' Leonidas swung his leg over his Broom, 'Lets head back to my place, I want to show you my new markers for Broom racing'
Learning that there wasn't much of a height limit only made Sander's imagining of the aerial duels all the more exciting. He was jealous that Hogwarts didn't have something so fun. The trampoline in the common room suddenly paled in comparison to what the flying academy had. He wondered if he could suggest it, but he had a feeling they'd say no. "You think so?" He asked. It was exhilarating to think he could be good enough to go to the flying academy on skill alone. If he wanted to be a famous Quidditch player like Kida or Scarlet, it was a surefire way to get there. If he wanted to. He wasn't sure. It was a good way to get famous, but he wanted to be famous for more amazing things. It was a lot to think about. He shuffled on his broom and kicked off the ground, not having long to ponder on it before they were off. "I'll race you!" He laughed, knowing full well Leonidas' broom was a lot faster, it wasn't going to stop him from trying.​
'I know so' he responded. Leonidas was close to finishing his schooling and would need to think about where he wanted to go from there, He was pretty much guaranteed to get into any team he wanted if a Beater position was available, Famous Mother, Famous Sister, Flying Academy, his resume was literally oozing with positives, and being one of the first ever graduates he had a standard to uphold. He would have to really double down and make sure that he promoted the Students of the academy to make sure that anyone who saw someone applying for a Quidditch position saw Frost Academy and knew the started of player was the best.
Lysander issued a challenge and he chuckled and kicked his leg off his broom to sit casually again
'I'll wait here then shall I and give you a good enough head start'
Lysander shot his cousin an annoyed look. "Maybe I should give you the headstart." He quipped back. "But for real, let's race. I bet I could beat you. I'm pretty fast, even with this old broom, so..." He challenged, floating over to where the grass met the pavement, to give them a starting line. "Right here, right now. Line up with me and we can see whos the best." He said, making sure that his cousins broom lined up with his when he flew over to join him. "I'll count us in. Ready? Set. Threetwoonego!" He shouted, zipping off quickly to try and put himself ahead as soon as possible.​
Leonidas sighed and kicked his leg back over his broom 'That's actually Impossible, unless I fell off my Broom but okay' he quipped moving with his Cousin lining up for a start line, he admired his cousins determination but he wasn't lying it wouldn't be possible with their brooms, his brooms top speed was a lot faster than Lysanders and it was also a newer broom which is more improved. He reluctantly listened to his cousin's demands and put his arm through his other backpack strap, Leonidas was ready to go so eagerly he sped through the countdown and true to his word Leonidas gave him a head start before kicking off his broom and catching up to Lysander with ease 'You know if you wanted to make it a competition you should have waited for us to get you a new broom' Leonidas dipped under Lysander and came up the other side of him taunting him mid air before leaning harder into his broom giving himself a healthy lead on Lysander
For a few sweet seconds, Lysander thought he had this. Then Leonidas appeared without any effort, and he scowled to himself. "I'm just going easy on you!" He lied, but just like that, Leonidas was off, and Sander found himself flying alone, trying to will his broom to go faster than it could. By the time he reached the Frost's house, his cousin had long since beaten him, and he disembarked from his own broom while trying his best not to look as embarrassed as he felt. He'd expected Leonidas to win, but he'd still hoped he'd have a bit of a closer chance. Instead, he was left in the dust. Maybe he did need a new broom. His own broom.​

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