Friends of Annie's

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Neiko Fedele

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Yew Wand 13 1/2" Essence of Phoenix Feather
So, Annie has run into a bit of trouble as far as internet access goes. She asked me to sing into one of her accounts and make a post for her, which I'm doing. Oh, It's Cole! But, she's only going to be on once in a while. Of course, whenever she's here she'll be able to reply. ANd if she gets that Christmas Laptop ;) She'll be on like normal again. We're trying to tlak her dad into buying it early :lol: But for now, she'll make do with what she can.

She says she really sorry to anyone she's got roleplays going with, and when she can she'll try to finish them up.
But till then, bye-bye.
And She's miss you all

Annie well apriciates teh understanding =D
And I will miss her too =(
Love you Annie!! Will miss you till you're back :)

Aww thanks guys!!!

I snuck on shhhh don't tell anyone. :r

So sorry I havn't been on.... Anyways I will try and get on more often but with school starting Cole's computer will be my only way on till Christmas when I get my own laptop so....

Thanks for understanding guys!
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