Friends, enemies, and mayhaps even a boyfriend?

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Lola Mason

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Lignum Vitae Wand 16" Essence of Dragon's Whisker
Okay so I've been wanting to get Lola out of her box a little bit more. The current plot that I had going with someone else kinda came to a screeching halt so...yeah. So basically here's what I'm looking for. Lola is in desperate need of some friends (maybe even a best friend) that are preferably 3rd years and up and it doesn't really matter which house they are in as she's pretty easy to get along with. She's a bit shy, but with her cousins help Lola's finally coming out of her shell bit by bit. I'm supposing she probably needs at least one enemy (after all not everyone is going to like you) so whoever would be up for that just let me know. And last, but not least...poor girl needs a new crush and maybe even a potential boyfriend. Nothing serious for right now. So whoever is up for any of these roles just let me know. :D
We could try out an RP or two together to see how well they mesh together. Lola plays guitar and sings, but there are a very small amount of people who actually know that so maybe music would be something that she and Vanessa would have in common. Could you possibly start something? :D
Hey! :D
I'll offer Sam Prince up as a friend :D Sam is a little grumpy as of late (because he just split up with Toni and he's all hormonal and stuff :r ) but if you catch him at the right time, he's still a genuinely nice guy. He is super laid back but is always up for fun at the end of the day. Quidditch and music are his two main interests and something that he's always rearing to talk about. I'm looking for him to maybe make a close bond with someone outside of his usual group of friends? What do you think? :woot:

@Louise: I think that sounds like an awesome idea. Lola definitely needs I said she's shy, but she's trying her darndest to break out of her shell a bit. Oh, and when she first meets new people she tends to talk quite a bit, but once you get past her wordy sentences she's really not that bad. :D

@Vanessa: Awesome!! I'll get to posting as soon as I've had some sleep. :)
Okay that sounds super! :woot: Would you like do start up the RP or shall I do it? :D
Elvera Le Fey: fourth year claw. i think i am basically in the same box with her as you are. she has been at hogwarts four years but doesn't really have many friends or anything. so friends would be nice.
@Louise--If you could start one then that would be super :D

@Mia--Friends might could actually work for them...mayhaps they could even be roommates in the coming up year :D
I could offer up Ariah or even Alyssa as maybe friends for Lola. Neither of them are really that shy, fairly friendly, and currently have no issues with muggle-borns of anything. :r

Ohhh, okay Jessye! I might can start up something later this evening when I get home :D
Sure thing, here it is! ^_^
Pat and Lola could RP. They already kinda know each other and it'd be funny if they both thought that one was dating Ruki when neither were xD
That would be awsome. Having a fellow ravenclaw room mate would be fun
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