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Crispin V. Cold

Well-Known Member
Bloodwood Wand 15 1/4" Essence of Phoenix Ash
Crispin's just returned to Hogwarts after being homeschooled since his 4th year.

He needs friends and enemies. :rofl:

He used to be a nice and friendly, but ambitious guy. Then his grandfather basicially put him on lockdown. The old guy was bitter, cruel and kind of mentally/physically messed Crispin up a bit.

So now he's socially inept, quiet but open to trying to get some part of his old, normal life back.
Likes Quidditch, studies hard, is ambitious but can be talked into adventures.

I have a muggle born Nina Patrokov, in her seventh year as well. She's in Hufflepuff.

Is really nice to most people but once she has a prejudice against someone it sticks until they proove themselves wrong to her. She is stubborn and ambitious and sometimes gets too into her studies in the sense that she locks herself away from the world because of it (mainly because I hardly RP with her :p ) She is an HS transfer and... loves Quidditch but hasn't been on a broom for a long while.

You can choose what they'd be too each other :)
Could they bump into each other, go from there? :)
Maybe since they're both ambitious, the library?
Kasey could become Crispin's enemy. She dosn't have a thing against Slytherin yet she finds most of them are evil in a way. No matter how friendly a Slytherin is, she can always think of something that is bad about them. Also we could think about a valid reason for hatred apart from the house thing.

Kasey is really ambitious and studious. She is shy and anti-social. She plays as a chaser for Ravenclaw(did last year) So what say? A reason for them to be enemies? :cool:
I think that Kiera and Crispin were friends before but I'm not sure...He can be friends with her or I have a fifth year, Katheryn Kingsley, who doesn't have many friends. Kat is technically supposed to be a 6th year but she dropped out of school for a year. Their mother is the Slytherin Head of House. Kiera is fearless and daring and likes to take risks. She also studies a good bit to keep up her grades. She has curly brown hair with chocolate eyes. Kiera never gives up and is determined when she sets her mind to it. She plays chaser for Gryffindor. Katheryn is a bit shy but is very open and honest and friendly. She is good at dealing with problems but doesn't like confrontation. She has long, curly red hair with icy blue eyes. She is petite and likes to dance. She plays Quidditch for her house team as a chaser but has played as a keeper in the past.

Let me know if you would like to be friends with either or both. I'm open to any suggestions you have for plotlines.
Zazuka needs a few more friends I could pull her up for you. She's spacy and will make you feel like she knows something that everyone else doesn't but that comes with the terratory when one is a developing Seer :D Anyway they don't call her Miss Marysunshine for nothing.
Okay I'll start something tomorrow I suppose. (I'm going to have to leave soon so I can't start it now)
Katrina: Brilliant! :lol: Crispin's been in two RPs so far where he's thought of her. Nyaw.
In a way, it reminded him of Katrina when he got one of her rare true smiles. So long ago. ~Scrivenshaft's
As he went inside his new dorm, he couldn't help the sad, fond smirk as he remembered the blonde haired, green eyed girl who'd once convinced him to hide a mandrake. ~ Boys Dorm

Slytherin Common Room? :D Or the grounds?

Kasey: Enemies would be great. :)
Maybe to do with Quidditch? :lol:
-Run in on the pitch gone wrong?
-Disagreement over their favorite quidditch teams?
-He'd call the Ravenclaw team cheats?
(just throwing stuff out there)

Kiera: Yeah! Crispin/Kiera/Casey went to Borely and I remember them hanging out. :lol:
Wow that was forever ago.

Crispin is a social reject; quiet, observant. He really needs people to draw him out of his box.
He's looking for the right adventures although it'd take a lot of persuasion.
Kiera would be perfect to be friends with again. :)

Run into each other at the Cliffs or grounds?
Or =)) perhaps at the Borely once more?

Zazuka: Crispin isn't used to kindness. Three years of with his grandfather sucked the 'sunshine' from him.
He would be intrigued by Zazuka, probably not sure how to act around her at first. :lol:

Maybe he could be drawing at the Lakefront and she comes across him?

Thanks everybody! :hug:

Abbey: Awesome! Can't wait. :D
I offer up Hadan since they are somewhat close to the same age. (Turning 16 on Halloween)
She is rather quiet but can be friendly and helpful once someone gets through her protective shell. Though she is prone to hate Quidditch but for reasons she has yet to reveal to anyone.
Otherwise, all my other characters are too young for Crispin. =lol=
Kiera, here's the thread. :D

Hadan: Sweet. :rofl:
Slytherin table in great hall?
(or something cool. i'll post more tomorrow, fell asleep sitting up. :lawlz: )
Anywhere is fine with me.
(Sleep would be best for someone who falls asleep at the keyboard. :wink: )
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