Future planning

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Cyndi Kingsley

Former Gryffindor HoH | Mother of 3
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
I'm looking for some plots! Can you help me out??
1. I don't keep a list of my RPs, so if it's been a while (like more than two weeks) since I replied, feel free to poke me.
2. I try to be a quick replier, but sometimes I can't be. Please be patient with me if I'm suddenly not replying as quickly unless it's been more than two weeks in which case it's ok to poke me. :p

My students
1)Jean Snow- He's Head boy! I'd like some plots for him to jump into. If any of your characters are doing bad, give me a poke. Jean will be happy to jump in! :devious:

2) Alana Finch- I think she's pretty set on friends at this point. However, I'd really like for her to have an enemy of some kind, someone who doesn't like her because of her betrothal to Chaos or for any other reason. I'm game for anything.

3)Desislav Zhefarovich- My prankster. I'd really like to have him date someone, very briefly, an RP or two max. It can end disastrously. In fact, I'd prefer it to. :p Maybe she can't take a prank?

4) Tobiah Djordjevic - I'd like to get him involved in some RPs. He was very intrigued by the Scitorari protest, though it wasn't enough to convince him to join. Tobiah lacks motivation and needs a huge push in his life one way or another.
I've imagined him being bi, but one thing I have thought about is for him to have a child that he's not aware about for a few years. If anyone's interested in being the momma, let's discuss. ;) I guess I'd also be interested in a more regular partner for him as well. Mostly though, I'd like him to get into trouble. He's got a big mouth and Scitorari like ideas that he's not afraid to voice, so I could see him not meshing with a lot of people. He's a fighter, for sure and was nearly expelled and had his wand snapped before his parents came to the rescue. He's an adult now though, and mom and dad have grown tired of rescuing him.


I'm interested in people! But I'm at work so I'll think and get back to you ^_^
I have someone who could date Desi for a little while. My fifth year Victoria Havelock who up to this point only comes out of hiding for quidditch so I'd love to rp with her. Depends if you think they would mix, she's moody and not the most social of people and she would hate pranks especially one pulled on her.
Okay so I'd totally love to see Esme and Jean, especially since he's Head Boy and she wouldn't much respect his authority. :r

But I'm also quite interested in Tobiah. Unfortunately I don't think I have anyone suitable as a baby momma or a partner, but I'd like to interact with him in general. He could always meet Fenris, my Scitorari anarcho-magician, if he's interested in the group, or any other adult of mine around his age could work fine. I have people he could tussle with, and I might apply for a general law enforcement character after the sorting period, so that could always be explored.
Desi& Victoria: I'm wondering if she would even go for him knowing that he's a prankster? He doesn't hide it at all, and they are in the same year so they'd have to know at least a little about each other.

Tobiah & Fenris: I'd really like to see this happen to see if a more personal 'recruitment' of sorts would make him more likely to join. Maybe Fenris hears/sees Tobiah arguing/fighting with someone over something he read in the paper or the protest itself and swoops in to try and recruit him?
I think so. She hates pranks but she would be amused by them being done to others so him being a prankster wouldn't be off putting for her, but pranking her would be too far.
Felix Warrick said:
I think so. She hates pranks but she would be amused by them being done to others so him being a prankster wouldn't be off putting for her, but pranking her would be too far.
That makes sense! Ok, I can start something when the semester starts and we can see how they get on before we make plans for their demise? :p
Sounds like a plan :)
Jean x Wade: If they were to ever meet, Wade would flirt his pants off and be convinced Jean is into boys so maybe next break they should bump into one another and see how that unfolds?

Alana x Wyatt: Whether she'd dislike him or not is up to you but he'd be very hesitant because he was told that a good portion of the Finch family were basically evil. He knows about her and that she's a cousin but that's just about it but it would be interesting.

Tobiah x Sanne: She just graduated from Durmstrang and there isn't that much of an age difference and the Langbroek sisters are just a little infamous there because there are just so many of them so maybe they met a few times. I don't know how they'd interact to tell you the truth but that's part of the fun, right?
Jean & Wade: xD This sounds fun.
Tobiah & Sanne: Yes, that is part of the fun. It'll be good for him to run into someone from his past.

Alana & Wyatt: If it's ok, can we put this one on hold for a little?

Georgiana & Jeremy: I'm sorry I abandoned our RP. Would you like to continue that one or start a new one?
I know Jesse's offered Fenris for some 1 on 1 recruitment, if you wanted to we could also throw in Yevheniy into that mix, he's definitely a fan of the more personal recruitment method, so if you were interested I'd be happy to have him jump in with Fenris and Tobiah.
Hey Cyndi :hug:

I know that you said you wanted enemies etc for Jean but I really want to have another roleplay with Jean and Archie! They haven't rped in ages and I promise I won't be useless and forget to reply this time! What do you think?
Stefan Archer said:
I know Jesse's offered Fenris for some 1 on 1 recruitment, if you wanted to we could also throw in Yevheniy into that mix, he's definitely a fan of the more personal recruitment method, so if you were interested I'd be happy to have him jump in with Fenris and Tobiah.
If Jesse is cool with it, I am as well. Otherwise, maybe he can run into Fenris (Edit: totally meant Yev. No idea why I wrote Fenris) days later? I think his ego would like that a leader is speaking to him. xD
Samuel Phillips said:
Hey Cyndi :hug:

I know that you said you wanted enemies etc for Jean but I really want to have another roleplay with Jean and Archie! They haven't rped in ages and I promise I won't be useless and forget to reply this time! What do you think?
You're never useless. :r And sure! I enjoy Archie RPs so I'm not going to turn down the chance to be part of one. :p Anything in particular you want them to get up to?
Forgot to reply xD
I'm cool with it, whatever you decide, whether Fenris meets him around the same time or days later
Sanne x Tobiah: Yes this'll be fun

Niamh x Alana: Maybe the two of them could meet. I honestly don't know if they would get along or hate each other but either way it'd be fun to get Niamh out there with her fellow Slytherins.
Esme Lancaster said:
Forgot to reply xD
I'm cool with it, whatever you decide, whether Fenris meets him around the same time or days later
I edited my post, totally meant that Tobiah could meet Yev later if anything. I'll start an RP for Fenris soon, and if at some point during it it seems natural for Yev to come in, he can. Otherwise, we can RP later, k Emzies?
Tesla Wilde said:
Sanne x Tobiah: Yes this'll be fun

Niamh x Alana: Maybe the two of them could meet. I honestly don't know if they would get along or hate each other but either way it'd be fun to get Niamh out there with her fellow Slytherins.
Niamh/Alana will be interesting either way it goes, I think. Do you want to split starting these? Any preference to locations?
Professor Cyndi Kingsley said:
You're never useless. :r And sure! I enjoy Archie RPs so I'm not going to turn down the chance to be part of one. :p Anything in particular you want them to get up to?
I was just thinking we could have them pratice on the quidditch pitch together? Like maybe Archie ran into Jean earlier in the day and was like 'hey, wanna practice later?' and then they meet up at the pitch that afternoon/evening? Does that sound good?
If so, let me know! and let me know if you would like me to start the thread too! :D
Xavier Jeffreys said:
Professor Cyndi Kingsley said:
You're never useless. :r And sure! I enjoy Archie RPs so I'm not going to turn down the chance to be part of one. :p Anything in particular you want them to get up to?
I was just thinking we could have them pratice on the quidditch pitch together? Like maybe Archie ran into Jean earlier in the day and was like 'hey, wanna practice later?' and then they meet up at the pitch that afternoon/evening? Does that sound good?
If so, let me know! and let me know if you would like me to start the thread too! :D
That sounds perfect, and if you could start it, I'd be grateful. :)
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