Friends for Jay

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Jason Cordwell

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Laura :D
Rowan Wand 15" Essence of Fang of Basilisk
So this is Jason, he is one of my neglected characters. I haven't really used him in a while and im looking to get a few rp' going with him.
Jason is a pretty much laid back what ever happens happens sort of guy. He has a good sense of general humour which he has a habit of using quite often. He is friendly as he used to be popular in school and there for is very sociable and good with talking to to people. Jason is just a good guy really. He is easy to rp with and he just needs friends at the moment as he is engaged to Caysi Finnigan, he is very loyal to her despite recent events between the two.

Post if you have any idea's

Laura :)

I have Benjamin who just became a Healer in St.Mungos. He is a nice guy who graduated from Dumstrang three years back and is currently living in New Zealand with his parents. He is interested in Meredith and currently trying to make her believe that love exists together with starting his new job. He wasn't very social at school especially in his seventh year but in his sixth year and before he was a flirt and a prefect.

Jay and Ben can be friends since they could know each other from Dumstrang? And Benjamin has met Caysi once so maybe they could all hangout or something ?
Yeah sounds like a good idea although Caysi isnt online that often so maybe we could rp them by themselves first so that they can get to know each other.
Just a thought, if you would prefer to rp with Caysi there too then just tell me :)
no I am cool with RPing with Lewis n Ben. Could you start a topic?
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