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OOC First Name
OK so Roberto just moved in and to new zealand to escape his past life and he needs friends but he also needs a daughter who he doesn't know about! any one?
I could offer up Eric evans as a friend he is twenty one year old male who grew up in the states and moved here for the huge job pool. He is gay but that is not really a big deal it will only affect npc or possible fling and more intimate relationships. As a friend eric is wild and crazy, he is also extremely rich and fast pace .
I don't know how old you want the daughter to be but I can offer Aimee Darkhart. she's recently found out she's adopted and has been looking desperately for her birth parent(s) ever since. She's a little sad at the moment with all the emotional stress on her right now but she is usually a bubbly funny girl.
Riley and eric awesome can you guys start i'm kind of busy with a project

and aimee perfect age for his daughter because he lost his pregent girlfriend ages ago and never found out about the kid just knew she was in new zealand.
Erm, can i just say... if Rob is 20 now... and Aimee is 12... So when Rob was.. 8?
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