Friends for Alexis Richarde!

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Alexis Richarde

Well-Known Member
Okay well Alexis will be graduating from Hogwarts soon and she is supposed to be kind of really popular. She has been around most of the world but London and a wizarding town in Cali is where she has basically grown up. I would like her to have friends from those places and if people want, Durmstrang students. The Durmies would have to be darker, definitely no prefects because back then she was a bit of a b*tch. Now she has changed to be nicer and more muggle friendly... so they could be mad at her if you want.

The few characters that I have named and probably will want to RP with are going to be listed here. If you want to be them, please post your main character and their biography and what not so I can see if I want to use you if you to be them.

CECILIA players choice LING
Cecilia is a muggle, brit. She comes from asian decent so her playby should be asian but please no Brenda Song (I can't stand her). She and Alexis have been best friends since Alexis was about ten and when Alexis moved to London for HWA last over a 'year' ago she stayed at her apartment all the time because Alexis was at school. She attends Oxford University and is in her third year, you can choose what she wants to be, but she has to be bookish but not nerdy or geeky. Cecelia enjoys teasing Alexis but thinks little of her boyfriend because he isn't going to university, she is a bit stuck up like that, and has her own boyfriend, Will, who is going to school to be a Chemist.
She is hard working but not overly ambitious in the sense that she will not knock other's down to get what she wants in life, she finds people like that quite annoying and immoral.
If you are chosen for her, I will give you a bit more information on her through personal message.


SKYE kathleen WALSH
Skye is Alexis' surfing friend. She lives close by Bondi and they met a few months ago and since then they have gotten along. She is sort of a foil to Alexis, she is close to all her family and has never had any boyfriends or any trouble with boys she's liked, but she isn't lesbian or bisexual, she just finds them to be so dramatic.
Skye has intelligence but it isn't book smarts, they are more street smarts but doesn't fuss about anything really. She is just relaxed and take things as they come instead of thinking in the future or dwelling on the past. I would prefer it if she was a muggle or a muggle born. Either or. Skye's play by is Tristan Prettyman.
If you are chosen for her, I will give you a bit more information on her through personal message.

This boy, is Alexis' very best, male, friend. His playby, like Cecilia's is player's choice. He, Alexis and Julia (Alexis' late twin sister) have been best friends since they were about five. He lived in California until he was thirteen when he moved to New Zealand, they have been in contact every year since then but until Alexis moved to Australia, they only saw each other at birthdays.
He should be like a brother to her, he would not have any romantic feelings for her and vice versa. They are just best friends and very protective over each other. They tell each other near anything but Alexis hasn't told him about the baby between Isabella and Izaak yet so she is feeling really guilty around him and talking to him so it would be kind of uncomfortable for her because she is a horrible liar.
The boy is a wizard but graduated a year ahead of her at your school of choosing and was a prefect and generally a great friend to all the girls in his year because he is such a sweet heart. The blood status is player's choice.
If you are chosen for him, I will give you a bit more information on her through personal message.

I'm not just wanting those three, I need a lot more friends for her so please post here. Please give at least a paragraph or two about your character so I can see if they will get along or not and link their bio if you have one. Please note, that most of her friends are older or the same ages as she is and will probably not super close with those younger then her.

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