Future Hogwarts Students, Look Here!

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Hayley Dalton

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Walnut/ Maple Wand 12 3/4 Essence of Silver Thistle
I've been doing a lot of thinking, lately, about this and that, and how I would really like to build more into the character of Hayley Dalton, to really get inside her mind and find out who she is. For years, I have debated how she is going to turn out, but have since decided that maybe that doesn't matter right now. Maybe I should just enjoy her character while I can. So here is what I'm after..

Hayley will be starting at Hogwarts this September. She's well aware of the wizarding world as her family are purebloods, though she has been brought up to feel more ashamed of her blood status than proud of it. The entire family are a bunch of muggle fanatics, especially her older brother Landon who now runs his own bookshop with his muggle-born fiancée. Hayley does have another older brother, though she knows nothing of him as he was given up for adoption as a baby. Her eldest brother, James, is a Death Eater, so it's uncertain which brother she will end up following in the footsteps of. I would prefer Landon, but we'll see how the world affects her. Landon was a Gryffindor prefect and Head Boy, so she has a rather large set of boots to fill. I'm not aiming for a specific Hogwarts house. In fact, I really don't know what she's going to get, and I don't mind. It will steer her in a certain direction. Which could be fun.

I am seeking future and present friends for Hayley. They should be aged between NINE and TWELVE. Preferably around her age. Any gender. If possible, the friends she has at present should be from known wizarding families (otherwise it seems a huge coincidence that her 'muggle' friend is suddenly at Hogwarts with her, come the time). Once she has started at Hogwarts, any blood status/house is fine. I just really want to get developing on her character. And I want to have a laugh with her. I can already see Hayley becoming the slightly more 'out there' Dalton, the sort who has several different relationships with males and females.
I can offer Emerson as a friend. She will be starting school soon and is from a wizarding family (though not purebloods). Emerson is pretty outgoing and at the moment ready to make as many friends as possible. She can be a bit pushy, but we can always attempt and see if Hayley and her would work as friends :)
Sounds great!
I'm sure they'd get on just fine. As I have a few RPs planned for the very near future, perhaps they could meet nearer the time of school in Obsidian Harbour? Maybe when they're buying a few school supplies, or something, and they get talking and go for an ice-cream?
I'm planning on making Georgiana's younger sister, Indiana who is currently supposed to be around ten eleven. I don't have anything developed about her yet but she's going be alot like her older sister when she first entered school in being a nice girl who wants to make really good friends.
She'd be great for Hayley to get to know. I think she could be one of the people who positively influence Hayley's school years. If they could meet around the time of buying school supplies in Obsidian Harbour, that'd be great. Hayley is quite a lot more outgoing than her brother ever was at her age, so she would be more than willing to strike up a conversation with a complete stranger.

If you have any other ideas, please do let me know ^_^
Sounds great, I'll be making her within the next few weeks in order to give her a character of her own and in time to get supplies before sorting :) I'll let you know when I do!
I can offer Killua Freecss for her......

I'm kinda crazy when I made him so,,,

He's from a family of assassins and is also one himself. But, he wanted to live a life of his own and choose what he wants to do. He doesn't want his family telling him what to do anymore. For now, he is a kid with a cold attitude, but when you become friends with him, his attitude changes and it's exclusive for that person only.

That's about it, since I'm still thinking about him and will base his overall character on his RPs when he gets them... He doesn't have a bio or CD yet.....
umm yh i could offer greg langley

his from a family of blood tratiors and death eaters.

his farther was a deatheater who married his mum for herlooks but didnt relise tht she loved muggles so he ditched her when she had her first child alex, gregs elder brother
Bethy-Boo! :wub: :hug:

Cole here, and do I have a little girl for you.
This is Claire Adkins, she just turned 11, and is a sweetheart if there ever was one. Her bio is right here - - - - -> XXXX
She comes from the Americas as it is, and I don't think they would have met before, with Claire being a muggle born. My plan was for them to meet during school and become close, if it would be possible. I read what you're looking for, and since she's going to be out there and out going, she might need an out there and out going buddy? Maybe she could even be a sort of bad school influence on Claire, since as it is she really isn't that bright anyways? What do you think?
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