Friends for Elle

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Elle White

Well-Known Member
Walnut Wand 14 1/2" Essence of Vampire Blood

Elle is in need of a few friends and enemies, mentors the whole thing! She has the muggle condition CIPA, which helps understand the way she acts. There is a link to information in the signature.

Elle is:
Quite rebellious. She tries not to be but it's in her nature. She is quite caring about others, and will stay well away from those who might hurt her. She likes to read, and hates dangerous sports. Elle can be a bit of a biatch, but that is only if she fears people will try to harm her. She loves life, and treasures it, meaning she is very bad with death. She loves life because her condition means that she will most likely have a short life span.

So, post here or PM me if you are interested.

I can be her friend ... or mentor.

Lexi had change in the middle of the second semester and will not going to get back from her old self which is bad/evil to others. She's quite moody sometimes, Lexi just lost a little sister and wants friends ... by means of friends, it means first, second or third year friends.

So, Elle is perfect ...

Lexi ~ okay, that's good. Shall they meet before Elle arrives at hogwarts or after?

Hiliary ~ Okay, I think they would make good friends. I have a topic in the unsorted section she might like to join.
I have Cecily here, she's outgoing, always smiling and loves having fun. She's been through alot in her short life, so she's also very mature and a great listener. they could be friends if you'd like

Cecily ~ I think they'd get along just fine. They would make good friends. Shall we wait until the school year begins?

Lexi ~ On the holidays? So that they can get to know each other a bit better.
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