Friends Wanted and Family

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Daichi Hiroto

Well-Known Member
I have a new 'family'.
They are the Hiroto family.

The characters looking for friends are;


You can read about them in the link in Daichi's signature.

I am also looking for family such as;

Aunts, uncles and cousins (which you can make up completely)

Please let me know if you're interested and I'm sure we can work something out :)
hi I know that this is a little late after posting but better late than never. anyways i have friends to offer up, yay
for the boys i have Briar Rowan, also a new gryffindor, she grew up with centaurs so she is very sporty and a little wild
for Sakura. i have Elvera who is now a forth year ravenclaw. i reckon they would get along well and she could be a sort of mentor.
Sounds brilliant :D
When we can RP at Hogwarts, I will set something up- like having the boys meet Briar and Sakura meet Elvera :D
I could be friends with Sakura?
cool. any ideas
I can offer to create any relative that you want me to be.

If you particularly need an aunt, this or that etc, just let me know. I love making new characters xD I don't have a character of asian decent yet anyway, so I'd love to.
Samuel Sykes said:
I can offer to create any relative that you want me to be.

If you particularly need an aunt, this or that etc, just let me know. I love making new characters xD I don't have a character of asian decent yet anyway, so I'd love to.
Wow. Few more replies.
Okay, you could be an aunt if you like xD
A crazy one maybe?
Not like evil.. Just crazy xD
Or not.
Up to you.

Lea- That'd be brilliant :)
Charlotte- Also brilliant. :D

I will set up RPs once we can use Hoggies.
I'll pm the link to those I'm planning to RP with once I've set something up. :)
we can now RP in hogwarts so do you want to create topics or shall I
i have started a topic here if the boys want to RP
Daichi and James should RP :D They're both 1st Year Gryffindors and James LOVES Quidditch and Sports in general ^_^
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