Friday night it's time to party.

Sanja Petrovic

Well-Known Member
Sanja turned around as she crossed the busy intersection. Tonight was a crazy night, and it wasn't the night to get killed by a car. The brunette was taking a nice walk downtown, but it was a bit cold. There was still mounds of snow on the ground, which made it prettier than just a normal boring cobblestone. Sanja had just come from a house party which her friend had held, and it was a bit rowdy. If there was going to be trouble, Sanja didn't want to be the one that got blamed.

Turning the corner, the blonde was somewhat all alone. She could hear her heels in the background, but she could also feel a presence. She turned her head from side to side, not seeing anyone at all. She shook her head for re assurance as she walked down the empty lane.
Altiyan had been spending some time in Europe visiting some old friends from school ho had gone there. One of the best things he loved where the people, more spacificaly the woman, they were defiantly good looking in Europe. Finding his way through downtown he soon got lost and with no one arround he had no idea where to look. Finding the only person arround he bagan following them to catch up to them. When he finaly did he noticed how she kept looking arround, touching her shoulder to get her attention Altiyan told her, "Hey, Im sorry I am a bit lost. Could you help me out" Giving her a charming, dazzling smile.
The brunette was looking back and forth, making sure that no one was there. Being in a nix city in the dark, plus alone was a big issue. Sanja nearly screamed when a guy put his arm on her shoulder. " Oh yeah, sure." She smiled, catching her breath. " You look familiar." The blue eyed girl looked up at him.
Altiyan caught the look on the woman's face "Oh, I'm so sorry. I did not mean to scare you" He told her apoligeticly keeping his hand on her shoulder to show that he ment her no harm. He listened to her as she told him that he looked familiar "Is that so." Altiyan removed his hand from her shoulder and looked at her, taking in her face to try and remember her, but sadly he could not. "My names Altiyan Lee, Does that ring any bells?" He introduced himself so that maybe his unique name would jog her memory.
Sanja nodded, she was sure that she knew this guy from somewhere. " My names Sanja Petrovic." She smiled up at him. " I think that we went to school together, if I'm not mistaking." Sanja was now sure of it.
Altiyan though about the name for a moment. He remembered it almost instantly, unique names are always the easiest to remember, "Yeah, We did, you went to Hogwarts too, am I right?" He asked knowing that he was right. Altiyan had met Sanja back at school and many times afterwards. "Wow, It's been a while" He could not help but point out the obvious.
Sanja nodded, " Yeah I did. Now I remember you." The brunette smiled up at Altiyan. " Wow, your right.. It's been a while." The brunette gave a little laugh. " So what are you doing here?" She asked, not being rude, just out of simple curiosity. Even though Sanja and Altiyan were in different houses at Hogwarts, they still hung out.
"This is not really the greatest place for a chat, Let me buy you a coffie so we can talk properly" Altiyan asked politly with a handsom smile. One of the only places he knew arround here was a small open 24 hour coffie shop a few blocks from where he was. "If you dont have other arrangements already that is." Altiyan asked, looking at what she was wearing it looked like she was going to a party or comming back from one.
Sanja looked around the empty street, agreeing that it wasn't the place to talk. The brunette nodded, " I agree, let's go there then." She smiled. " No, I just came back from a party, not going anywhere else." She shook her head as she walked alongside Altiyan.
"So, to answer your previous question" Altiyan said, as he and Sanja began walking towards the cafe` "I am here visiting some other friends who moved here a while ago. What about you?". He asked curiously looking at Sanja.
Sanja put her hands in her pockets. " I just came here from a late Christmas party from one of my friends houses." The brunette said, walking alongside Altiyan.
"Sounds like fun" Altiyan ageed as he walked beside Sanja. "Here we are" Altiyan said as he opened the door for Sanja indicating for her to walk in. The cafe` was small and well lit. Walking towards the counter he looked at Sanja and asked what she wanted.
"Oh thank you." She said as she walked into the cafe. Sanja did remember Altiyan, but not how good looking he was. " I'll just have a latee if you don't mind." The brunette smiled at him.
Brock sat down on one of the stools at the small cafe. It was pretty he must admit but wasen't

his cup of tea . He looked to the newly arrived couple. Wonder what their story is?

sipping on his cup of who knows what.

Sigh, today had been a hard day.
Altiyan smiled and nodded towards Sanja before ordering their drinks, "Two latte's please" He asked the person behind the counter, when they left to make the drinks Altiyan turned back to Sanja, "So what have you been doing since school?" He asked curiously using this left hand to push his hair back.
Sanja turned her head to see another person in the cafe staring at them. Quite interesting. " Well now I just work for my dad's company as a lawyer." The brunette nodded. " How about you? Anything interesting with you?" The brunette turned her head again to look at the man, why was he just staring at the both of them?
Altiyan could not help but follow the eyes of Sanja. She was looking at someone who seemed to be watching them. For some unknown reason they seemed slightly familiar but Altiyan was completly sure they had never met. Waving a hand to catch there attenting he answered Sanja's question, "Nothing really exciting" Altiyan told her because it was the truth. Altiyan watched the other person for a few heartbeats untill he was interuted by the person behing the counter saying their coffee was ready. Altiyan handed Sanja her latte and payed for them.
Sanja turned her head slighty, just to get the view of the man from the corner of her eye. " Do you know him, I sure don't." Sanja nearly whispered. " Thank you." She smiled as she took her latee. " I could swear that I saw him walking behind me when before I ran into you." Sanja said softly.
Grinning Brock looked back at his cup of whatever.least I stirred them up. And let me


their friends from a while ago that have just met again and are slightly fueling a old

burrowied relationship that wasen't properly surfaced? Yes, that fit them perfectly.

The guy seemed awfully familar though, surely he knew my name atleast. Brock was terrible

with names.
Altiyan turned back to Sanja completly ignoring the other person. "Your welcome" He nodded and lead Sanja to a table away from the other person, but the coffee shop was small so they were still pretty close to him. "Lucky I found you when I did" Altiyan smiled when Sanja thought she had seen him before. It was almost annoying that he could not remember who it was. Maybe he did not actually know him. It was most obvious that this guy across the room was trying to read them.
Sanja followed Altiyan across the room with her cup in her hands. The brunette flipped back her hair to give an excuse to look at the man behind them, even though they had moved the man was still in sight. " He's creeping me put a bit." She gave a little smile. " But one things for sure and that is that he's trying to get to know us." If he knew what she meant.
"Shall we go over?" Altiyan asked rasing an eyebrow, Taking another, less subtle look over "See what's going on?" Curiousity got the better of him and going over seemed like a good idea. What could really happen?. Altiyan still was not sure if he knew who it was and going over to talk would be a way to find out without creepy glances across the room like they were stalking each other.
Sanja looked over at the man across the room, " Good idea, I guess he wants to know us." She shrugged her shoulders. " Yeah," She said with one more glance over. " Let's go see who it is and what he wants from us." The brown haired girl said nodding at Altiyan.
Brock looked across the room at the couple through the reflection on the cup.

Won't be long, just try to remeber who he is, I know him, I know it

He took one sip of his drink and flicked over the daily prophet.

Who the heck are they?

- Brock - :hug:
He ripped a page out of the daily prophet and looked for a pen.

If a muggle finds any piece of this paper they would go skitzo...

He took a pen from a walkers by pocket and started to write on the piece of torn newspaper. He folded it neatly

and stepped up. Walking past them and slipping the piece of paper with his phone number into the lady's handbag.

That should fix it up he thought before leaving the cafe and apprating away from the area out the back.
Just as Altiyan was about to get up, he did the same thing. He walked right past them, almost a little to close to the two of them. A small slip of the hand on the strangers part wold have gone unnoticed by many people, except Altiyan caught it. He was not sure if it had actually seen it, but it looked a bit odd. Durring his time Altiyan had slipped his number to woman beofore and it looked like the stranger was doing something similar with some paper. As the door shut behind the stranger Altiyan turned back to Sanja, "Weird" He said simply with a curious look, "This may sound crazy, but I think you might want to cheek your bag..." Altiyan hoped it was not anything bad, maybe just his name or something as harmless.

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