From One Great Mind to Another

Avaria Lockwood

~Mommy- Keystone Ink Apprentice~ Bartender~
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
It's Complicated
Sexual Orientation
Curly 9 Inch Swishy Walnut Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
3/3/2034 (26)
Ava hadn't had a chance to speak to the Gryffindor Head of House before. This was the perfect opportunity! She skipped around, humming to herself as she looked for her target. She rounded a corner, not paying attention, and ran right into a rather tall person.

"Oh!" She gasped as she fell back, startled. "Oh!" She gasped again with a wide smile as she noticed who she'd run into. "Sorry Professor!" She chirped happily, pulling a yellow rose from her basket. "I have something for you!"
"No running in the halls!" the professor yelled, startled and slightly annoyed she had been run into. She knew it was an exciting day but that didn't call for forgetting the rules. Mollified by the apology, the woman finished her last bite of toast before dusting the crumbs off her hands. "Oh?" she stated after a moment of chewing.
Ava dug in her basket for a moment before pulling out the yellow rose and it's note. "Here you go!" She held it up with a bright smile.
Dear Cyndi,

Happy Valentine's Day! In the event that you should spring another dance upon me this evening it should relieve you to know that I have this time come thoroughly prepared.*

All the best,

*Damage to your feet and/or surrounding furniture still not eligible for compensation.
Cyndi took the yellow rose and quickly looked at the name on the signature. It made her smile and she was glad that in the next few hours he'd be getting one from her now. She read the rest of the note and busted out laughing. After a moment, she shook her head and tucked away the note. "Professor Pendleton is a hoot" she explained, "thank you and good luck with the rest of your deliveries."

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