🌹 Rose Giving Friendship in bloom

Teddy Pirrip

Walking the line, most of the time 🧸
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Knotted 9 1/2 Inch Sturdy Ebony Wand with Fairy Wing Core
So far, Teddy had managed to deliver roses to people he knew and who were easy to find. But this time, his task involved a seventh year Hufflepuff, and he had no idea what circles they moved in. Adopting the strategy others were using, he decided to shout out the name in the Great Hall. Making his way over to the Hufflepuff table, he called out, "Margo! Margo Fox!" hoping she'd respond.

@Margo Fox
Margo was looking for a moment of peace before she had to get back to lessons and her own deliveries but she should have know better than to expect to find it in the great hall on today of all days. She looked up quickly when her name was called out and she raised her hand in the air. "Over here!" she called out and waited to be found.
Teddy sprung over to the older student who he recognised immediately, "Oh hey, you delivered me a rose earlier!" He remembered, "Well here is one in return." He said, offering the rose with a note attached.

Thanks for being such a good friend, you're the best!

Margo smiled as Teddy, a boy she had to track down earlier, handed her a rose. "I did." she said with a laugh. "And thank you." she said as she took the rose and read the note. She smiled and held the note tight as she read her friends words. She was going to hate not having her friends so close next year. They already weren't in the same houses but even then they were still in the same building at least. She knew after sticking together for so long they were truly stuck with each other. She just hoped whatever happened at the Yule Ball wouldn't linger between the three of them. She would have to try getting more information out of Cameron later.

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