Friendly, Unfriendly

OOC First Name
Curly 13 Inch Rigid Cedar Wand with Doxy Wing Core
Ruben was the least Durmstrang person within the school, he had little interest in the teachings of it, or well, he just followed what most of his classmates were interested in. The young Durm boy had finished his work for the day and was making his way to the great hall for some lunch, he had his work under his arm, and was pretty excitedly making his way through the school. The morning lessons had passed well, and he'd even managed to get a question right in class, his professor's by in large just liked it when he was silent and didn't say anything at all, which wasn't something that he was very capable of doing. Ruben just like speaking, he liked being excited by things and asking question, it wasn't his fault that professors didn't like this about him, that was their issue and not his issue, the young Durmstang boy had few friends in this school but he didn't mind that in the slightest.

As Ruben rounded another corner he ended up flying right into someone, causing the books he had been carrying to spill with a loud crash to the floor around him and a pot of ink to smash on the ground, as well as himself. There was just a huge mess and Ruben was left staring up at the person as his hand sat in the growing pool of ink, and looking vaguely annoyed at the mess that had been caused by his running into the person, he stood up, ignoring the person and shook the ink from his hand wiping it on his durmstrang robes and then taking out his wand and pointing at the ink and with a small flourish of his wand and a mutter managed to fix up the little ink pot which he then picked up, "Can I borrow some ink off you," he turned to the person holding out the pot to them with a small shrug, thinking nothing abnormal about such a statement.
Sonya had recently switched schools. She had found Hogwarts boring, and it really was. The professor were such sticklers for the rules, and she couldn't believe that they were so interested in getting people in trouble for doing things that were perfectly justified. Besides this, though, they never showed any respect to anyone, except for themselves that is. She couldn't believe that they were so stupid there. She sighed to herself, and continued her walk around the corridors. She hoped that they all knew to keep to themselves, because she wasn't going to take any poop from anyone at this school.

Over the years, she had heard things about Durmstrang and she knew that this was the school that people went to in order to learn dark arts. Sonya knew that you couldn't believe everything that you heard, but there was things that you just couldn't help but believe. Out of nowhere, Sonya felt someone bump into her and she fell flat on her ass with the other person on the floor in front of her. As he stood up, a rage quelled up inside of her and she got back onto her feet, put her hand back, and punched him square in the jaw. "Watch where the **** you're going!" She said angrily.
Ruben was very surprised by the reaction of the girl in front of him, she didn't seem to listen to anything he had said, and instead of being nice or accepting his ramblings she punched him hard in the face. The boy was so startled he fell back and on to the ground again, hand covering his nose that was now bleeding freely, he tilted his head back slightly as he stared up at her, a questioning look on his face. He used the sleeve of his robes to help stop the blood as he got to his feet to stand up in front of her. The boy couldn't believe it, he'd been punched in the nose, and while this wasn't the first time it had happened it didn't make her any less surprised when it did, he just stared at her as he stood in front of her, "What was that for?" he asked in a whiny, slightly nasally tone given that he'd just been cracked in the nose.

The boy knew he had walked into the girl, and he hadn't exactly apologised but that didn't matter, he didn't think that made him deserve a punch in the nose, certainly not, the teen, "Is it cause I bumped into you?" he then asked, moving his sleeve away to see if the blood was still flowing which it definitely did appear to be, "Because that's hardly solely my fault, you probably weren't looking either," he told her matter of factly, ignoring that this might be the worst thing to say. He definitely thought that they were both at least a little in the wrong so he didn't deserve to get punched in the nose, "You didn't need to punch me, that just wasn't fair, and that puts you at more fault than me, I think you should apologise to me," he finished with a sure nod.
Sonya couldn't believe the poop that was flying from this kid's mouth. He seemed like he genuinely didn't feel like he deserved the punch that had flown his way. If he hadn't wanted to be hit then he should have been a lot more careful with how and where he was walking. Sonya wasn't the type of person who would go around and punch people randomly, she always made sure that there was some kind of reason for her to hit someone. Although she always seemed to get in trouble for it, all of the professors were so stupid and biased it blatantly disgusted her.

Sonya knew that she wasn't doing anything wrong, and she knew that if someone bumped into her or pissed her off then she should be allowed to hit them. She shrugged to herself, and looked the kid dead in the eye as he got up off the floor. "You want me to apologise? For what? You're the one who walked into me, if anything you should be apologising to me. You deserved it." She said with an annoyed look on her face. Next time watch where you're going or you'll get another one. She said, turning around and starting to walk away.
Ruben couldn't understand why this girl was just going at him, it didn't make sense in his head, since he hadn't done much more wrong and she had just as much walked into him, and he was the one on the floor, "But you walked into me!" the boy retorted with a slightly annoyed expression on his face which didn't do much to help the situation, since she was annoyed about it and he was the one with the bleeding nose, and he was the one who was having to deal with being bleeding. The durmstrang boy frowned at her, "Don't walk away," he then said walking behind her.

"I'm bleeding, you made me bleed," he told her with an annoyed expression, he wanted to reach out and grab her shoulder to make her stop working, "I mean, i'm literally bleeding, so it doesn't even matter who walked into who because you should apologise for making my nose bleed, and I think you should take me to the hospital so that it stops," The boy didn't know why she was walking away but he was intent on following her until she stopped or helped him, but then was sure that she wasn't going to help him, but with his head tilted backwards so help stem the blood flow he was tripping up over his own feet and following after this girl, "Come on, stop walking away from me and just help, i'll tell on you if you don't," he threatened lightly not really meaning it much at all.

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