Friends, If you will

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Kasey Blake

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Holly Wand 15" Essence of Phoenix Feather
Hello again,

I had made a topic few days ago and got some friends. But they are all scattered. I need a best friends or people in Kasey's year to be her friends. One can't be a hopless loner :r while in sixth year. I hope that goes for Kasey as well. I'd like roomates if any Ravenclaws are intrested.
I would also like a few friends of her age who do classes with her.

I would seriously appriciate some close, best or average friends who are currently in 5th, 6th or 7th Year.

Well, here goes ....

I have Ashley, I don't know if Kasey and Ashley already had talked or did anything in particular, so, I'm offering her...

A little bit of her"
Loner (Alex is the only friend she got), she doesn't talked to anybody.
Caysi and Kasey were already friends, but Caysi dropped out. But they can still have rp's in Summers and Brightstone, if you'd like :) They were pretty close before I left.
Wow you guys. thank you so much.
Lexi: Thankyou, I would love to have a bestie in Ashley. They are in same year so that would be great too. I started a topic right here

Yes, Caysi and Kasey were good friends before and that would work very nicely. I'll start up an Rp as the Brighstone starts and PM you the link. Thanks
More friends are welcome please
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