Fresh Start

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Luciano Lurken

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Bloodwood Wand 15 1/4" Essence of Phoenix Ash
Well, I posted here for friends/foes/ relationships a while ago, but have since decided to 'restart' my character.

Luciano is still from Britian, but his circumstances for transferring to Hogwarts have changed. Now, it is because he was expelled from Hogwarts Scotland, after he rebelled against his father. He has been sent to live in New Zealand with his uncle.
His personality is now dark, guarded, and quiet, with the potiential to become pschopathic after Hogwarts.

So for him, I'm looking for any people, prefferably fourth year, but I'm not too fussy to be a friend, enemy or potiential relationship. Luciano doesn't make friends too easily, but one he does, is very loyal to them. I'm not looking for too much on the relationship side, just maybe one small something :)

Angus could be your friend? He, too, is a fourth year Slytherin although I rarely seem to RP with him. He's fairly friendly, but only if he thinks you are deserving of such treatment. And like Luciano, he is extremely loyal to those he deems worthy. He doesn't really have the potential to become a psychopath, he's just sly and can be quite selfish at times. But apart from that, he's a pretty cool guy.
I have Abbey Lurken who is a Slytherin fourth year and HS Transfer.
Perhaps they could have known each other in their first year (Abbey transferred when HS was shut down in their second year).

She could be a love interest if you want.

Right now she is going through a dark-ish phase, which was how she acted back at HS so if he knew her then it wouldn't change anything :p She has a Gryffindor friend she is extremely loyal to and tells everything to but now will be guarded from most people, males more than anything but if you're willing to give it a go I so don't mind getting them together :D
Could you start? And yeah the school sounds great ^_^
Great I've replied :D
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