Fun Night Out? Yea, right.

Athena Zhefarovich

Well-Known Member
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
13 1/4" Cypress Wand with powdered serpent scale
From the balcony of the club, Athena Zhefarovich watched as people danced below her. The mass of bodies clothed in black and white writhed and moved to the beat, but Athena no longer had the same desire to join them as she had an hour ago. She didn't know if it was the alcohol that she'd drunk, much more than she usually did, or if she was just brooding, but it all suddenly seemed so pointless. At some point, Athena always felt that way during these weekly pureblood parties that she seemed to find herself attending. Like her, many of the people around her came from well off families. They had connections that made it easy for them to find jobs if they wanted to, though none of them seemed to find it necessary to do so. Instead, they lived off of the allowances given to them by their parents. Athena had been more than content to do that for a time, telling people that she was trying to figure out what it was she wanted to do with her life. Ever since her birthday, things had felt different to the young woman. She knew that some of it had to do with her age but more of it had to do with his parting words to her, him telling her that he needed a woman who was going places and calling her a little girl. His words had stung and had rung through her head numerous times over the past few months. Still, she couldn't go home just yet. It would be social suicide. Lifting a drink from the tray that floated by, Athena took a large gulp.

"Ugh...what the hell is this stuff?" she muttered as she choked the gulp down. It was bitter, a far cry from the fruity drinks she'd been enjoying tonight. Slamming it down, Athena went back to staring down at the crowd. Someone tugged her arm and she turned to see one of her pureblood 'friends' asking her to join her downstairs. Athena gave her a bright smile as she shook her head, the smile disappearing as soon as the woman's back was turned. Athena knew that the woman would have done thr same to her. They were friends only in the sense that they hung out at these things together. With a sigh, Athena wished for Kara or even Elijah's company, but one was off doing who knew what...her boyfriend probably, and the other was off in school. The blonde lifted the glass to her lips once more, momentarily forgetting that she hadn't liked it when she had first tried it.
Drakon Katsaros grabbed a bottle of firewhiskey and he held it to his lips before downing quite a bit of it. He paused, wiped the back of his mouth with his hand and he beamed at the party goers. Drakon cheered and so did some of the other ones. This was great, he loved the parties here. The pure-bloods were just amazing to be around. Drakon didn't mind coming here often. He needed to be around to this crowd, and it made him feel more at home than anything else. He didn't have much of home anyway. He didn't have any visitors at all. That was the sad bit about him. He put the bottle down and continued to dance with some of the other girls that were around. He was more than happy to oblige to a few close dances since he was really bored. He enjoyed it. Drakon was in the downstairs part of the club, and he loved it. He thought about the balcony for a few moments, but he brushed that off. Drakon vaguely wondered what his siblings were up to. None of them seemed as mischievous as he was, and didn't crave the desire for power as he did. He was always in the shadows and now, he was his own person.

While dancing, he smirked as he told some of the group, "Watch this!" He apparated to the top of the balcony, right on the ledge while he held on to the top to make sure that he wasn't going to fall while still moving to the beat. He turned around and noticed someone that he didn't think that he would see. He almost lost balance from the shock, but he managed to keep where he was. He hopped down onto the floor, and he walked toward the woman. The woman was a Zhefarovich. That was all he knew about her. He didn't have his bottle of firewhiskey with him, but he was pretty buzzed. "Didn't expect to see someone of your stature here. Having fun?" She should at least dance or something. That was what made everything fun. He could dance to his heart's content. And, he looked damn good with his leather jacket, black shirt and jeans. Not really wizarding clothing, but it still looked really good.
Wrinkling her nose at the sharp smell of the alcohol just before she took a sip, Athena put the glass down and pushed it away as she watched a man apparate onto the balcony railing a few feet in front of her. The pureblood rolled her eyes as she continued to watch the man, who had to be drunk, balance himself on the railing. As he turned, the Zhefarovich woman's eyes widened with immediate recognition. She quickly glanced away, getting another drink, this time one with an umbrella, from the waitress who had just appeared beside her with a full tray. Looking up as he spoke, Athena pretended that this was the first time she'd noticed him. He was dressed just as well as he had been on the day that they’d ‘met,’ not that Athena cared any.

Even though the music was a little lower up in the balcony, it was still difficult to hear much of anything over the blast of club music. Her eyes narrowed, assuming like last time that he was being a jerk. Trying to piece together the little that she had heard, she realized that he wasn’t. The blonde took her time answering his question and distracted herself for a moment by playing with the black umbrella on her drink. She shrugged. "Why wouldn't I be here? It's a pureblood party, and I'm a pureblood" she spoke, leaning forward so that he could hopefully hear her. Athena had been certain that the annoying man she'd met before her birthday was a liar. She’d met many people before who had claimed to be from pureblood families and couldn’t even trace their magical lineage back two generations. If he was at this party, though, it was obvious that he was from a pureblood family. The only non-purebloods in the room were the waiters and waitresses doing their jobs. “I'm surprised to see you here. I didn't think you were actually a pureblood” she added boldly as she leaned back in her seat and crossed one leg over the other. Across the balcony, she spotted another friend who had been on her way over. She paused, shooting Athena a thumbs-up as she assumed that Athena and the guy were flirting. They weren’t, but if it prevented the woman from having to deal with more of her giggly ‘friends,’ she wasn’t going to correct them.
When Zhefarovich asked why she wouldn't be here, because it was a pure-blood party. But it was something that he didn't see her type of people coming to. Didn't they not know how to have fun? This one sure didn't. She wasn't even dancing! "Well, no, it isn't just that. I didn't picture you as someone who knew how to have fun. Although, maybe I was right about that." He smirked slightly, raising the bottle to his lips once more. He was really good with alcohol, and could probably drink a load of people under the table. He figured that she was one of those uptight ones. She really needed to dance, but he didn't know if he could get her to loosen up, even just a little bit. Drakon looked her up and down, wondering if she was one of those women that really needed to drink to become a bit more fun. He didn't even know her first name, as well as she did not know his. She was really easy to see, standing out in a crowd. Her long blonde hair, her angelic features. She was hot, and he was not going to deny that. He smirked slightly, before he took another drink of his alcohol. She mentioned that she was surprised to see him here, and how she didn't think that he was an actual pure-blood. Of course he was! He almost choked on his drink because of this.

"I definitely don't lie," Drakon managed to say after he finished coughing, "I'm Drakon Katsaros. My family descend from Greece, and go back many generations. But then again, why would you believe me, since we met only once. That's my name though." Drakon shifted his position, wondering her first name. He would love to know, but he didn't see Athena's friends at all. His attention was on one, but while he was buzzed, he couldn't multitask either. He was good at dancing, he looked over the balcony for a moment. The dance was still going on, and almost missed being down there, dancing and feeling up on the ladies. It was a good feeling to do stuff like that, but he didn't feel like apparating down there and leaving this Zhefarovich woman high and dry, and alone too. What if someone took advantage of her? As if, those women were vicious now that he thought about it.
Athena scoffed at the man as he insulted her, telling her that she didn’t know how to have fun. Of course she knew how to have fun. This had just ceased to be fun for her, that was all. She didn’t expect him to understand nor did she feel the need to explain to him, a stranger, that this just wasn’t her idea of fun. Sure, it had been ok for a little while. But, she’d had a bit too much to drink and now she simply felt like nodding off, preferably in her fluffy bed. It was obvious to Athena that this was definitely his idea of fun, what with his apparating on to railings. She had assumed he was some sort of party boy when she had first seen him in the shop, and a knowing smirk crossed her face as she realized she was right. He thought he had her pegged, but it was she who had him pegged. As she took the tiniest of sips from her own alcoholic beverage, she tried her best to keep from laughing as he nearly choked on his drink in his efforts to explain exactly how he was a pureblood. Athena always enjoyed when people would boast about ancestors they’d never met. All she had to do was pull up her shirt or turn around (depending on the type of shirt she was wearing) and her blood status was made pretty obvious. The introduction was enlightening though, and Athena’s eyes lit up with recognition as he mentioned his family name. Athena had heard it mentioned in passing before. “I’ve heard your surname mentioned before. What an interesting name…Drakon” she loudly replied.

Looking down at her glass, Athena played with it for a moment before she looked back up and glanced around. One of her ‘friends’ was moving towards her. This time, it looked like she wasn’t going to be deterred by the fact that Athena was speaking with someone else. She had to think quickly or risk being pulled into some silly drama, one that probably had to do with someone she wanted to leave with. Athena knew that the girl had made her way through half the pureblood guys at this party. Hell, for all Athena knew, she’d been with Drakon too. Or she’d try to be if she got a good look at him. Athena didn’t know the guy very well, only that he was good-looking and probably one of the more arrogant men she’d ever met. But, he would be a good distraction. Standing quickly, Athena drained her glass and slammed it down on the table. “I’m Athena Zhefarovich, but you already know that last part” she stated as she leaned in close and grabbed hold of his arm. With a glance at the girl who was already opening her mouth to speak with Athena, she apparated quickly to the stairs with the near stranger. As she landed right at the edge of the first step, Athena teetered for a moment before leaning forward, right into Drakon. She righted herself quickly. With a small laugh, she patted his arm. “Believe me, I just rescued you. You’re welcome” she informed the man as she began to make her way down the steps. Nearly tripping down the steps, Athena shook her head at herself. She had had way too much to drink. Holding onto the railing, she continued down the steps, in her heels, without a glance back.
Drakon was a little bit too buzzed to even recall that he was insulting her. He didn't think anything of it. Just remembered that she did not seem like a lot of fun, and she really did not. She mentioned how his name was interesting, well, the first name. She heard of his surname. As she should have, but he didn't expect it. However, he felt a sense of pride swell up within him because the Zhefarovich family might have mentioned his family once or twice. Or maybe, it was someone at parties like this. Well, he could hope for the first. He bowed his head slightly, actually being respectful for a moment, which was definitely not fitting on his character. However, he did have to respect another fellow pure-blood. He didn't want to do that. This woman was named Athena Zhefarovich, but he did already know the last part. However, his eyes averted to some girl that he did not recognize walking over to them, and felt Athena lean into him for a moment. He gave her an odd look, before she grabbed his arm, and apparated off with him. He was not expecting it, but he was certainly glad that she did not splinch anything, or any parts of him that he would want to use.

They appeared on the stairs, and she practically fell into him, before she caught herself. Drakon couldn't help the smirk that crossed his lips. She rescued him? He had to think about that for a moment as she walked down the stairs, albeit a little bit odd. He followed her down the stairs before he walked next to her. "How did you rescue me exactly? By the way, Athena is such a powerful name. I wouldn't have expected anything less from someone of your stature." Drakon felt like he might owe her something. Maybe he could get a dance or something from her. "Come on, let me pay you back with a dance. Something. Otherwise, I'll be in your debt for life, and something about being in debt to a Zhefarovich feels a little...wrong." Drakon didn't know much about the family, but something about that just didn't sit well with him. He wanted a dance and see how much fun she could really be. It would be interesting.
Athena stood at the foot of the staircase, trying to decide if she wanted to head onto the dancefloor or head home. Really, the choice was incredibly easy for the blonde. She wasn’t much of a dancer, never had been. She moved with grace under most circumstances, but it was as if her limbs had never acquired the skill of moving right on a beat. Athena nearly always felt uncomfortable when she was dancing. She didn’t like the closeness of bodies, didn’t like feeling as if she had an additional heartbeat because of the heavy bass of most club music, and she certainly didn’t like feeling as if there was no escape which was often the case when one found themselves in the middle of a dance floor. And her bed was calling to her. Her bed and a piece of the pie her father had left for the children. As the guy, Drakon, spoke right beside her, Athena looked over at him with surprise filling her silver eyes. She had expected him to be right in the center of the dance floor by now or that he would’ve apparated back to the railing to continue being an imbecile. She turned slightly so she was facing him a bit more. It was a while before he paused for breath and gave her the opportunity to speak. “Let’s just say that you might deserve a little better” Athena replied, “but by all means, if she’s your type march yourself back up there. I’m sure she’d be happy to sink her teeth into you,” and rip you to shreds after she added silently. Athena had seen some of the men that her friend been with afterwards and they were in sorry states.

Her dainty shoulders lifted and fell in a lazy shrug. “I don’t know. It feels very right to me” she stated with a smile tugging at her lips as she crossed her arms under her chest. She was joking…mostly. From her point of view, having someone in her debt sounded like a very good thing. She could see why someone, especially someone like Drakon, might not like it though. If the shoe was on the other foot, Athena would be determined to even things out so she could understand where he was coming from. It was still fun to watch him squirm. “Anyway…I don’t like to dance. I only come to these because I have to” she continued with an eye roll. It was all about status with these people. Your people, she reminded herself. Athena loved to complain about the purebloods, but she was very much one of them. “So, I guess you’ll just have to be in my debt for a while. Don’t worry, I’ll find you when I need you” she finished before turning away from Drakon and heading for the door. It was time to go home. Although she had managed to apparate them to the bottom of the stairs with little trouble, Athena could feel her heartbeat quicken at the thought of the long distance she needed to travel to get home. She’d splinched herself once before and was not eager to relive the experience. And, she’d been sober when that happened. Now, she definitely wasn’t. Turning again, Athena was pleased to see that Drakon was still where she’d left him. She beckoned him over. “We can be squared away if you do me a favor right now. I need to get home and I’m not apparating because it’s way too far” she winced at the painful memory and having to admit weakness. “ Do you have floo powder on you? Or a broom? Or a magic carpet” she asked. Really, she wasn't fussed so long as she could get home soon.

She thought that he deserved better? Drakon raised an eyebrow and wondered what sort of woman she was. After the thought of what the girl looked like, he shook his head. "No thanks. I don't like little hook ups. A waste of time, and a risk too." He didn't want to end up in those messes because one, there was the risk of diseases, and two, the risk of babies. He didn't want a part of that. Maybe one day, but not any day soon. He was much too young! At the mention of being in debt to a Zhefarovich, Athena said that it felt right, and he could have sworn that she was joking. Oh! She had some humor about her! "You do have a sense of humor. I thought I saw a bit of a smile." And it didn't even break her face. He was joking a little about that too. However, the thought of being in debt, that he owed something, really made him tense and uncomfortable. What did he have to do? Give her his unborn son? Soul? Arm and a leg? What? He didn't know, and wanted to just get rid of the nagging feeling! And she only came because she had to. She didn't like to dance, so, who forced her to come here? Surely not her parents. He didn't see any tall, menacing Zhefarovich-like people around. So, it wasn't them. Perhaps those friends upstairs?

He didn't want to be in her debt, and she said that she would find him when she needed him. Drakon stood still for a moment, the color slowly fading from his face. What did she mean by that? Drakon, of course, dropped his bottle of alcohol where it smashed on the floor, and followed after Athena, slowly. He noticed when she beckoned him to come over, he groaned within his head and walked faster to catch up. He could repay her if he could do her a favor. She needed to get home. Drakon thought over his means of travel, before he realized he did have a broom. It was at his house, and with a quick summon spell, it ought to be here in a moment or two. "I don't trust the floo network, but I have a broom at the house. With a spell, it'll be here in a few moments." He pulled out his wand and silently summoned his emerald colored streak he had for years to show up. "I'm not too sober, but I'm focused enough to ride a broom. But, you have a deal, Athena." He was taking her home. That didn't sound too bad! And with his broom, it shouldn't take too long either.
Athena was interested to hear what Drakon would say to her request. He seemed eager to be out of her debt, at least judging by the various expressions that had crossed his face when she attempted to joke about it. It was obvious to the young woman that Drakon had heard stories, probably many of them, about the kinds of things that happened to people who associated with the Zhefarovich family. He’s probably heard all of the bad stories , Athena thought to herself. There were good stories too. If you were in the family or in good standing with them, being a Zhefarovich was a great thing. There was always a sibling or cousin to keep you company and get into trouble with. Athena had very fond memories of hanging out with Hades and Kaia. Those weren’t the stories that got circulated though. The woman’s silver eyes caught Drakon’s as he began to speak, a plan already seemingly formulated in his head. Athena nodded her head curtly. Most people she knew were cautious about the floo network. The nearest one to her home was still a good distance away, but at least she’d be able to apparate from there.

When Drakon continued speaking, Athena paled noticeably, even for her. Her fingers dug into her arms and she took a deep breath, the feeling of being in a wind tunnel threatening to take over as she felt her a wave of anxiety pass over her. Athena was frightened of brooms. She’d avoided them for most of her schooling, aside from that time she’d been forced to take flying lessons during her first year. She couldn’t back out now though. Drakon had already summoned the broom, and she was sure it’d be here at any moment. His reassurance that he was sober enough to ride a broom did little to alleviate her anxiety. In fact, it made it worse. “Great” she replied faintly. Athena headed outside under the guise of waiting for the broom, but more so she could get some gulps of air to help her gather the courage to get on the broom with this near-stranger. Soon enough, the broom soared in front of them. The blonde glanced at it and then at Drakon. “You better not be lying about being good enough to ride this thing” she stated, her eyes narrowing at the man, “or you’ll have way more trouble than just being in debt to me.” Athena sighed heavily. “Let’s get this over with” she added.
Drakon wondered what was going through Athena's mind when he said that he would be flying her. Then again, she seemed like she was going to throw up. Was that the alcohol, or just flying? He narrowed his brown eyes upon her face, her gorgeous face. Wow, she was definitely a keeper, if he could have her that is. Then again, would that be in the best interest, to date a Zhefarovich, no less? Plus she would have to be interested in him too. He reached out his hand as he heard the wind from his broom soar into his hand. He held it in front of them, and it hovered. He noticed that she seemed to be really nervous. He smirked slightly, "Since when are you Zhefarovich's scared?" Drakon chuckled at her responses on how he better be good at this thing, and that he would be in even more trouble. Drakon assisted Athena onto the broom, and mounted himself. Athena would be behind him. He figured that she would have to hold on tight, but he really hoped that she would not throw up on him. Drakon hoped that Athena would really hold on, as he started to hover off the ground, now relying completely on the broom for transportation and to stay afloat.

"Just hang on really tight," Drakon said, as he watched as the broom started to lift higher and higher, before they were on the right path. He hoped it was the right path anyway. He looked back over his shoulder at Athena, before he smiled slightly, though hidden by his shoulder. He asked, "So, which way is your house?" Drakon made sure not to go fast at all on the broom. He would not go too fast, since he did not want to have his vision go wonky, and did not want to end up with vomit all over his leather jacket. Drakon waited for her to point him in the right direction, and he would end up in the middle of the ocean otherwise. That was the last place he wanted to fly over since it was hard to navigate over a sea of water. There were no landmarks to tell if they were going in the right direction.
Athena tried her best to not let Drakon feel her hands trembling as he took them to help her onto the broom. She waited for him to get on himself, casting a quick charm to keep herself warm before moving her arms hesitantly towards his waist. This is so awkward , she thought to herself as she made sure that her arms were linked against his stomach. She felt only marginally safer, but it was really the best that things were going to get. Frozen in place as they began to rise higher and higher, Athena forgot all about her efforts to not let her fear show. She closed her eyes tightly, her head resting against Drakon’s shoulder. She had plans to remain this way until they arrived to her home, but Drakon’s question made it obvious that she’d forgotten one very important part. Of course he doesn’t know where you live, you idiot , Athena berated herself. She was tempted to just point in a direction and hope for the best, but that might mean that she would be stuck on the broom even longer. Sneaking a peek, Athena looked for a landmark, anything that might help her figure out which direction she needed to be heading in. Of course, there was nothing. She lived in an isolated area with no neighbors for miles around. “I…I think it’s that way. To the right” she responded, disgusted with how shaky her voice sounded. Hopefully, Drakon would attribute it to her being drunk and nothing more.

Shutting her eyes again, Athena simply concentrated on breathing in and out as they soared through the sky, hopefully towards her home. She snuck peeks every so often, happy when she realized that she’d pointed him in the right direction. Soon enough, Drakon was letting her know that he was sure they were almost there. Athena snuck a peek and realized that they were already beginning to descend, her large home only about a mile away. The ride had been smooth, so smooth that she hadn’t even realized. “Wait…I have to undo an enchantment” she spoke into his jacket. Athena concentrated hard for a moment before nodding her head. “Alright. You can go now.” Within moments, they were at a stop in front of her door. Athena stumbled over herself trying to get off the broom, her feet trembling as she regained her land legs. Drakon had been a good driver, though she still wasn’t eager to repeat the experience any time soon. Brushing down her paints, Athena stood awkwardly in front of Drakon. “Thank you” she began in a low, almost polite voice, “for not killing me.” She ran her hands down her arms, the charm keeping her warm already losing strength. “Do you want to come in for a moment? The least I can do is feed you before you head off” Athena stated with a small shrug as she reached for the front door. She was sure that there was some sort of dessert in the fridge and right now it sounded amazing to her. Her father was good about leaving them all sorts of food, and she knew the house was empty. Her siblings were all in school.
Drakon looked down upon her hands as he flew the broom toward the right, where she believed where she lived. She must have been really scared of flying. Drakon let out a soft sigh and wondered if there was something he could do to help. Well, take her home, that was the only thing running through his mind. Drakon let out a sigh which was silenced against the wind as he continued to fly above the trees, and almost near the clouds. He could get a better view of the area this way. Drakon wondered if she had an issue with letting others knowing how she really felt. Drakon knew how that felt, since he hated showing weakness. "I'll get you home as soon as we can so we can get you sober." Wait, he needed to get really sobered up before he would fly to his own home. He could see a large house, and figured out that this had to be the place. Secluded and large. He started to lower the broom so that they could land. Drakon finally was low enough in the yard, close to the front porch and the door where she could hop off the broom. He was about to ask what she was talking about before realizing she was talking into his leather jacket. She had to undo what?

Without wasting much time, she was off the broom and so was he. He looked over the house and he uttered in Greek, "Oh my god, her parents are loaded." His own family were well off, but he didn't expect something like this. She thanked him, and he smiled subtly. That was not really expected, but he nodded toward her to let her know that she was welcome. Then, she asked if he wanted to come in, and at least feed him before he headed off. He looked back at the house and noticed how dark it was. 'Is her dad home? I really don't want a run in with any of the male Zhefarovich's... Looks safe enough,' thought Drakon before he thought he wouldn't lose a limb over it. Drakon got off his broom and he said, "As long as I don't get mangled by your family, I don't see a reason why not." Drakon knew that if he met someone like that, his arrogance would get the better of him and he would end up in a world of trouble. Good thing he was tipsy at least, since he seemed to listen to his brain more that way.
Even before he confirmed what he was thinking, Athena knew. His face said it all. The former Slytherin couldn’t help but laugh out loud at his discomfort as she fumbled with the lock and opened the door, revealing darkness. She pushed the door opened further and stepped inside, glancing over her shoulder to see if he was going to follow. “See? No one’s home” she stated as she began to kick off her heels. The immediate relief was amazing. “You’re safe from my family. It’s just me you have to worry about tonight” she stated softly, a wicked grin on her face. So far, Drakon had managed to stay on her good side. Their last encounter was still ever present in the woman’s head, however. “Close the door behind you” she stated as she continued forward into the immense kitchen. It was her favorite room in the house, besides her bedroom, because she got to eat the amazing food that her father made. Athena knew the house like the back of her hand, so she didn’t bother with turning on any lights until Drakon entered the kitchen. Then, she turned on just one of the lights, enough for him to be able to find a seat and for her to rummage through the cabinets to get plates. She didn’t bother with being quiet. There was no one home. “We can eat…in the family room” she added, nodding to the archway behind him that led towards the family room. Her father would kill her if he found out that she’d been eating in the family room, but she just made a mental note to clean up after the two of them. He’d never find out.

Pulling her wand out from the spot where she’d tucked it into her pants, Athena waved it at the fridge. Covered plates began to line themselves up on the table. Athena smiled broadly and dove in, putting different desserts onto her plate. When they were both ready, Athena led them to the family room and practically threw herself onto her favorite armchair. “So, what do you think? It isn’t as big as the manor, of course. Not by a long shot. But I like it here more. There’s always too many people there. Here, I get peace and quiet. During the school year anyway.” Athena rambled on as she began eating a doughy pastry. Being home and comfortable…and still slightly drunk loosened her lips like nothing else did. “I think my brother might have done business with you or someone in your family and that’s how I know your surname. Katsaros” she said the name slowly. It didn’t roll off of her tongue comfortably. “Leviathan is my brother. Do you know him?” she asked, her gray eyes landing on him, not sure if she wanted to hear him say yes or no.
Athena was right, no one was home. His thoughts settled, and he felt more at ease. He could thank the heavens that no one was home. Drakon was safe from her family. However, he just had her to worry about. He saw her wicked grin and immediately thought, 'Damn, this woman is sexy. Why had I not seen it before?' Drakon smirked, as he decided to voice his thoughts, so to speak, "That sounds rather wicked, and fun actually." Drakon closed the door behind him, as ordered. He didn't want to leave a door open either way. Now that was just rude. His eyes washed over the dark house, and he could definitely appreciate the wealth this family had. He could ask what her family did, but he would rather not. Drakon followed Athena into the kitchen, which would have had him impressed if he cared much for kitchens. Drakon pulled out a chair to a small table before sitting down, wondering what sort of food that this family ate. Traditional food, their Bulgarian meals, human sacrifices? However, she said that they could eat in the family room. He assumed that it was allowed since she mentioned it. "Fine by me, Athena." If she were not allowed, then he would have objected.

Once Drakon received his plate, he entered the family room with Athena. He took a seat in another armchair and started to eat the food that he picked out, which were as of no surprise, all desserts. Drakon could not resist actually smiling while he ate, because such cooking was impressive. After he swallowed a bite, he looked to Athena as she asked him what he thought, and how it was not as big as the Manor. Drakon gave one short nod, "Sure do. This house is much better than most I have seen. I've not seen the Manor though." Drakon ate another spoonful when she spoke once more about how her brother might have done business with his family, and that's how she knew his surname. Leviathan? That was a long name. He shook his head at her question. "I wouldn't doubt my family doing business with yours. Although, I have noticed something. I mean, you graduated and such, but you still live with your parents. Why not move out? I wouldn't want to stay under my parents' roof. They drive me nuts." Drakon realized that it might not really in their customs to let their children wonder off until marriage or something.
Athena looked up sharply, her eyes narrowing at the man seated a few feet away from her. She didn’t take people commenting on her personal life well when they knew her, and she could hardly say that she and Drakon knew each other. She knew of his family, having heard their surname before. That wasn’t the same thing though. Not at all. “Judging much?” she replied as she used her wand to send her plate to the sink. The woman was not amused. “Not that I have to explain myself to you, but my family is very old-fashioned about women living on their own before they are married. And, I am sort of on my own now. You see, I can’t get annoyed by them when they are hardly ever here” she pointed out. Even in the dim lighting, it had to be pretty obvious that the house wasn’t as full as it could be. They didn’t have such a large home just to be ostentatious. That was partly the reason. But, the other part was that they needed the space. Athena had two older siblings and four younger ones. They were a large family. “I’m assuming you live on a separate continent from yours” she assumed, considering his accent and the fact that he had been in New Zealand both times that she’d seen him.

The blonde decided that she had better relax. Surely, Drakon was just curious. It was just difficult to tell if he meant to offend her. Their first conversation had made it clear that he didn’t mind offending people or being rude. She was starting to figure out that he was a difficult person to pin down and label. It made her slightly more curious about him, though she still wasn’t sure that she cared much either way. “Anyway, you should be happy that my father isn’t here. I don’t think you’d be comfortably sitting on the sofa…or anywhere in this house if he was home.” Athena allowed herself to smile again, a smile that let him know that she knew exactly what would happen to him if Axel was in the house.
Drakon could feel his blood freezing as Athena gave him a sharp look. Oh hell, did he say something wrong? He cocked an eyebrow as he replayed over what he said in his head, but he didn't have a faintest clue. He used magic to send his empty plate to the sink as well. He didn't think he was judging at all, just a mere question. But oh well. Drakon looked around and he smirked, "Ah, all right. I didn't think old fashioned people still existed but boy I was wrong. I really feel bad for one of your family members if someone gets knocked up or something. Or rather, the person doing the knocking up..." Drakon couldn't imagine the pain that would befall on that person. "Not that I am judging anyone in your family, since a person has needs and sometimes the needs come with an eighteen year contract so..." He would know since his sister was knocked up twice by a man, forced into engagement, then left and the kids went with her due to some high and mighty family (which was the Styx and by relation, the Zhefarovich). "Yeah, mine live in Greece and I took off because they sucked. They couldn't appreciate the glorious ideas that I had."

He did agree with her that he was glad that her father isn't here. "I am really glad your father isn't here. I wouldn't imagine I would still have a head right now. I mean, for you to still live here under his rules, I imagine he can't be a lot of fun. Probably a big, protective fun sucker like most dads are." He shrugged his shoulders, unknowingly insulted her father, but he was also taking his own father into account as well. His would not let him have a bit of fun. He hated it. He wanted to have a lot of fun and things wouldn't let him. His dad was just one of those people that made him want to punch someone in the head. "I would know. My dad was so hard on me, he didn't take into account that I would tell him like it is and leave. Best decision I ever made and would recommend anyone to follow that path or be doomed." Drakon also let in that there was more to him than others would think too, which he hated, but so far, he was unaware.
One thing that Axel Zhefarovich hated was going back on his word. He promised Ivy Kingston, his now long-term girlfriend, that he would spend the night with her over in New Orleans while there was a huge party, but Axel had a huge headache and couldn't deal with the people right now. No muggles, nothing. However, as soon as he arrived to his lawn, his eyes caught the sight of an unfamiliar broom. Athena hated brooms, and Leviathan hated them too. He told Ivy to apparate into the bedroom upstairs and to look around to see if there was someone in the house. He would conquer downstairs. He opened the door silently, and closed it just as quiet behind him. He took his wand out and held it at his side as he tuned in to the sounds of the house. There was definitely not silence as he expected, and desired. No, there was something else. Axel narrowed his eyes as he crossed the living room and toward the family room where the voices were coming from. It wasn't until he was at the wall to the side of the entrance of the family room could he hear the conversation between Athena and an unfamiliar male.

The conversation he was listening to was making his blood boil. Some boy was talking to his baby girl about knocking people up which meant having sex. No, that was not going to go well with him. Axel stepped to where he was in view, only to hear the boy actually insult him. Him. This boy was telling his baby girl to leave! Axel's eyes appeared to be almost black with anger at this point. He did not have his wand raised, but he put it away instead. No, he was going to rip this kid's head clean off! "Speaking of doomed..." Axel's cold voice announced in the family room, his tone enough to slice daggers in the air. "I do believe that you are if you don't get out of this house. Otherwise, this overprotective, fun sucker is about to rip your head off." And, that was when Axel advanced toward the trespasser while cracking his knuckles in the meantime, to get them prepared.
Athena listened in silence as Drakon spoke about his experiences. The young woman had known another parent, briefly, but she much preferred the one that she had. Her mother had been insane. Her father was often described in a similar way by people who weren't part of the family. But to Athena, he was a savior. Her savior. So, it was odd to hear someone speak badly about their parents. Sure, she knew some people didn't have the best of relationships with their parents. But that hadn't been her experience with her father. The idea of leaving her home was laughable as well. She was usually home alone and had everything paid for by her family. Why would she give that up? As she opened her mouth to reply to Drakon, Athena heard what was the worst possible thing that she could hear. Her dad's voice.

Athena jumped up in anticipation of what her father might do. He was a shoot first ask questions later kind of guy. Shooting a glance at Drakon, Athena mouthed the word 'run' to the guy. Now was not the time for him to be macho or think that he could handle the situation. He couldn't. "Dad! It's fine. Stop. It's not what you think" she replied weakly.
What Drakon did not expect it when he heard someone's voice. The accent and the deepness, he knew that it was definitely her dad. 'Speak of the devil!' thought Drakon as his lips curled into a smirk. He thought that he was going to be able to take on this man since he apparently wanted to rip his head off. Drakon stood up, and he said, "Well, excuse me, sir, I'm definitely not afraid of-" Drakon's eyes finally found the man and he did not finish what he was wanting to say, "oh my god!" For the first time in a long time, he felt fear for his life. The cracking of the man's knuckles reminded him of how his neck would snap, and how many times, if he stayed here. He looked to Athena for help, and all she did was mouth the word 'run'. He bit his lip and slowly backed away from the man. He could see an opening, and he had to take it. "Uh, see you later, Athena! I hope!" Drakon took off running, a way's around the man and out the front door, through the kitchen. He almost slipped a couple of times on that floor, but he managed. He got on his broom and flew away. He looked down at the ever shrinking house and he breathed out, "What a way to sober up."
Axel watched as the boy ran, after his words. He was not afraid until he got a good look at Axel. Knuckles cracking and whatnot, yes, he was a frightening man when he was irritated. He heard the front door open and close, albeit loudly, before he turned his attention to his daughter. She said that it was not what he thought, and he raised an eyebrow. She must be good if she really thought that it was not as he thought. The only thing he saw was his baby girl with a boy. Well, a man. However, to Axel, Athena would always be a little girl. Nothing would ever change that. He let out a sigh and said, "I think I need to find you the right people to hang around with. From all I am concerned, I am definitely a fun person." Oh yes, when Axel was in the company of those he liked, he was witty, sarcastic, and he knew how to really ruin someone's day. He once recalled ruining Hades' when he was seeking out Etoile, who later became his wife. That was fun too. He and Hades often got into long arguments, but it was hard to tell which of the stubborn men won.

Deciding to change the subject, Axel inquired, "Did you get to eat the leftovers I left for you?" Axel sat down in the chair where the man once sat. He also asked another round of questions that was completely irrelevant to the question he asked earlier, "Who was that punk anyway? Blood status is preferred, and are you two dating?" Axel thought that if the answer was a no for the latter, then it better stay that way. Telling his baby girl to leave the protection of his nest. That was definitely not going to happen.
Athena’s heart was in her chest as she watched the interaction between her father and Drakon. It wasn’t that she particularly cared about Drakon, but she didn’t really want to see him harmed. He’d actually gone out of his way to be nice to her today, and she would have hated to be in his debt because of something her father did to him. As he seemed to come to his senses and run for the hills, Athena was struck by his final words, that he hoped to see her. A smile flitted across her face for the briefest of moments, but went away when her father locked eyes with her. His were black as night, and Athena didn’t doubt that hers had probably dimmed from their usual silver. She bit her lip, waiting for her father to speak. When he did, it was Athena’s turn to sigh. “Oh, dad. Of course, I think you’re fun” she said with an eye roll. If that was the worst that was going to come from this, she’d deal with having to tell her dad that he was still fun.

Taking a seat once more, Athena curled up her feet under her and nodded her head. “Yes, father. Thank you. It was delicious” she replied. Athena thought she was home free. She would continue on with this conversation and then excuse herself for bed. She was wrong. With another, heavier, sigh, Athena responded. She knew better than to not respond. “Drakon Katsaros is a pureblood from Greece or somewhere like that” she shrugged, unable to remember. “And we are not dating… or anything” she added, wondering just how much of the conversation her father had overheard. For such a big guy, he was light-footed. “He seems like an ok guy” she said quietly, wondering if she was trying to convince her dad and why she’d be doing such a thing.
Axel smirked when she said that she thought that he was fun. He could be only when he wanted to be. Then again, he thought it was real fun to threaten Vladislav when he was exiled on his wedding day. Now, that was a delight. But then Danielle fainted and saved the pairing. Axel had to tend to her. Ah, good memories. Axel gave a short nod when Athena said that she had her leftovers. It would have been better if she were here to eat it when it was fresh, but what could he say? She was growing up. He breathed out a sigh of relief when she informed him of who that male was. Wait, she said Katsaros. He knew of someone that Hades hung around before he met Etoile. A Katsaros. Probably closely related to that woman. It was even better when Athena said that they were not dating. Axel pointed out, "Good, better stay that way." He stood up from his chair, and he held his arms loosely at his side. "You are too young to be thinking that boys are okay, Athena. But I need to get to bed. See you in the morning." Axel waved his wand after he flourished it, and the house sealed up. No one could break in. He retreated out of the family room, and up the stairs where he would go to bed with his girlfriend.


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