Closed Funny Food & Growing Up

Daniel followed Kara to the back of the van."Do you guys go on road trips often? You'd have so much room in here!" Daniel wished his family had a van, but they only had a small car."We've only got a small car. You must be able to get your own row!" He laughed, since he could imagine the arguments between him and his sisters about which row they wanted. They argued over seats! Rows would be even crazier.
Kara laughed, her family didn't really go on vacation much. "I think my mom mostly got it after Sammy was born so we could haul around our cousins too. Four kids in a van requires a second row." She liked taking trips to gardens or zoos with her family. "Also, Sammy plays soccer and has a lot of friends."
Daniel nodded."True, it's good that you guys can bring your cousins along." He was excited to hear that Sammy played soccer."Does he? I used to, but I had to stop. Is he good? Which position is he?" He loved the idea of maybe having a game with him one day. Daniel missed playing soccer, and hoped maybe he'd have time to at school. Maybe there'd be some other kids that played, and they could make a team.

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