
Aion Zephyr

🐉 magizoologist; father; epistemological
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curved 11 1/2 Inch Sturdy Vine Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
7/2027 (35)
That day in the Great Hall, almost fifteen months ago, had all led up to this moment. Although Aion hadn't realised it at the time, he'd met his other half that afternoon, and Cyan had proceeded to push her way into his life until he was no longer able to imagine himself without her. He would never had traded what they had, and for the last few days his stomach had been churning with excitement at the idea that he was about to make her more than just a friend. It had been a few days since they'd decided the best thing for them would be to elope, and now that they were in Spain it was the perfect chance to do so. It was the country that held the most importance to the most important person in his life, and every time he considered the fact he was about to marry his best friend he was overcome with so much emotion he hadn't even been aware was possible.

There was nothing that Aion wouldn't have done if it brought a smile to the Hufflepuff's face, but tonight he'd tried to make it extra special. They may have been eloping, getting married in a way that Cyan probably had never pictured when she was growing up, but that didn't mean he would be cutting any corners in their event. Aion didn't care what other people thought when they were to inevitably hear that they'd married so young or so early in their relationship. He felt as though he'd been with Cyan for his entire life and he'd never been so sure about a decision that he was about her. Every doubt, every notion that he was unable to commit had gone out the window the moment he'd laid his eyes on her, and it was because of her that he was the man he was today. He was barely nervous at all, it just felt right that he was about to make the life changing decision to give her everything he had. At the back of his mind he knew soon they would have to return to New Zealand for the hardest six months of his life, and while he'd not yet told Cyan he didn't plan on leaving the country until she'd graduated, he would stay as close beside her as he could.

He'd not mentioned to his parents of his plans to elope, nor that he was even in a relationship with Cyan at all. He wanted to do that properly, to show his future wife the people he'd grown up with face to face, and to introduce them as family once they were such. His parents were likely to have been too busy to attend anyway, as they had been for all events during his life, and this wasn't something he wanted tainted by their presence when they lacked their own respect for his priorities. Eventually his family would meet, but until he was able to speak to them properly he didn't want to risk the tension that they'd bring. Once they'd arrived in Spain it hadn't taken the newly engaged pair to track down her family to retrieve something of great importance, and one of the main reasons they'd chosen to marry so quickly. Even if her family hadn't been a factor, Aion knew what they had was stronger than anything he'd ever experienced or thought could happen, and he was more than willing to prove to his soul mate that he would give her the world if he could.

Aion had never really been one to follow the usual rules and traditions, and his wedding was already turning out to be much the same. It was the final day in December, and the sky was already beginning to darken, and the work that Aion had put into setting up the environment was finally coming to show. It had taken a few hours to place up the small lights in the trees around the clearing that they were due to be married in. It hadn't been too hard to find an officiant to perform the ceremony, and it would just be the three of them at the most important time of their lives.

Aion Zephyr may not have had the most money, the most interesting upbringing, nor the influence that the Territe family name could bring, but he had the best intentions and the passion to bring the love of his life the most exciting and memorable moments, and as long as she needed him he would be right by her side as they experienced it. The sun had almost gone down over the horizon, and it was almost time. Dressed in his suit, he'd put in more effort to his hair than he was used to, but knowing that Cyan would no doubt emerge an image of perfection he wanted to put extra effort into his own look too. This was certainly the most nerve wracking thing he'd ever done, but he was only looking forwards.
The chill in the air of Besalu Spain couldn't have deterred Cyan if it was negative twenty degrees. The Hufflepuff would have traveled to the country in the midst of a natural disaster if iit meant in the end she could walk out of December as Cyan Ambrosia Zephyr. The petite teen knew that everything between she and Aion was coming fast, and that many people would judge them harshly for their choices, but the young Territe truly had no reason to care. She no longer had an innate need to protect her father's name - no she no longer even had a want to keep it.

Arriving in Spain tracking down her family wasn't as hard as she had imagined it to be. Thankfully while being a historically beautiful tourist town, the natives to the city knew each other fairly well. Her mother's last name was not forgotten, the native name tracing to the owner of an antiques shop farther north, which contained the access point to the magical sub city that witches and wizards used. The reunion itself included good food, plenty of family, and gave Cyan a sense of belonging she'd never had. It was almost as if once they received her mother's ashes they had been waiting to greet her with open arms and open hearts - and they treated Aion just the same. Even if he didn't speak any of what they were speaking to him.

Cyan had informed her aunt that she and Aion planned to elope here to get away from her father's name and so they could spread her mother's ashes. While it seemed her aunt wanted the entire village to help, Cyan begged her to keep it small. The dress was the most she allowed her to help on. During the day of, while Aion was busying himself with decorations, Cyan was having her hair done - which was a stark contrast to doing it herself. Then they dressed her up, gave her lotions and perfumes that made her smell of rose petals and lilies. Cyan couldn't help but wonder if she would have received this treatment on her wedding day if her parents had been included, however she couldn't have seen her father as involved.

Before she'd even been allowed to go down to where the ceremony was being held the family insisted on one more thing before she left. They insisted on pictures of her in her dress, and she took them with each family member she might never see again. Once everything was finished, Cyan apparated to outside of where she and Aion were holding their small ceremony. Her mother's ashes sat around her neck in a small pendant made by a cousin, and Cyan's petite fingers toyed with them. She was supposed to walk through that door where Aion was standing in less than five minutes, and become one with her soul mate.

The man officiating came outside and asked if she was ready and Cyan nodded with a smile, the lights around them danced in her eyes as finally he went back inside and informed Aion that Cyan was about to come through the doors. As the girl did she knew that it wasn't what she had pictured. She wore a plain white dress and no extravagant veil, but she didn't care. Her eyes were ahead on Aion as she made the slow way over to her fiance. For eloping this was fairly extravagant in her mind, and Cyan couldn't have asked for anything more as finally she stood facing Aion, the priest droning on about two souls becoming one.
Being in Spain had been a surreal experience for Aion, who was used only to the brief company of two parents. Cyan's family in this country had been more than welcoming, if not more than a little overwhelming for him, but he'd enjoyed getting to experience the change and watch Cyan spend time with those on her mothers side of the family. He'd spent most of their trip beside her, listening but not understanding a word that was being said, but he was content with just soaking up the atmosphere while it was there. He'd felt a little guilty to begin with that he would be taking Cyan away from people she knew, and it would be a large change for the Cosmetologist, but at the end of the day he'd always trusted her and believed her when she told him this is what she wanted.

Now that he was preparing to devote himself and his life to his best friend turned lover, doing his best to keep control over his nerves and emotions when he was told the Cyan was ready for them to begin in a moment, Aion was considering how far they'd come. Ever since they'd met they'd had an unusual friendship, but everything had always come so naturally when he was around her. He had no doubt that if she hadn't stepped into his life when she did, he certainly wouldn't be the person he was that day, and even though they may not have known each other for as long as most would come their wedding day, something that he'd quickly come to establish would be the talk from friends and family in time to come, there was no where else he would have rather have been that night.

He'd told himself he would be able to keep it together when the moment came, but the second he caught sight of his soon to be wife, an image nothing less of perfection in her mothers wedding dress, his eyes instantly glassed over and he had to urge the muscles in his smile not to lose it. He barely heard what the officiant was saying as he began, Aion's green eyes completely transfixed on the woman in front of him. You're so beautiful, he mouthed, not wanting to interrupt the proceedings. They'd not opted for a lengthy ceremony, but that didn't mean they hadn't wanted it to be special, and this in every way was turning out to be such. In addition to their choice of wedding, they'd discussed alternative options for their rings and where usually it would have been customary to present the bands that represented the beginning of their new connection, they'd settled on a mark a little more permanent.

When Aion was given the cue, he knew he had some words he wanted to say to the love of his life in the moment, and his hands linked with both of hers, holding them gently with his thumbs gliding from side to side across the back of her hands as he never broke eye contact. "Cyan, Ambrosia, Territe. My kindest, brightest, funniest, energetic beautiful best friend. There's not a day that goes by that I don't think of you, and everyday I fall further in love with your beautiful mind, and pure heart." Aion's voice was already starting to crack a little at the words, as he poured out his thoughts in a promise to her. "You're my reason to continuously try to better myself, my inspiration to learn more about the world, and my light that shines even during my darkest days. I will always love you and protect you and there is nothing I wouldn't give to make you smile. You're everything to me." His hands gave hers a soft squeeze, his blood pumping round his body at the speed of light at the situation he'd been lucky enough to find himself in,
The minute Cyan came through the doors her eyes met with Aion's emerald orbs and she found herself beginning to shake from the inside out. Her heart was like the wings of a hummingbird, struggling to keep her upright. Thankful that her makeup was transfixed with magic, she didn't hide the lone happy tear that slid from her brown iris onto her rosy cheek. Standing with her hands in Aion's, before someone so official to combine their souls in matrimony, felt like a dream and Cyan considered pinching herself just to make sure her luck wouldn't run out, and she wouldn't wake up. in the back of her mind, Cy could hear the people who would tell her they were too young, that they didn't know enough about love. However it didn't matter what they thought, she knew of Aion, she knew his heart, and that was what would make her life complete. That was what would keep their marriage strong - their synchronized heartbeats, resonating in each other.

Cyan caught sight of Aion's lips mouthing that she was beautiful, and she mouthed back to him, you too, before giggling a little. Then before Cy knew the most nerve wracking part was upon them, the vows. She had been practicing hers since she knew she wanted to marry Aion. She listened as he spoke, trying hard not to cry from the gentle kindness in his tone, from the quiet words that meant she was everything to him. She took in quiet shaky breaths, trying hard to keep herself from just kissing him then and there. She knew that was for a later part of the ceremony.

When Aion stopped speaking and the priest allowed her to talk she squeezed his hands gently. "Aion, I didn't know i was in love with you when I first met you. You were grumpy, and still healing yourself and I was only there to help. I didn't know I loved you the first time we kissed, and I didn't know I loved you when you left to travel." She laughed a little. "I only knew when I realized that no matter how I saw myself, you saw in me the same good things I saw in you. I saw your strength, and your beauty, your intelligence, and your need to be strong while being vulnerable. I want to spend every day of my life getting to know those parts of you." She looked at the ink on their hands. "I want to spend the rest of my life making you breakfast in bed, and making sure if you get hurt I'm there to panic, because we both know I won't be any help, and to take care of you. I promise I will love you with all of my heart, body, and soul, even when you're being grumpy." She gave a half smile. "I love you more than anything else, and I'm ready to start spending the rest of my life with you."

The priest didn't say much else, and the only words that Cyan was waiting to hear came shortly after. "Cyan Territe – do you take Aion Zephyr to be your husband; to live together in the covenant of marriage? Do you promise to love him, comfort him, honor and keep him, in sickness and in health; and, forsaking all others, be faithful to him as long as you both shall live?"

At that point the tears flowed freely and she nodded fiercly. "I do!" She spoke quickly, waiting to hear Aion say that he took her to be his as well. There was no going back.
Aion had to breath deeply to stop his own tears from showing as he listened to her words, the occasional smile leaking from his lips at her comments. He didn't deserve her at all and he was sure that if he blinked hard enough he may well have woken up in his car there and then. She conveyed their experiences so well and as the officiant asked her the life changing question, Aion's heart tugged at the eagerness of her answer, never feeling more loved in his life. "Aion Zephyr - do you take Cyan Territe to be your wife; to live together in the covenant of marriage? Do you promise to love her, comfort her, honor and keep her, in sickness and in health; and, forsaking all others, be faithful to her as long as you both shall live?" Aion wasted no time in giving his own response, it was the most obvious question he'd ever answered, "I do." He spoke softly, although that was the moment that caused the mans own tears to fall through his smile, knowing that the next words to be spoken between them would be the most crucial, and ones he couldn't wait to hear. "By the power vested in me I now pronounce you husband and wife. Aion, you may kiss your bride." He didn't need to be told twice. Releasing her hands, Aion slipped an arm round her waist as he stepped forward slightly, their bodies and hearts merging as he cupped her jaw, his warm lips pressing against hers as he pulled her close to him. He'd never wanted or needed anything as much as he had Cyan, and as they paused for air he rested his forehead against hers, a massive smile appearing on his face, knowing he wouldn't ever forget how happy he was in this moment.

Aion retook her hand in his, and began to lead the newest member of his family out towards another area that had been prepared for them after a quiet word of thanks to the officiant. He'd spent time decorating an area of trees that overlooked a lake, the lights reflecting off the water until the night sky, radiating the area in a warm glow as Aion guided Cyan towards a small clearing. Once they were stood at the edge of the water, Aion raised a hand towards the lake, before multiple pink blue and purple fireworks began to light up the sky. They were beautiful, shining light across the area they'd chosen to elope in, but as they popped ahead of the lake, their streams of electricity falling through the air in a similar way that Aion felt every time his skin made contact with his wifes, they still weren't as beautiful as the person standing beside him. He lent his head down, placing a kiss against her head and taking her in one arm and whispering close to her ear "I love you, Cyan Zephyr."
Cyan couldn't barely wait for the kiss that they were finally allowed to exchange. She could have kept him pressed against her all night, lips together as they finally made everything official - everything forever. Between them was the locket with ashes that belonged to the most important person in Cyan's life before Aion came along. Gentle Spanish winds picked up the end of her dress as she and Aion exited the pavilion area, her family and friends peeking from around buildings as he led her away to true solitude. The Hufflepuff felt her heart finally slow, she was married now. No fear of Aion changing his mind, no fear of him disappearing. The woman couldn't help but feel herself overflow with love, and affection. She held his hand in hers, swinging them as they walked.

The lakeside was beautiful as always, the rustling of trees and sounds of water. Even if it was chilly she knew it could have been colder. The tend by the lakeside made Cyan smile, Aion had truly planned this out thoroughly, just for the two of them - and she couldn't help but feel like she was truly the luckiest bride in the world. She needed no coaxing to kiss Aion on the lips, bringing her hands to his face and pulling him to her. She broke for a second. "I love you too, Aion." She whispered, before bringing his head down lower and whispering something else into his ears, before dashing off toward the tent, before the fireworks had even ended. She was ready to begin the rest of her life with the man she loved.
Aion was in the middle of the kiss, his eyes closed as he was enjoying the moment when she broke off and whispered something to him. She never failed to surprise him. Before he could reply, Cyan had taken off towards their residency, but one perk of being the height Aion was allowed him to catch up with the petite brunette quickly and before she made it inside. With his arms out in front of him, he bent down a little as he approached her, swinging an arm behind her legs to pick her up, sweeping her off her feet and holding her closely to his chest in both arms. "Well, if you want to be slightly more traditional," he commented, knowing how far from that they'd been with their wedding but giving him any excuse to embrace her. The Spanish air ran cold around them, the breeze rushing past and causing their outfits and hair to become a little more dishevelled, something no doubt they'd both have to get used to while on the road. Regardless, Cyan was the most perfect thing he'd ever held, and carrying her through into the warmth of their home he knew that great things lay ahead for the young newlyweds.
After Aion had whisked Cyan through the doors of their tent the rest was history. They spent their first night together as a Married couple, shielded by the enchanted building from the cold winds of Spain's winter. The next morning that was precisely how Cyan woke up, the arms of her lover wrapped around her, a smile on his face as he slept. For a moment the curly haired girl watched him, watched his eyes shift beneath his lids, the rise and fall of his chest. He was perfect, from the slope of his jawline to the way his hands fit in hers. Cy looked at the tattoo on her ring finger and nearly squealed. She couldn't believe how lucky she was to be Mrs. Aion Zephyr.

Cyan carefully removed herself from the area they'd slept in, stretching once she was up and sure she wasn't going to disturb Aion. She searched the room for something to wear, and finally settled on a grey jumper, that fit her nearly as a dress before she moved to was her face. Once she was clean of makeup and her hair thrown into a messy bun, she began to work on the whole reason she'd left the comfort of the bed: breakfast. She made her way into the kitchenette - this tent was truly amazing, magic really surprised Cyan sometimes. If she had learned more in school maybe it wouldn't be so. She sizzled the bacon that she was able to find, and started to prepare the simplest dish she knew how to make, french toast. She only hoped she could finish it before Aion woke up, so that it could be a pleasant surprise to start the rest of their life together.
The days of their time together were flying past so quickly, and Aion was clinging on tightly to every moment he had left with Cyan before the next semester began for his wife. Wife. It was so strange to be able to call her that, yet it felt appropriate and a warmth spread through him as he considered her new title. He loved the mornings, waking up beside the one he loved with all his heart and feeling as though he was in no rush to begin the main part of his day. The pair had ended up in his room the night previously, and since they had been planning to live together but not as a couple for months during the time he'd designed the tent, their compartments were still separated. As he woke and rolled over to see that Cyan had already vacated the premise, he shifted and snuggled down into the area she'd left, which was still warm and comfortable. She couldn't have been gone too long, and considered through his drowsy sleep whether she'd be back.

A few minutes passed without her arrival, and Aion lazily rubbed his eyes, looking around his room. It was much more bare than the one across the tent that he'd put together for Cyan, but there were still a few bits of scattered memorabilia that he'd managed to salvage from his parents house. The tent was already more of home to him that his parents house had been in seventeen years, and at the thought of his parents he knew he would have to tell them of his news sooner rather than later. He wasn't sure how either of them had taken the news, only that he didn't regret the decision not to include them during the most important time of his life.

Aion slipped out of his bed, smiling as he caught sight of the image of him and Cyan back at the castle, the moving image licking at her cheek. Even then they'd been inseparable. Pulling on some jeans, he wandered out into the open space in the centre of the tent, where he was quick to detect a whiff of something delicious. A few steps across the floor later, he'd hugged Cyan from behind, leaning down through their height difference to plant a kiss on her neck. "Hey you," he smiled against her. Unless he counted the time his guardians made him breakfast as a young child, it was a first for the former Ravenclaw to have someone else make his food. Realising that he was wearing his clothes he thought the relaxed style suited her too, not that she wouldn't have looked good in anything she chose to wear. "Is there anything you're bad at Mrs Zephyr?" he asked, reaching round her to grab a small bit of the bacon that was cooking to the side. It had been a while since he'd had it and he hadn't realised how hungry he was. He released her to grab some plates he kept in a small cupboard to the side. He only had a couple since he'd been living by himself up until now, but placed them on the table in the centre of the room before returning to make them some drinks. The last few months had been tough, being so far away from the Hufflepuff, and if there was one thing he was certain of it was that he wouldn't be repeating that mistake. "I've no idea how my parents do it. They're barely ever in the same country together, even in the early days they'd be apart." he began, taking a sip of water as he knew he wouldn't follow in their footsteps.
Cyan had been humming quietly when Aion made his way into the same room as her. When he hugged her from behind she giggled, leaning her head back slightly against the taller man. "Good morning, huggy bear." She said turning her head slightly when he lent down to kiss her neck and kissing his cheek. "Well I'm not good at spending time away from you. I also don't dance very well." She laughed, as if it was hard to think of things she wasn't good at. In reality Cyan felt that she wasn't good at a lot of things, but the more time she spent with her husband the better she felt about herself and her abilities. She wasn't good at magic, which was so important for her family name. Well it had been before she'd changed her family name. Cyan felt around her neck, remembering briefly that she'd removed the necklace early in the night and would need to put it back on.

Cyan began to dish out cooked portions, looking for the butter again to she could put it over the top of the french toast. "Hopefully everything tastes okay." She said, giving him a smile. "I know. I can't imagine being away from you for such a long time." Cyan sighed. "I'm going to miss you so much you've no idea. But after I graduate we are going to have all the time in the world..." Cyan's voice trailed off. "I'm not going to go to cosmetology school." She blurted out, tact not being her strong suit. The Puff bit her lower lip, and looked at her own plate, picking at the french toast, having not served herself any bacon until she knew that Aion had his fill.
From Aion's recollection, Cyan was a beautiful dancer and he was only slightly jealous that he hadn't been able to attend a Yule Ball with her while they were at Hogwarts. He'd been given the picture of her dress before the event and after finding out that she'd attended with Danielle's old friend he had had to put more focus into his logical brain to let the thought drop. At least it hadn't been Alessio, and she'd broken it off with the Hufflepuff for Aion, which had done a lot to settle his imagination when he heard about the Christmas event. Aion was in the middle of helping her load up the food when she began to say how much she'd miss him. Of course he could understand. When she was at the castle, a literal wall was placed between the couple, but Aion knew it would be worth the wait for her to stay in her education, and agreed that after all they would have all the time to themselves once she was free. Aion was caught off guard however, the moment he took a bite of his toast, when Cyan mentioned she was no longer going to Cosmetology school. The last he'd heard, she had a six month course lined up to attend once she she'd graduated. "Why not?" he said through his breakfast, putting down the piece of toast to face her properly. "Cyan if this is because of the distance between us, I've already decided I'm not leaving New Zealand again without you." he said, admitting something of his own for the first time. No matter how long they had to wait until they could travel, he wouldn't be crossing any kind of sea without her by his side, once she was ready.
Cyan looked sheepisly down at her feet, the pink on her toenails now infinitely more interesting than her plate, or looking at Aion and seeing what she was assuming would be disappointment in Aion's eyes. He was going to be disappointed for her changing mind she was sure. As he turned to fully face her the Hufflepuff looked up finally, shocked at his next words. He was going to stick around the country until she was out of school? Now it became a matter of how selfish it would be if she changed her mind again, so she moved to sit on the counter, next to where she'd been making food.

"It's not just that!" She insisted to him, looking at her knobby knees. "I've been doing a lot of thinking. I knew that once i told my dad about us he'd cut off my funds, so schooling isn't even a thing I'd be able to afford at this point. I love doing hair, I love makeup, but I know realistically it wouldn't help us on the road. So... I'm just going to go with the flow. I'll help you with the animals, and with your career, and my dream will come to me when it's time." Cyan still didn't look up, for fear that he'd try and urge her to go through with what she'd originally planned, but there was no changing Cyan's mind. Not even a little.
It alarmed the teen when she didn't look up to meet his eyes, wondering if she were still embarrassed to tell him things. It was true that at her initial response he wasn't entirely sure what he was meant to think though, shed given up everything to be where she was now and now that included her own dreams too, but it would have been selfish of him not to try. At the mention of money, Aions heart fell a little in the reminder that he wouldn't be enough to give her everything she wanted, Shed chosen him over her own career and Aion sighed, moving across towards her. He took both her hands in his, looking into her face even if she was refusing to meet his gaze. "I want you to be happy." He knew by now there was no point apologising or trying to convince her otherwise, "If money wasn't an issue, would you still go?" He asked, knowing he had at least six months spent in a shopping village ahead of him.
Cyan looked Aion in his jade eyes, and for a moment was shocked. One of the reasons that Cyan had fallen in love with who Aion was though, was that he was always concerned what it was she wanted. Even when it was just the two of them alone, he wanted to make sure everything was how she needed it to be, that her wants were met. Gently she squeezed his hands in hers and thought. It was a difficult question, and for a brief moment Cyan wondered if her cosmetology dream was rebellion in the same way dating Alessio was. Her father always told her it wasn't a good career. She removed her hands from Aion's and wrapped her arms around his neck, drawing him in for a hug. With her chest pressed against his she felt his heart beat and finally answered. "I would." She whispered honestly. "But it is, and there are many dreams to be had, baby. I want to be by your side, that's what's going to make me happy." The way she held him was much like the night they'd gotten caught by the professor, but now that they were married and in love, she realized how the position was viewed as romantic. His heart beating against her own was romance at its core in Cyan's opinion. "I want to spend the rest of my life sleeping next to you, and not a night more than I have to be away from you. Money or no money, mansion or tent, cosmetology or caring for animals - none of that matters as long as you're beside me."
Aion allowed her to pull him into a hug, clasping her waist and resting his head against hers as he listened that's she would if she could. He closed his eyes in silence for a moment, unsure of what he should do. He wanted her to have every opportunity possible, and maybe he'd had it easier being a year older and with more time after his graduation to prepare himself for the future. He hugged her tightly, knowing how she felt when she mentioned she didn't want to be apart. He didn't either but if it was her goal perhaps it was better in the long run. No matter if it was now or in years to come she would have to go through her schooling eventually if she wanted to be a Cosmetologist and maybe it would be easier if thst happened before they began to travel. He sighed against her, slowly giving in to her words but Aion wouldn't be forgetting it. Perhaps he should have gotten extra work while he could, he could always do the writing for his Magizoology in the evenings. Maybe Cyan would have changed her mind by graduation and if not they had a little extra income regardless. "This is our life, which means your dreams are just as important," he began, speaking quietly beside her ear and she gripped him not for the first time like a Koala. "If you want to go you only need ask," he added, knowing he'd find a way for her to attend if it's what she wanted. Not wanting to press the confirmation of her dismissal too strongly, he kissed her cheek before looking back to the food she'd just made, "I'm not wasting this either you know," he smiled, picking up some of the French toast and taking a bite, trying not to sprinkle her with crumbs.
Cyan was so comfortable to be tangled up in Aion. She always had been happy to wrap herself around the man, but now it brought a whole new set of emotions like love, and an irreplaceable feeling of happiness. The young woman rested against him, holding him just tight enough to remind him she was there, and that she loved him. When he spoke the words 'our life' goosebumps prickled her pale olive skin, and her hairs stood on end. Just the reminder that everything was theirs now and not just his or hers was enough to send her heart soaring. It reminded her that at the end of the day she was now a Zephyr - and it made her happier than anything ever had.

"Thank you." She murmured against him, kissing his shoulder where her head rested before leaning back slightly. The curly haired woman giggled when he nibbled again on the toast, trying and failing not to cover her in crumbs. She brushed the jumper and her legs off, moving forward and biting the opposite end that was in his hand, smilin triumphantly as she chewed it. "You're the best thing That's ever happened to me." She spoke once her mouth was empty. "Like seriously, you're smart, charismatic, caring, and not to mention you are so out of my league." She giggled. "I am so lucky to be Mrs. Cyan Zephyr." She spoke her new name aloud, relishing in the way it sounded.
Aions smile widened at the sight and sound of her laugh, and brushed them both clear of any crumbs that remained from their breakfast once the slice had been devoured between them. As hungry as he was, it was easy to be distracted by the woman who sat so close to him that the warmth radiating from her skin was enough to make him feel at home. His heart grew even more at her words, unsure of what exactly he'd ever done to deserve her. He wanted nothing more than to be entwined with the love of his life during the time they had remaining, and sliding a hand under her sweater to pull her into him with his hand resting on her lower back, the other cupping her jaw, the man joined them together in a kiss that he never wanted to break. Cyan was more than he'd ever dreamt of, and while he may not have mentioned it to any of his other friends, he would become overwhelmed with waves of positive emotion in moments like this, his eyes glassing over as he felt every part of his body yearning to stay beside her. No longer interested in breakfast, as much as he knew how much effort Cyan had gone to, Aion lifted his wife from the counter and moved them across to a living area that he spent more time in that his own room. It would have been too much to have a complete set of furniture inside the tent and the Magizoologist's alternative was to have numerous cushions atop a dark red rug, decorating the floor of a side of the tent. It was peaceful here and were he'd often come to sit and work during the last few months. On this occasion he dropped them both into the comfort of the secluded zone of his quarters, never breaking contact until they reached the floor. He pulled back for a second to catch his breath, his eyes opening to flick between either of hers as he felt as though he would lose a part of himself if he were to ever take a step away. Arms still surrounding the Hufflepuff, he lay down beside her, wrapping her into his chest with his head barely an inch apart from hers. One hand moved up to bring her chin up to face him as he lay another small kiss on her lips. "I love you Cyan. Every part of me is yours. Every part." he began, stroking her cheek with his thumb, "When I look at you, you give me so much hope and strength you have no idea. I'm the luckiest one because I get to hold you, to talk to you, be with you." There was nothing he would be able to say that would completely express how much she meant to him and how much he loved her. Just a few weeks ago they'd been best friends, and now he felt like he could cry when he looked to the person across from him and considered how fortunate he was that she was there beside him. His hand slide further back into her hair as he pressed their foreheads together, while one of his legs had slid between hers to feel closer to her. "You are so perfect," he added through a tense jaw of emotion, moving so slightly to kiss her with the passion he'd been holding back for months.
Cyan's chuckles faded as Aion took a more serious stance, pulling her against him completely now and kissing her on the lips. Kissing was something she'd never get tired of, and wished she'd kissed Aion more. Her mind flashed back to the moment she'd taken licorice from his mouth grabbing it with her teeth. She'd come so close to kissing him again so many times, and wondered if kissing him would have caused them to realize their love sooner. It didn't matter though, because as it was in this moment they knew now. Cy gripped onto Aion, always amazed by his ability to lift her with such ease. she of course wasn't heavy, but she didn't think a human should be able to be moved the way he moved her, no effort. If she tried to lift him in return she knew she'd strain a back muscle. She giggled once he released her lips, curling into him with no hesitation.

When Aion and Cyan were finally brought together, finally in love mutually, it was like everything that had been building needed to be let out in all the time they had together. The days were growing shorter and the curly haired woman felt so overwhelmed she couldn't help but reciprocate every moment of passion. She wanted to meld their souls together, their hearts beating as one. Like the first night they had accepted their feelings she gripped at his arms, squeezing the muscles at they continued to kiss. Cyan couldn't help but smile into his lips, this was going to be one heck of a way to spend the rest of her life


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