Future Plans

October, Colletta di Castelbianco

Rosario had just turned eighteen, his birthday party having been celebrated just over a week ago. It was not as big as his seventeenth, as that had been when he was an adult, and finally allowed to use magic whenever he pleased without having his father sitting on his shoulder, and to really get out from being considered a child. As if being seventeen caused him to spontaneously morph from a caterpillar to a butterfly. And now, being eighteen was as if to solidify his standing as an adult. He had been an adult for an entire year, and he had not ruined it all yet. So, while his family, and half the villagers were in the main square celebrating still, Rosario had snuck away to climb the roofs. However, upon realising that that would take a lot of effort, he apparated, once again reveling in his magical abilities and the freedom that came with them.

The young wizard stood on the edge of one of the old roofs. The buildings here were old, boring, and repetitive to the man, as he had been living here his entire life. There was a lot of forest around, and the ancient, though freshly restored buildings, gave the feel of stepping backwards through time, before cars or electricity. Although, some people did have cars here, and there was electricity. In fact, he had to be careful of where he performed magic, or what he performed because of the possible interference. But on the whole, there was a small magical community here, his family being a part of it. The owned the local florist shop, that sold the nicest flowers in town, but also had a wide variety of magical herbs hidden away that they sold to the magical inhabitants. And, like his siblings before him, he was expected to help out and pitch in. Except Remigio and Romeo, who had left for New Zealand a few weeks ago to see their nieces and nephew there. They had sent him gifts, but it was not the same, he wanted to be out there with his brothers.

Some days ago, a new girl had entered the village, just in time to see the celebrations being held. She had found her way into his father's shop, and his overly altruistic father had happily given her a room to use while she stayed in the town. His sisters, Rachele and Rosalia, were happy to have the girl. They loved her blonde curls, citing that it often reminded them of Rozanna and Romeo's blond hair, both of which were no-longer here now. With Rozanna deceased and Romeo on the otherside of the planet, having a blonde within the house brought back happy memories. Having been the closest in age to the girl, and not burdened by the responsibilities his older siblings had, Rosario was in charge of looking after her, and from this job he had become quite protective of her, as he was with all of his family members. He could not understand why she was by herself, as she had glossed over details and he had neglected to pry, but it seemed odd. Either way, she had not overstayed her welcome, and h doubted she would. She was no bother to the household, and his father rather adored her.
Mandalyn had never imagined that she might find such hospitable people when in her travels. In fact, Mandalyn hadn't originally planned to travel to Italy. Originally she was going to head straight to New Zealand, but she had a layover in Italy; plus the delayed flight due to some security issues. It had put her at a stand still, and they refunded her for the rest of her ticket costs, basically putting her out on her rear and wishing her the best. With all of her plans in shambles, and having nothing better to do, Mandalyn hiked through Italy's wilderness, making it a point to only couch hop with people who she got the absolute best vibe from, and sometimes, just not sleeping while there. However, everything changed when she visited a shop in a little town, whose name she couldn't pronounce.

The shop owner was an elderly gentleman, with whom Andi had shared some of her story with. She's told him how she'd been traveling, and about the airline so clearly screwing her out of her money. He asked about where she was from, and if she had a place to stay. All it took was for the blonde to say no, and suddenly she was living with the family who owned the shop. Not that she could complain. The sisters liked to do her hair, and the brother was fun to hang out with. At first he'd seemed a little reluctant to hang out with her, but as she broke open his slightly hard boiled shell, she was able to see the good in him. And maybe that's why Mandalyn was climbing to the top of this Merlin Forsaken building that she had seen Rosario sitting on. Maybe that's why she wanted to tell him her secret and invite him along for what was sure to be a crazy ride.

Making it to the top of the building, Mandalyn took a breath. "You know, with me not enjoying apparation, it just doesn't seem fair that you'd make me climb the building." Mandalyn laid down, her tights covering anything that her skirt might not. Looking out over the small village she sighed a bit. "I wanna go places someday, you know that Rosie." She teased him, calling him by her chosen pet name, before moving into a sitting position. "You know, I heard my mom left for New Zealand about a year after I was born."She eased into the subject, hoping to perk his interest before continuing.
<SIZE size="50">A small smirk crept across his face as his ears picked up the sound some someone attempting to climb the building the old fashioned way. The muggle way. He refused to allow himself to laugh as he heard whether she missed a step, slid down a little, lost her footing, or otherwise met with a nasty insect. Not only was he internally laughing at whatever she may or may not yell, he was also listening for any sign of trouble, preparing himself to have to get up and move quickly if it sounded as if she needed any assistance. If she were injured, his father would be able to heal her wounds as long as she wasn't dead. He was a very good healer. Rosario was not quite that talented in healing, as he did not have the patience of the ability to actually care about someone enough to remember everything he had to do to not kill the person.

"You finally made it," he glanced at her, allowing his smile to show. "Without breaking something, too. You could have stayed on the ground and enjoyed my father's party-throwing skills. It will be the talk of the town until Rinaldo's birthday in two months' time." He moved over slightly for her, as the roof was not the cleanest place and quite dusty. It was natural, since no-one wanted to climb up that stone wall and he was not one to clean rooftops of all the leaves they could gather and whatever lived within them. He then returned to looking over at the village, fully aware that he had never been beyond its borders. When Mandayn voiced her eagerness of travelling onward, he understood where she was coming from. Rosario had not estranged mother to search for, yet did not want to spend the rest of his life in this little sanctuary separated from everything else, like his father and some of his older siblings had done. "I know what you mean, Manny," he responded, using a pet name of his own that she did not like. Just as he did not like the nickname 'Rosie', for its feminine quality, she did not like Manny for the close association to the name 'Manfred'.

"Your birth was some years ago, Mandalyn," he pointed out, returning to a more serious tone of voice, wondering where she intended on taking this. "New Zealand is very far away. Very, very far away. It is a long way to go without even an assurance of finding your mother there - and it was be irresponsible for you to go alone." He sat up, facing her now. "My father is a gentle man, he has all-but adopted you into the family over your stay with us. He would be devastated if you left without thinking through this carefully." Did she plan on going alone? The big wide world was not like his little village, where everyone knew everyone. Young women could not just meander across the globe by themselves. Even a boy from a small town understood that.​
Somehow Mandalyn should have known he'd do everything the easy way. The only thing that made Andi feel any sort of relief, was that he didn't question her lack of magic use. Being an underage witch, she wasn't able to cast magic outside of her school without being in an only magical community, and without supervision. Being only 15, she hadn't even learned how to apparate yet; which meant she didn't even know where to begin with trying. Of course, this wouldn't be a problem, had she not lied to this family about her age and what she was doing. Mandalay had just become accustomed to lying and using er fake ID, so as not to cause any trouble. He believed she was 18, and Andi, feeling guilty, decided that today she would tell him the truth.

"Very funny." Andi responded to the dark haired boy, shouldering him gently now that she was sitting up. Mandalyn was still very careful not to push to hard, she new her play limits, even if he could now use magic to protect himself, without any issue from the Ministry. Mandalyn looked at Rio and rolled er eyes. "You know I have much more fun with you. Your sisters want to much to do wit my makeup and hair, and I don't feel normal at such a party." It was true, Andi felt very out of place down there, as she didn't speak any Italian (though knowing Spanish helped her to distinguish some words) and she wasn't actually family. Mandalyn itched her nose, dust not covering her hands, specks on her nose, and also covering her skirt, distorting the images on it of an American television show. Mandalyn looked at Rosario at his next quip, calling her Manny; again. "You better watch it with that nickname." She teased, not having a real threat to back it up, as her mind went to her confession. It was now or never to tell him.

"I, I had intended on leaving this whole time, Rosario..." Mandalyn used Rio's full name, making it clear that she felt what she had to say was important. "And, since I've been here I haven't been very honest with you either." Andi took a breath and pulled out the real, US ID that she had and slid it over to him. It held her real age, showing him now that she was only 15. "I ran away from home some time ago, and when i arrived in Italy they refunded my ticket, basically telling me better luck next time. I thought about giving up on my journey to find my real mom, but then I saw how happy your family was." Mandalyn didn't look at Rio the entire time that she spoke. Her eyes stayed focused on the distant sunset. "I'm sure that if I meet my mom, I can have some closure with my father getting remarried. But, I'm also sure that i don't want to do this alone." Finally Mandalyn turned her blue eyes toward Rosario. "Come with me." She said, her tone making it clear it was an offer, but not a demand. She was going either way.
<SIZE size="50">Rosario had to agree with Mandalyn. He too had more fun with her than other, as she was new, a different person to the same sort that he had grown up with. Living his entire life with these people meant that they were almost the same. They had the same views, the same experiences, and the same expectations. The only thing that separated him from the other young men in the village was that he was magical, while most others were muggles. There were a few other magical people speckled about, but otherwise he was surrounded by muggles, and acted accordingly. There just weren't that many magical people his age that were not his brothers or sisters, and while he was very much family orientated, it was boring. It was repetitive. It was unfair. To his knowledge, the only siblings that have been allowed to actually leave the area was Remigio and Romeo, and they promised to return, and only left so they could interact with his nieces and nephew on behalf of their father, whose ability to travel was lacking. He was much too ill for such exertions.

"It's been a while since they've had someone's hair to do," he replied, smiling slightly. Rozanna had been gone for some time, while Romeo would have fought them off tooth-and-nail if they tried to mess with his hair. Mandalyn's curly, healthy blonde hair was definitely something his older sisters would admire and wish to interact with. "The entire village is down there, I'm sure," he said, leaning over slightly to catch a glimpse of the lights, dancing and happy chattering of the people below. "They will probably continue this for the next few hours. In fact, it might be day break once they're through." He smiled slightly, letting her know that this was probably a common occurrence with every party ever held in the village. However, his eyebrow rose at her teasing, and he snorted. "Or what? You will push me from this ledge?" He chuckled, but as her expression paused and it became clear to him that she had more to say, he slowed his laughter and gave her an opportunity to release whatever it was that was sitting so tightly on her chest.

His eyes doubled in size at her confession, but he soon calmed his expression, and instead knitted his eyebrows together in thought, chewing on his lower lip as he digested what she was saying. What really surprised him was her actual age. To be honest, he knew she was quite young, but he assumed at least about his age, perhaps seventeen. Not fifteen. She should be with her parents - she should be in a school! Not in a foreign land living with a foreign family - anything could have happened to her here, it was a small village, but he knew not of the people beyond the village. Huge cities were not this tight-knit, surely. How silly could she be, to enter this foreign land where she could not even understand the native tongue and just live with some strange family. He and his family could have been crazy, people sacrificing monsters for all she knew. What if he and his brothers were not raised to be the gentlemen they are?! It was fortunate that she was not looking at him, otherwise she would have noticed how pale he was, and soon breaking into a sweat at what this all meant. Did she expect him to actually let her go after learning this? He muttered a few rather ungentlemanly things under his breath as he thought about her situation, and shook his head. "If you - what?" He stumbled over his words, verbally tripping onto his face at what she said. His grey eyes met her own. "I - you - we go together?" He blinked for a moment, and looked back out at the horizon. There was much beyond that treeline, and this fifteen year old was going to leave here regardless. He could not say no, he had been dreaming about leaving for as long as he could remember, and yet, the thought of leaving now had him nearly speechless. He had never left this place, even though he had lamented enough about desiring to go. The offer was there, and all he had to do was take it. She would be safer with him, definitely, and she would be able to stop him from doing something stupid, or getting disorientated. He couldn't travel by himself.

"I..." he looked down at the joyous scene below, and closed his eyes as he responded, "I will go. But, I do not think we can tell. A letter, we must compose a letter." He opened his eyes and looked at her seriously. "My father would never let me leave unless I was already gone by time he found out. I cannot apparate beyond places I have not been, and do not have a portkey, but I know back alleys, and a friend who will drive us out of here." he had a few muggle friends that he was sure would help them out, and some of his own money that would probably get them to Rome. He did not have much of a concept on how much they would actually need to get tickets or anything, but once they were in Rome, they could find some more magical ways of getting about.​
Mandalyn smiled briefly at the thought. It must be lonely to live in such a small village. Mandalyn came from such a large area that she couldn't imagine what it was like to live in a small village. At least now she didn't have to wonder; she had lived it. The time she'd spent with Rosario's family was something she would never forget, and she hoped it wouldn't be the last time she saw them. Mandalyn pulled her knees to her chest for a bit, the silence between them fading from comfortable to gradually more static-filled, though the young Veela couldn't figure out why. She glanced sideways for a brief moment, her blue eyes stinging slightly. She was more than afraid of what Rio would think of her confession - the fear was enough to nearly make her ill. Her dry laugh at his comment about being pushed from the ledge had long faded into the distance, and the sun was starting to do the same. She needed to know her answer before nightfall - as she planned to leave before morning. She had saved the money from the refund, and it could buy two one-way tickets for New Zealand if she needed them too - but she couldn't afford a two-way ticket unfortunately.

Now that her words were sinking in, Mandalyn looked away, refusing to make eye contact with the man. Her heart beat felt like a thousand horses thundering in her chest, and she placed a petite hand over the spot to make sure her heart would not break through her bones. She could only imagine what was going through his head. Maybe something about how she should go home, and how she was so young. Perhaps he wondered if she was crazy, or if she was homicidal. Many people were worried of runaways that were violent. Then another wave of anxiety struck her, what if he told his father and made him take her home? She couldn't go back now, she refused! The silence that settled only made her heart thump harder, and Mandalyn was close to screaming, or laughing, just to make the void of emptiness dissipate. Her knees were still close to her chest, her head was put down for now, blonde curls covering the side of her face, to hide that she was near tears. She felt like a child right there, next to the man whom she had lied to the most - whom she trusted the most in that moment.

Finally, after moments that seemed to last an eternity or more, Mandalyn heard him begin to form words. In all reality, the young woman was waiting for him to tell her he'd have to turn her in as a runaway, or that she was crazy and had to leave. She was worried at this point she had ruined his birthday. Her chest thumped now with regret for saying anything, the fear pushed into the back of her mind. After all, he was going to think what he was going to think, and she couldn't stop that. Addressing his first statement she answered almost too quickly, "Meet my mom. I never knew her, she left me and my father when I was really young." Her voice shook noticeably, but she tried to remain strong, her hands gripping her shins until she had white knuckles. Her head remained down, and she only hoped that he could hear what she was saying to him. She listened to him sputtering out what little nonsense he could manage. "Rosario, you always talk about what's beyond this place." She muttered, lifting her heat to reveal that she was indeed crying a small amount. "I'm going either way so please." Her large, blue eyes watched him carefully, hoping for a yes. Mandalyn would not be swayed to stay by anything he had to say, either. She had rehearsed her goodbye speech in the shower a hundred times in case he did say no. Her doe eyes were hopeful, still brimming with tears that threatened to spill over.

After his statement saying he would come along, it was like Mandalyn heard nothing else. "Don't worry, I have the money, and we'll get a plane and..." Her voice trailed off, her tears spilling over, falling onto her upturned lips. Tears of happiness for the first time in her life. Mandalyn leaped to him, not taking a second though, her arms around his shoulders - nearly weeping. "Thank you." She breathed a sigh of relief, her voice barely above a whisper as she hugged him.
<SIZE size="50">A party was where Clemente thrived the most. Without his father being able to find him in such a big crowd, and being obliged by etiquette to greet the host and all his lovely daughters, Clemente was perfectly able to sneak away and locate some real fun. Deciding he was going to be a photographer now, Clemente got his hands on an old polaroid, finding amazement in the antiqueness of the object. Who cared about quality? He took terrible photos anyway (not that he realised that. He thought they were amazing). Being the heir of one of the more affluent people in town, Clem never had to work a day in his life, and that was how he liked it. He knew how to run an olive business, but until his old man died he did not have to do a damn thing about it. The Italian man grinned to himself as he took a shocking photo of a group of his friends posing together around Rosario's half-consumed cake. His little shy friend was eighteen now - finally an adult - finally able to drink! He had been missing so much, and Clemente had a nice bottle of wine in his backpack just waiting to be opened by the birthday boy himself... wherever he happened to be.

"Dov'č Rosario?" he asked, and was pointed to the roof. Taking a photo of his helper and stuffing it into his bag with the rest of the birthday collection he was going to put together for Rosario, Clem resided to the fact that he would have to do some serious climbing to reach his friend. Rosario didn't look like a guy with bulging muscles or anything, so how did he manage to climb all of this merda so easily? "Cazzo di... cazzo!" he yelped, nearly falling from the building several times. If he died here tonight, he promised to kill Rosario somehow.

Dragging his slim but unfit form over the final edge, he looked up to see the little blonde ragazza in the arms of his amico. He chewed his lip, grinning at the pair, and stood up. He would have thought that Rosario would at least need a few drinks before doing this, he was so... shy. Good on him! However, not being one to bow out with any grace whatsoever, Clemente pulled out his camera, and rather loudly, took a photo. "Perfetto!" he cheered, skipping over to the 'canoodling' pair and plopping himself down. However, he paused for a moment, remembering that Mandalyn, or as he called her, Tesoro (because it really annoyed Rosario - and now he thought he knew why) could not speak Italian. It would be rude to exclude her. "I would have thought you would prefer to have some of this-" he showed them the bottle of wine, "-first before running off together. A roof? Rosario, have class, Tesoro deserves dinner first. Such crude methods... tsk tsk tsk." He shook his head, and beamed at the blonde. "You like the view, yes? Shall we get Rosario to drag some table and chair up to roof?" He then looked at Rosario, ignoring with either had to say, he was busy talking. "You seem good at climbing roofs. You go collect table and chair." He then winked at his friend, and began opening the bottle, muttering to himself. "è come se si può teletrasportarsi..."​
Mandalyn was unsure how long she had been there, hugging him. The blondes body was beside his, flat on her stomach, forehead nuzzled into the space between his pectoral and armpit. It was warm, and she felt her tears drying the moment they touched his shirt. it was really something spectacular that had possessed her to do so - a joy that she could vaguely compare to her 13th birthday party. Her father had done the house up in princess themes, even making her (with the help of magic of course) a blue ball gown. Everything had been perfect. Andi had ruined it though, asking that night if he'd tell her another story about her absent mother. She could be so cruel sometimes, she supposed.

Andi's thoughts threatened to bring tears to her eyes, until she heard a voice speaking Italian - a word that sounded oddly similar to the Spanish word for perfect. She lifted herself up onto her knees, face a flushed pink color. It was no one but Clem, of course; who else would dare to seek out Rio during his quiet time besides the ever changing brunette. Sitting now on her knees, Mandalyn made a face that was both of embarrassment and shock. He couldn't assume they were doing anything. They were only friends. And especially now that Rosario knew her secret, that she was underage, there would be no way. She didn't even register the bottle of wine, rolling her eyes now. The sock was quickly gone, and replaced by a coy smile on her lips.

"Clemente, stop it!" She teased, giving him a playfully light shove. Her blue orbs settled back over to Rosario. "Wine and fold up chairs on a rooftop isn't my idea of classy either." she spoke sarcastically, though the boys should know at this point it was her way of being playful. The awkwardness of the moment before had faded, though she knew she and Rio had much planning to do. She giggled at his Italian. While Mandalyn did not know the language nearly at all, her Spanish made for some simple translations. The last word was teleportation, or something to the effect. She nudged Rosario, a knowing smile on her lips to share with him. She then leaned a bit closer. "Tonight we go?" She asked, voice nearly inaudible. They needed to plan this out, and Clem was rather clueless most times anyways.
<SIZE size="50">Rosario was through onto his back, into the rotting leaves on the roof and bearing Mandalyn's entire weight. Clearly, his acceptance meant more to her than he had realised, and he was grateful that he did not tell her that this was unacceptable and she would have to go home to whoever her father was. Knowing that Mandalyn had the blood of a veela, simply just by looking at her, Rosario now assumed that perhaps she desired to be with her veela mother for whatever reason. Perhaps her father was smothering her, or something of the kind. He did not know, and it was not his place to ask. Not yet. Especially since it seemed she was crying into his shirt. He wrapped his arms around her, and petted her head in the hope of comforting her, until he heard a very familiar voice and turned his head to get visual confirmation. the sun was beginning to set, but Clement's form was easily seen because of the lights in his hair and glow-in-the-dark paint all over his body and face. What in the name of Merlin was happening down on the street? What Clemente said also got Rosario riled up, as he propped himself on his elbows as his friend came bounding over to them ceremoniously.

"Clemente, star zitto," he gritted, before smiling slightly at Mandalyn who was taking all of this very well. Considering he could go to gaol for such frivolous accusations, perhaps there was a reason for her calm attitude. He would never consider such a thing. He was raised to be a gentleman, and, sick or not, his father would come and skin him alive if he ever did something so improper. Looking back at the colourful muggle beside him, he shook his head at what he had muttered. Teleport? No. Apparate? Totally. His muggle friend had no idea about magic, but often remarked how useful it would be if he could call things to him without having to get up, or just teleport to destinations, or fly instead of go through Rome track. It was funny to watch, but slightly upsetting to know that he could do all of that but was bound by law to not tell his friend. He nodded to Mandalyn and regarded Clemente seriously. He trusted his friend dearly, and was sure he would help them. "Clemente, I must ask your help. Do you have your car keys?"​
"Imparare a guidare, idiota!" yelled Clemente, as he leaned out of the window of his speeding car with his finger held to the other driver. In his frustration, he floored it and overtook the driver, ignoring the outraged Italian slurs from his rival, and fixing his sunglasses. He was the same as he was four and a half hours ago on the roof, and while the sun had long set and would not rise for another six hours, he still felt the need to drive with his sunglasses. The glare of opposing cars could be irritating, he remarked to Rosario when the slightly younger man had questioned him. Still over the limit and in the dead of the night, he was determined to get them to catch the four o'clock flight from Rome to New Zealand, and if that meant overtaking drivers on a two lane road in the dark, then so be it. He had been lucky so far, with precious few drivers driving so late, but still, once they were in Rome it would be far more difficult. He wanted to miss the early morning traffic. This route was rarely taken anyway. He looked expectantly at Rosario, as if expecting him to agree with his outrage at the slow pace of the drivers. After a frightened thumbs up from his friend, Clemente returned his eyes to the road and changed gears. That was when he realised that the bottle from earlier was still sitting between him and Rosario, untouched. Returning to English, he spoke to his friend, "You not drinking wine?" Rosario's reply took a moment to register in Clemente's mind as he translated the English, and his sunglasses sank down to the tip of his nose as he looked at his friend, clearly offended by the presumption that he would even sniff that wine. "I am responsible driver!" he said, his foot hitting the accelerator harder. "Getting to Rome will not happen with wine, getting to Rome will happen with short cuts!" Rosario had not seemed comforted, but that was not Clemente's problem. Mandalyn was paled in the back seat, but otherwise everyone seemed fine in the car, and no issues arose during the drive.

Fiumicino Airport - Two-thirty in the morning
</i><SIZE size="50">

Thanks to Clemente's driving, they hit Rome before the traffic and reached Fiumicino Airport. He was double parked, but he felt that it was a suitable risk. He would send a message to his father about the whereabouts of his car, and wallet, later. After hearing Mandalyn's plight, he was overcome with empathy for the girl, having lost his own beloved mother when he was nine years old, he understood her desire to find her mother. Besides, how could he say no to her? He doubted he would ever be able to. Rosario was severally flustered with this shocking change in environment. At this time, the village was still probably lit up and excited, but that would be only for one night. In fact, people would probably already be going to sleep. It was incredibly early at the airport, and it was still very, very alive with planes landing and leaving, and people getting off flights and booking them. This would have been Rosario's first experience of this, and it was blatantly obvious. He kept a close eye on his friend, and Mandalyn, to make sure they did not get lost, and made his way to the centre of the airport, towards the seats to see if everyone was on the same page. "You ready? You okay?" Rosario looked a little pale, and was perhaps shaking a little more than normal, but otherwise fine. "Enough money?"
Mandalyn had long ago left the embrace of her friend and traded it for a sweater, her bags, and a muggle car. The car was more than flashy, with a designer interior; Cleme had to be loaded. Andi was not new to muggle travel, her father often using it for work. The young blonde, however, was not accustomed to this kind of muggle travel. Car horns were blaring behind them, and she swore someone almost rammed them for the fun of it. She glanced around the driver's seat to see that the speedometer was well over what the last sign said. Swallowing thickly, Mandalyn gripped her seats and shot a worried look at Rosario. The brunette in front looked just as pale and sickly as she did, which left Mandalyn wondering about how much Rio really trusted Cleme. Cleme was a nice guy but, this was who was the best candidate for help, who Andi had to share her story with? She couldn't understand why that was, but Mandalyn trusted Rosario. She felt like she had known the man forever at this point, and since he was risking his life for her, she would do the same for his. Granted, that would only be if she had a life left to risk after this car ride. As they cut off another drive, Mandalyn began praying hard, hoping that she'd make it to Rome.

Sometime between hyperventilating and passing out in the back seat, the car arrived safely at the airport. it seemed that the minute they jerked to a double park, the woman in the back awoke. Her blue eyes saw how dark it was, and wondered if perhaps it was late night - though early morning seemed more plausible. Removing herself from the car she moved slowly to gather her luggage from it's trunk. Looking to Rosario, she gave a faint smile, obviously still half asleep. Even in her dreamy state she could still see that Rio seemed uncomfortable, and for a brief moment reached to his shoulder. She rubbed the area lightly, reassuring him the same way he'd reassured her before. Mandalyn was not new to the airport scene, having flown hundreds of times before this. Her first time on a flight, she was younger than two she thought. Following Cleme, the trio made their way to some seats to discuss what was going to happen. "I have enough for two tickets in coach." She said sheepishly, wondering if now would be when Rosario broke it to Cleme that they'd be going alone from this point on.
<SIZE size="50">Rosario needed a bathroom, badly. He felt as if his stomach was trying to claw out of his body using his oesophagus, and just jump onto the floor in front of him. He could not remember leaving the car, and he could not remember reaching the airport, but here he was. This place was too crowded, and those flying things weren't what they would be going on... right? He felt uncomfortable. Perhaps he should have stayed at home, or stolen his older brother Rinaldo's broom and just guessed where New Zealand was. Why they have even made it on a broom? It seemed better than all this congestion. The prospect of flying on a plane did not sit well with hi either, but there was no way they could get out of it. He and Mandalyn could not drive to New Zealand, as it was on the other side of the plant and not connected by any land. There was the option of taking a boat, but the Italian knew that he would not be able to survive on a boat for too long. A plane was quicker, a plane was probably safer, and it was their best bet. If he was not out of this country before his father realised he and Mandalyn (and Clemente) were gone, they were surely going to be caught and dragged back to the village. After doing a runner, he could not go back there. Not unless someone was dying.

He shook his head at Clemente's questioning, and took a seat. He had appreciated Mandalyn's attempts at comfort, but they were not working. There was so much noise here that he just wanted to silence everyone around him to have some time to think. He held his head in his hand and drummed his fingers on his forehead as Mandalyn and Clemente spoke. This was all going to go downhill in about three seconds, it was time to tell Clemente he was not allowed to come with them. How could he tell Clemente that? Clemente was his friend, and had got them out of the village without anyone seeing, and to Rome. While the travel was certainly enough to take fifty years off of him, they got here in time for the flight they had decided to get tickets for and were safe.

He looked up at his childhood friend, frowning at the slightly older man. "Clemente... you cannot come," he stated, rather bluntly. A little more bluntly than he had intended, but it had to be done. Clemente was a muggle, and while they would be in the muggle world for a while, this adventure could very well take them into magical society. He would probably be using magic for himself and Mandalyn on occasion, and he could not do that with Clemente. He was not magical, and Rosario had no reason to tell him he was magical. He was not sure he could just lie to Clemente the entire time. His friend knew when not to ask questions, but he could not exclude him from half of the adventure and not expect his friend to be upset and confused. No, he would have to stay in Italy. "Clemente, do not look at me like that. You cannot come with us, we must go alone." What was he supposed to tell him? What could possibly get Clemente to not come? "Your father would be worried beyond belief, and you are double parked. Think of the tickets you would get, Clemente. This is where we must separate. I apologise for not telling you sooner."​
"Another bride, another June. hmm Hmm. Honeymoon." A voice that was somewhere between low and sweet, and old fashioned echoed through the bathroom. Kimberlyn stood nose to mirror, attempting to fix her makeup a little bit, before getting on her flight. It was a connecting flight, about 27 hours. it wasn't the longest flight she'd been on, having to fly from China to the Us with a Layover in Moscow, but it wasn't the shortest either. The young brunette woman fixed her hair, which was tied back in a black and white bow, only to keep it out of her face while she worked on the flight. Kimberlyn looked over her outfit once more, and decided she looked like a professional. She needed to look business like for her arrival and departure, as she was always representing her company. It was one of the many reasons that Germany's top museums had her travel. it started with Munich, sending her about Germany, and soon she became a valuable asset for more than one museum. Her Masters in History, and Bachelors in anthropological research helped her to become as successful as she was. She really had to owe it all to her muggle studies courses, they opened the gateway to her interest in muggle history.

Kimber felt like she was ready for the twenty minute wait, and made her way out into the large, semi-empty waiting area. It was so late in the night that she wasn't surprise it was so empty. Making her way across the waiting area, she did catch wind of the only loud group in the airport, who seemed to be comprised of a young blonde and two men. The face of the man yelling was what caught her eye first, and Kimber felt her heart skip a beat. She wasn't normally one to become attracted openly to someone, being considered the book-worm type. Instead she only admired from afar, and thought of dates she had been missing out on. Of course, the moment she was buried in a history book, the want to be intimate or date left her mind, her work consumed her brain often times. Kimberlyn realized that she was staring, and the arguing was becoming louder. Finally mustering up some courage, she approached the group. "Excuse me, I'm sorry to be that person, but there's a family waiting for their flight with a young child and you are disturbing the baby's sleep. Please keep it - hey!" Kimberlyn suddenly recognized the other two, whom she had only seen from the back before approaching.

"Rosario, Mandalyn! It's me, Kimberlyn, the historian! What are you doing here? I wouldn't think you'd be taking any sort of flights!" She was overjoyed to see the two whom she had talked with when she came and saw the small village in Italy that they resided in. It was a beautiful area that she had truly loved from both a magical perspective, and an anthropological perspective. She placed her bag down and took a seat across from them, unprepared for the argument being trust on her for her opinion.

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