Friend or something?

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Lawrence Andrew Cavell

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Mintzy ❤
Kingwood 15 1/2 with Essence of Thestral Tail Hair
Hey there,

Enzo is looking for a friends, one boy and one girl.

Friend Boy- a Dumstrang student would be awesome, I'm open for any ideas. I need a friend who will have a brotherly bond with Enzo, who loves to play around and a boy who wouldn't intrude with Enzo's flirting and the girls he's flirting with.

Friend Girl- must be a fourth year like him or older, and maybe a bit boyish. This person can also have a secret crush on him for year. I'm open for any ideas too, just tell me. And Enzo doesn't need a very girly girl type of friend okay? Thanks

For those who are interested just PM me or reply to my post. Hope to RP with you soon! ;)
This is Trinity, now I know she's only a third year but she is a dinger and so not a girly girl at all. She's a tom boy out and out, though she does look like an angel. Very deceptive ;)
She never really took to the whole magic thing though she was born into it - her CD explains ;)
she's a whizz with a catapult and at climbing trees.

they could meet up perhaps on the next Brightstone weekend which would give us enough plottage time :)
and because he's a bit older than her, there would defo be scope for hero worship/ crush fatality :wub:
Trinity- Hmm a third year I see, How old are you by the way? I do like your character. Seems to be interesting, Can you answer these three questions for me please?

1.) Are somehow mischievous or like playing pranks?
2.) If we became friends, do you have secret crush on Enzo?
3.) Is it okay for you to have a friend who loves to flirt all day?

Just want to know ;)
Tis only me again sorry was posting as one of my other charries ;)

my age personally? 26yrs :doh:

1. Trinity is definitely mischievous and she would seriously be up to playing pranks providing no-one got seriously hurt ;)
2. She would definitely end up with a crush on him.
3. And in the beginning it wouldn't bother her at all, they are after all just friends but when she begins to develop her own crush on him; his constant flirting will begin to bother her - though she'll never say so :r
her heart will break in silence :cry:
I have Lana Hayden for a friend. She goes to Hogwarts Scotland and is bloody related to Sasha Hayden. She may seem girly at times but she likes to do stuff like jumping on a trampoline, dancing in public with someone else pj on, trying to hack up the biggest snot willy (gross) lol I'm up for friends maybe the crush.
Lana Hayden said:
I have Lana Hayden for a friend. She goes to Hogwarts Scotland and is bloody related to Sasha Hayden. She may seem girly at times but she likes to do stuff like jumping on a trampoline, dancing in public with someone else pj on, trying to hack up the biggest snot willy (gross) lol I'm up for friends maybe the crush.
Thanks for replying Lana, still i'm finding some future other friends to post here. So could you wait for my answer? :wub:

I need some more options, a a guy friend to? :r
that's okay it tends to go on for a few weeks any how
we'll get through it somehow xD

They could meet up maybe in the joke shop - I think there's still one in Brightstone xD
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