Friendship & Frybread

Chante Harvelle-Ateara

Smol Giantess (6'4) 👩‍🍳 HNZ Alumni 🍮 Baker
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Pansexual (Len♥)
13' Applewood Core of Meteorite Dust
Note said:

I heard you weren't going to the dance? That makes the two of us!
Please, meet me in the kitchen~!

Chante :)
Chante wrote her friend a note, sending it away with an owl that was conveniently flying nearby when she jotted down that message. She heard about her friend's trouble with a girl name Charlotte and if Chante was right, Charlotte was the reason why Len wasn't attending the dance. It bother Chante so much, if she wasn't so afraid in getting trouble because of Oliver, she would've done something bad to protect her friend. Chante thought of scaring the girl, again, she consider it. Maybe Len would think it's a good idea, maybe not. At the moment, Chante wouldn't act on it just yet. Instead, Chante took for the kitchen wearing a top chiefs hat she crafted out of recycled newsletters and had made one up for Len to wear as well. Chante waited patiently sitting at round table, while the house elves prepared the ingredients the pair would need to make the frybread. That was totally the surprise Chante had conjure up for their time together.
Meeting the girl in the Northern Tower hadn't been nice and Len definitely wasn't going to the ball. A ball meant wearing your hair up and there was no way Len could achieve that without her ears poking out. Not that she had wanted to attend or dance for that matter. There was an owl with a message close by and Len looked around. There was no one around except for her so it meant that the note was for her. Len approached the owl and padded its back. It gave out a lovingly screech and gave the note to Len. The note was from her part giant friend and Len smiled. Of course she knew, she knew everything which freaked Len out.

At least she could share the story of the Professor Pendleton rose with her. It was so awkward and odd. Why would a student love a Professor, well she had crushed on him as well. But she would never say it out in the open on a rose. When the note read kitchen she could only hope they wouldn't bother the house elves. She liked them and she knew they got a lot on their plates as well. They also weren't normal in a wizarding world. Len walked to the kitchens and spotted Chante already sitting there. There was a chefs hat created from something that seemed like a newspaper and Len smiled. She grabbed the thing which was a tad bit too big, but it didn't matter. ''Hey you, I got your note'' Len said while holding up the piece of parchment.

Len was glad the chefs hat covered her ears nicely and she wouldn't have to think about that. Not that Chante already knew the big bad secret, there was no hiding for her. ''What are we going to do here?'' Len asked curiously.
"Len, hi!" Chante almost let out a squeal, almost sounding that of a guinea pig. She cupped her mouth, then laughed after realizing what she just did. Chante stood over the table to retrieve all the ingredients the house elves so thoughtfully, prepared for them. They wouldn't let Chante grab a thing on her own. Granted, she was getting tall enough to reach those ingredients all by herself. No, they weren't helpful elves if Mistress Ateara was fussing around the cabinets alone. She gave up and just let them be. "That was weird. Sorry, sorry!" Chante laughs. "But you've made it and just in time. I was getting bored, sitting here and waiting." Chante admitted so, she was so impatient sometimes. She can't help that when she excited, she was jumpy and all over the place.

"Okay, well..." Chante showed Len each ingredient she had laying around. "...basically we are making frybread today! Thought of you and how everything been going. I just heard, and I couldn't wait any longer to see you again." Chante rambled on. She heard what she heard from other students. And was kinda disappointed Len hadn't gone to her for help. "Besides, I'm not going to the dance." Chante had sent our roses for her friends, but there was one in particular she gave to a certain potion professor.

Was it weird to harbor her first crush on a professor? She didn't think so, and it was just a tiny little crush. Chante had sent him a rose and note as way for him to know he was appreciated! Nothing more, nothing less. "What do you say? Up for it, I promise you'll love it when it's done!"
When Chante said she already got bored with sitting and waiting Len smiled. Of course she was one that didn't have the patience of a saint. Len smiled and waited for Chante why they were here in the kitchens with a chefs hat on their heads.

When Chante explained they were going to make frybread Len got excited, she had never made something like that before. She barely ever cooked and if she did she used her dad's kitchen space. When Chante said spoke about everything that was going on, Len didn't reply to it. It wasn't something she wanted to talk about, she wanted this to be a happy moment. ''Why don't you go to the dance?'' Len muttered, she had her own reasons of course, but Chante looked normal why wouldn't she go.

Len wanted to talk about the roses and what had happened, some nice girl chat. She was definitely up for making this frybread with Chante. She just hoped Chante knew how it was made, Len was completely clueless. ''I am in'' Len said ''So what do I do?'' Len looked around and didn't know were to start.
Chante pushed the bowl in Len's direction, along with the flour and a measuring cup to be use. "First, you have to measure out two whole cups of flour. Dump it in that bowl and then.." Chante went back to read the written instructions from a piece of parchment her mother sent via owl. "..then we need a tablespoon of baking soda, along with a teaspoon of salt, and a cup of steaming hot water. Once that's finished, we'll mix it up and get to frying." She said as she finish going over the directions. It wasn't so hard to follow. Chante had confident they would do right by the recipe, thanks to Professor Pendleton's teaching last semester. She can attest his teaching would come handy here.

"I thought it would be boring." Chante poke her tongue out, making a face. "Ah, and I don't know...aren't they for couples? I don't get the point of Valentine's Dance. Seems exclusive..." Chante blushed looking away. It doesn't help that she was crushing on someone much older, beyond her years. Thank goodness for that! If he were a student, Chante would spend the entire time avoiding him around school.
Len was actually enjoying this little moment with a friend. She had pushed away people all of her life and Chante wasn't one that was going to be pushed away. She just came back with more force and made sure she would stick around. Len smiled and measured out two cups of the flour and dumped those in a bowl. Cooking reminded her of potions and she did like potions. They both followed the instructions and Len hoped it would come out okay.

''I hate dancing and valentines is just too much for me'' There was the yule ball already and why did they need two dances. ''I did deliver roses this year, that was something new for me'' It had been scary, but she had also met a lot of new people. She had also found some old friends, which she had almost forgotten. ''Is this okay?'' Len asked while pointing at the bowl of dumped stuff.
"Because of the whole..." Chante gestured with her hands and pointed behind her own ears. "....thingy?" It's another reason why she'd skipped going to the dance. This feeling, she felt in her guts, and it was that Len wouldn't be around. And that reason had been too obvious for Chante to miss.

"Yup! It doesn't require much. Too bad, tasting it uncooked taste bland. There no flavor, and ah, we can't fry them ourselves." Like on cue, two house elves popped out of nowhere. They gather the mixture in the bowl, and popped out of view. They were gone to fry the bread. "You could've at least let us watch you fry them!" Chante call out to the thin air. She slumps to a nearby chair, and sighs. "How was the deliveries? I did that before Christmas break. Giving out candies. It was a bit fun!"

OOCOut of Character:
Late, I knooow.
The ears and the being a freak didn't help, but she also hated dancing and valentine was just utterly stupid. ''Well I just suck at dancing and I don't believe in the whole valentine bullcrap.'' Len smiled, valentine was just here for people to spend money on various hearts and candy. It was too bad that they couldn't fry the bread themselves, then again Len didn't think it was very safe to get two kids frying bread over very hot oil. Len giggled when Chante tried to talk to the house elves who were already gone by now.

''It was scary and some flowers had really odd messages that made me feel uncomfortable really'' Len muttered and thought back about the one she had delivered to Professor Pendleton. ''It is somewhat fun though.'' She did meet a lot of people and some people she already knew.

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