Friends, enemies etc :)

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Rue Undersee

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Holly 9" Essence of Veela Hair
Ok, so Rue is a small part-goblin, she is very shy but kind when she makes a good friend. She would like some friends from Hogwarts that maybe she could write to, and some Beauxbatons friends/enemies for developing her. In the future she would like to be interested in a relationship, but not yet :D
Please post if you're interested!

Thanks :)
I have Hillary Crespo, a Hufflepuff first year, that she could write to. I actually planned to have her write to a friend and stuff. Hillary is extremely nice, loves animals, loves music, loves to write, but mostly music. What do you think?
Sophie could be a mentor for Rue if you like?
I have Olive, shes a firsty too. Also, would Rue like to send letters to Laura? Although it'd have to be a slow RP, I don't use Laura so much anymore. Shes Argentinian, and shes a twin.
Vanessa: That sounds really good, maybe you could start a topic and PM me? Thanks :D
Sophie: Not too sure what a mentor does :p
Amelia: Hmm.. Well, Rue will probably have Hilary as a friend, but thanks for the offer :)
I have Logan Blackwood. He is a first year ravenclaw. He is sweet kind and smart. He should get along with Rue. I could offer him as a friend as he already has a girlfriend.

Also i have a durmmy called Mark Stone. He could be a mentor as he is 15. He is a little, well a lot, depressed at the moment but no one really knows as he covers it up when he around people. He is also sweet and caring and would like to show the ropes to a younger person
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