🌹 Rose Giving Friends All Around

Senna Overby

💫 unofficial quidditch club 💫
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Curly 14 Inch Sturdy Maple Wand with Fairy Wing Core
07/2045 (16)
Yellow rose for @June Davenport

Sen was glad she knew half of the people on her list, at least that would save her voice from being strained a little longer. Even if she continued to yell out the names of those she didn't know. "JUNE DAVENPORT! LOOKING FOR A JUNE!" She called out as she walked through the hallway, wondering how long it would take to find the girl.
June walked around the castle after studying in the library she wanted to have an walk. She watched some people having and some seemed to do deliver roses and some got them. June had gotten one already but expected more. And than suddenly she heard her name. And it wasn't like normal, it was shouting. She looked suprised, not that she hated people calling her name. But than noticed an older girl yelling her name. And June figured it must be for Valentine. Or the girl was just an big fan of her, or mad at her. '' June is here.'' She than said at an normal volume. '' Do you approach everyone like this? I'm sure you are quickly done than.'' June asked her curiously. But actually there was something judgemental in her, not that she let the girl knew.
Senna grinned when a younger girl spoke up after she had been calling out one of the names on her list, quickly making her way over. "June, hi!" She greeted excitedly, laughing at her question. "Nah, only the people on my list that I don't know. Luckily there were only two." Sen responded, picking out one of the two roses she had left and offering it to June. "This one should be for you."

June!! Let's hang out :) ~Airen
June watched the Gryffindor and she seemed to be all happy and all. June had thought about signing up, not that she liked the work of it but to meet people and let them meet her. But she figured it was not worth her time. She rather recieved roses. As the girl offered her the rose she was glad it was an yellow one. And took it and the note which was added to it. Quickly opened it and read it. She smirked noticed it was from Airen, the hufflepuff. Her fake kindness was working at least she could tell. '' Thank you uh? '' The blonde replied and gave an smile. '' What's your name?'' June would learn soon she figured and it was good to know.
Senna was glad to see June smirking at the note that came with her rose. At least that meant she had to like it, right? She was about to respond to her thanks when she asked for her name, a little surprised by it. "It's Senna." She smiled.
June than watched the girl and nodded as she said her name. Not that there was an bell that would ring, but she knew now.
'' Nice to meet you Senna.''
June said with her big smile. She was not impressed by older people, she seemed older but she was hanging out with older students so if people wanted to think of her as the cute first year it was what they could. It was perhaps even helpfull, since she was nothing but cute.

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