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Arisa Havishmen

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Curly 9 1/2 Inch Flexible Rosewood Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
well ever since her best friend neita left for france arisa has been holding herself up in her room, but after the holidays she decided it was time to get out more and meet some people seeing as her only friend she talks to allot is derrik agile. So Arisa's looking for some friends to hang out with around hogwarts :) she also wouldn't mind a love interest...
Arisa said:
Arisa is a nice and fun loving girl who is in love with photography. She loves clothes and shopping and has a tiny obsession with shoes. But she is also going through a bit of a tom boy phase and loves playing sports - especially swimming and flying. She loves being outdoors, her favorite places are the lake and the forest.
I know she's a bit young, but how about Siobhan? She's very much into sports and flying, and loves the outdoors.
sure, shes not that much younger :)

i already have an open rp in the forest if you want to join
I can offer up Sam Prince if you want? For a close friend?

They know each other already but I don't think we ever really RP'd with them.... xD
He loves sports and is hoping to branch out and make new friends :lol: Seeing as they already know each other, it would be quite easy for them to become close?
Louise that sounds awesome :) your right we really haven't rp'd with them before, would you like me to start one?

Vanessa sounds cool :) want me to start an RP?
I have Joceline Richarde.
They used to be acquaintances before everything with Thomas/Autumn and Joce happened. So maybe they could be better friends now that she is completely over it.
Hey :)

We could have Arianna and Arisa become good friends again? They've got history, so it should be fun :)
Arianna'a going through a 'stage' too, not a tomboy one though. They would be good at supporting each other and stuff ^_^
Let me know
I was thinking, seeing as you have a lot of RP's going on, how about a joint one, prehaps with Ari? ^_^ Sam and Ari are already close enough friends, maybe they could form a group of friends? If you know what I mean? Its just an idea, whatever you think just let me know :woot:
Sam Prince said:
I was thinking, seeing as you have a lot of RP's going on, how about a joint one, prehaps with Ari? ^_^ Sam and Ari are already close enough friends, maybe they could form a group of friends? If you know what I mean? Its just an idea, whatever you think just let me know :woot:
That's a cool idea, I'm up for it :)

"Awesome Hufflepuff Third years Unite" :lol:
Quick post, cause I have to go...

Emi could be a bestie? She too over the summer is going to get a camera and fall in love with photography. She also misses Neita as they were quite close. She is really a swee girl

Also, Jasmine Green could be a friend. She is a tomboy who loves sports.

this all sounds awesome guys! sorry its taken me this long to reply ive bee busy :(

i'll Pm you all okay? :)
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